Title: CS 110
1CS 110
- Introduction to Computer Programming
2CS 110 Instructor
Name Dr. Jack Tumblin Office Computer Science
Dept., 1890 Maple Ave. Rm. 350 E-mail
j-tumblin_at_cs.northwestern.edu Office Hours Mon,
Fri 100-300pm, or by appt. Phone
(847)-467-2129 (use sparingly)
3Class Meeting Places
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 1000AM Tech,
MG-28 (this room) Tuesday at 1000AM Tech
MG-51 (the computer classroom) for hand-on
programming practice help
- class newsgroup cs.a10 GONE!!! ?Use Course
Management System - Use to
- discuss class material,
- ask questions on the material or the assignments
(but NEVER post solutions) - share solutions to posted practice problems
- class webpage http//www.cs.northwestern.edu/aca
demics/courses/a10 - ?CHANGING to Course Management System
- Use to
- download class notes and assignments
- access helpful tutorials
- look up information about the class (e.g.
policies) - look up your grades
- Teaching Assistants
- Drop-by Lab Hours 4 TAs x 3 Hours/week ?
Plenty of help! - Newsgroup Questions Answers
- Weekly In-Class Lab
- Hands-on help
- Practice problems and exercises
- See good problem-solving as it happens
7What is a Calculator?
- What is a Computer?
- Whats the difference?
- A vague notion in our textbook
- history makes it plain and clear
8What is a Calculator?
- Before 1940s Manhattan Project A meticulous
person employed to make large series of numerical
calculations. for fluid flow, ballistics, trig.
tables, bombs, etc - Sometimes helped by usingmechanical
calculating machines - Seehttp//www.lanl.gov/worldview/welcome/history
9What does a Calculator do?
- Before 1940s Manhattan Project (Women were
consistently the best calculators by far) - Teams of calculators would
- Read card(s) with list(s) of numbers
- Follow step-by-step instructions to compute new
numbers - Write new numbers, arrange new cards
- Tabulate, print, graph, or results.
10What is a Calculator?
- Before 1940s Manhattan Project (Women were
consistently the best calculators by far) - Teams of calculators would
- Read card(s) with list(s) of numbers
- Follow step-by-step instructions to compute new
numbers - Write new numbers, arrange new cards
- Tabulate, print, graph, or results.
Input Data
Process Data
Output Data
11What is a Calculator?
- Answer a reliable follower of fixed rules
for modifying numbers (data). - Read Write
- Numbers Numbers
Process Data
Input Data
Output Data
Follow Instructions to make new numbers
12What is Data?
- Data numbers with assigned meanings
- Numbers can mean anything!
- Alphabet letters 41A, 42B, 43C,
- Colors 0Black, 128Gray, 255White
- Decisions 0No, 10Maybe, 20Yes,Data can
follow ANY rules you define!
Process Data
Input Data
Output Data
13What is a Computer?
- Now suppose that we have a calculator, PLUS
- A vast, huge list of numbers we can change
- Calculator instructions to read and write numbers
at any desired place on the list - An ID for every calculator instruction 00
add, 01 subtract, 02 is less than, 03read - A way to run the calculator from IDs read from
the list - THEN the rule-follower can change its own
rules! - THIS is a computer! a unified, stored program,
stored data device...
14What is a Computer ?
- Read Write
- Numbers Numbers
Process Data
Input Data
Output Data
Instruction Follower
Instructions(numbers) ------------------- Data
15Now what is a Computer?
- A rule-following engine that
- Converts input data
- to output data
- by following instructions that it can
change, just like data! - A calculator that pushes its own buttons
- Storage for lists of numbers (memory).
- numbered instructions (press 2 for add)
- ability to follow instructions stored as numbers
16Why Bother with Computers?
- A computer is
- A fast, tireless, rule-following machine
- An engine to mimic ANY rule-based system
- You write the rules the computer solves the
problem - Abstractions exist for almost ANY
problem(including how can I write a good
17What You Will Learn
- How to solve any finite, defined problem by
- writing orderly sets of rules (functions) that
are - applied to orderly sets of data (structures), and
- Re-using earlier solutions (libraries)much less
tedium. - Core ideas found in ALL programming languages
- The Visual Studio programming environmentone
good tool among the many available.
18What is Programming?
- Program A sequence of human-readable
instructions telling a computer how to do a
particular task or solve a given problem. - Programming Designing, writing, and testing a
computer program that works.
19Programming Artful Common Sense
- 1) Analyze Find the Core Problem
- (not how to solve it).
- Decide the specific inputs and outputs, and
- Define how to make outputs from inputs
- Break it down into sub-problems,
- 2) Implement Write a rule set (a function) for
each, - 3) Debug Bottom up Test each function
separately then link them together, test, until
it all works.
201. Analyze Find the Core Problem
- House Example
- Write a program that computes the square footage
of a house, given the dimensions of each room. - Input
- The number of rooms (an integer)
- The dimensions of each room (real numbers)
- Output
- The square footage of the house (real numbers)
211. Analyze Find the Core Problem
- Be sure you really understand problem!
- Refine, simplify, clarify, think. Repeat.
- Decompose it into sub-problems
- First ideas are NEVER the best ones.
- House Example
- subproblem 1 compute the area of a room
- subproblem 2 add up area of all rooms
222. Implement
- Translate your sets of rules into C language
syntax (try not to garble it too much). - We will learn how by exploring
- Variables, Types, Statements, Expressions,
Assignments, Conditionals and control flow
constructs, functions, and more.
232. ImplementCompiler Linker
- C is a compiled language it is meant to be
human-readable. - Compiler a converter program
- human-readable ? machine-executable
- Compile C text file(s) ? object file(s)
- Linking object file(s) ? .executable file
243. Debug
- Two Kinds of Programming Mistakes
- Syntax Misteaks (easy to fix compiler helps)
- Design Mistakes (harder you must THINK)
- Computer Jargon
- bugmistake
- To debug to find and fix your mistakes
253.Debug Find Fix Mistakes
- Write C ? Compile ? Run, repeat
- Does it compile?
- NO? compiler says why. Modify C, try again
- YES. Does it work right?
- NO? analyze, modify, try again.
- YES. But does it ALWAYS work right?
- (can you prove your analysis is robust?)
- Lets Get Started! As soon as you can,
- Read Chapter 1 of textbook
- Find computer labs, log in, and
- Visit website, look around
- Visit newsgroup try test message
- Start Up Visual C, read welcome info
- Try Assignment 0 (on website)
- Come to Lab Session on Friday in MG51
28What is input and output?
- Input/Output conversions between numbers
??meaningful things - Arm finger moves (mouse, joystick, keyboard)
- Text, spelling, grammar, analogy, reasoning
- Molecules, synapses, neural signalling, brains
- Music, speech, noise, vibration, resonance
- Image, picture, vision, sketch, light, shadow
- Robotics, actuator movement, collision, routes
- Fluid flow, compression, shock waves,
- Computer programming ideas??instructions
29Dont PanicC Programming 8 Key Ideas
- All brilliant ideas are simple FmA, be nice to
people,etc. - Computer Science is new few great ideas (yet)
- Example Programming 3 kinds of instructions
- Do this list of steps
- If (A is true) , do that list of steps
- Do this list of steps again.
- All the rest (entire book contents) are minor
details, elaborations, and shortcuts to make
things easier!