Title: Evolution of Quasar Population 0 z 6.3
1Evolution of Quasar Population0 lt z lt 6.3
- Xiaohui Fan
- Institute For Advanced Study
- Evolution of quasars provides
- Constraints on quasar model
- Information on large scale structure
- Picture of UV ionizing background
- Difficulty in studying quasar evolution
- Lack of large, uniform sample
- Complicated selection effect
- Interpreting the data whats the relation
between quasar and galaxy evolution
3New Era in Quasar Astronomy
- New observations
- Emergence of large, uniform quasar surveys
including tens of thousands of quasars - First detection of quasars and galaxies at zgt5
explosion in the number of quasars at zgt4
4New Era in Quasar Astronomy
- New Observations
- Study of galaxy evolution at zgt2 enables the
comparison of high-z populations - Discovery of supermassive BHs in normal galaxies
relation between galaxy and BH properties - New Models
- Semi-analytic models that include BH and AGN
activity in galaxy evolution picture, and the
realization of the connection between BH activity
and merger - New Question
- Characterize quasar evolution with new samples
- Relation between Quasar and Galaxy Evolution
- SDSS Quasar Survey
- Evolution of Quasar Luminosity Function
- Comparing to galaxy evolution
- Large Scale Distribution of Quasars
- Clustering and bias of quasars
- Search for the First Quasars
- What do z6 quasars tell us about cosmology
- Multiwavelength Observation of High-z Quasars
- Summary
- Collaboration Anderson, Richards, Schneider,
Strauss, Vanden Berk All SDSS collaborators
6SDSS Overview
- Primary Telescope 2.5m wide-field (2.5 deg)
- Imaging Survey (wide-field 54 CCD imager)
- Main Survey 10000 deg2
- Five bands, 3000-10000A
- r_lim 23, z_lim 21
- Deep Survey 300 deg2, r_lim 25
- Spectroscopic Survey
- 106 galaxies (rlt17.8)
- 105 quasars ( 0 lt z lt 6)
- Interesting stars, radio/x-ray sources etc.
7Survey Status
- Survey Started Apr 2000
- Currently
- 2000 deg2 imaging
- More than 150,000 spectra
- Early Data Release
- June 2001
- 560 deg2 of imaging and spectroscopy
- Final Data Release 2005 - 2006
8SDSS Filter System
- Five filters cover entire optical wavelength
- u (3560), g(4680), r(6180), i(7490), z(8870)
- u under Balmer jump ? separating quasars and hot
stars - z extends beyond 1 micron ? red sources,
quasars, BDS - z2.8 quasars and A/F stars have similar color
in all bands
9SDSS Quasar Selection Pipeline
10SDSS Quasar Survey
- Color Selection of Quasars
- Candidates defined as outliers in SDSS color
space - Not strongly biased against red quasars
- Morphological Cut
- Includes extended sources at low-z
- Not biased against AGNs
- Automatic Targeting Optical Counterparts of radio
(FIRST) and X-ray (RASS) sources
11SDSS Quasar Survey
- Low-z quasars (zlt3)
- i_lim lt 19.1 ?100,000 quasars
- Efficiency 65 completeness 90
- High-z quasars (zgt3)
- i_lim lt 20.5
- 10000 quasars at z gt 3 500 1000 at z gt 4
- z band allows detection of quasars up to z6.5
- Progress gt 10,000 quasars discovered from early
SDSS data at 0 lt z lt 6.3
12(No Transcript)
13Evolution of Quasar LF
- Sample
- 4000 quasars from SDSS main sample covering 300
deg2 - 110 quasars at zgt3.6 covering 500 deg2
(follow-up spectroscopy done separately) - 25 quasars at z gt 4.5 covering 1000 deg2
- Correction of Selection Effect
- Selection probability calculated from simulation
of quasar colors, as function of z, M and SED
shape - Sample biased against red quasars (alpha gt 2.5)
- Sample slightly biased against weak EM lines
14Evolution of Quasar LF
- Color Selection Insensitive to certain redshift
range - z0.7
- z2.8 stellar locus crosses quasar locus
- z3.5
- z4.6
15Evolution of Quasar LF from SDSS Sample
16Evolution of Quasar LF from SDSS Sample
17Evolution of Quasar Luminosity Density (Madau
Plot for Quasars)
18Evolution of Quasar Luminosity Density as a
Function of Cosmic Age
19Quasar Evolution at High-z
20Shape of Quasar LF at High-z
- LF fit by a single power law in luminosity range
probed - At z4 quasar luminosity function much FLATTER
than LF at z2 - Shape of quasar LF evolves with redshift as well
- Even less UV ionizing photon at high-z from
quasar than previously calculated?
21Evolution of Quasar LF
- Quasar density peaks at z 2 3 and declines by
a factor of 20 from 3 to 5.5 - The exponentially decline (10-0.5z) continues
to zgt5 - Luminous high-z quasar evolves faster than normal
galaxy population - Current surveys do not probe the faint end of LF
at high-z majority of high-z quasars have not
been observed! - Little constraint on faint end LF evolution
- Total amount of UV ionization still uncertain
22Clustering of Quasars
- What does quasar clustering tell us?
- Bias factor of quasars ? average DM halo mass
- Combining with quasar density ? quasar lifetime
- Density of quasar (obs) / density of halo
(inferred from halo mass) ? fraction of quasar
being active - Difficulty
- Observation quasars are rare ? very
sparse-sampled - Theory L(quasar) is a function of mass,
accretion rate, radiative efficiency, dust. ?
difficult to compare with models
23Quasar Two-point Correlation Function at zlt2.5
24Quasar Two-point Correlation Function at zlt2.5
25 FunctionQuasars vs. Galaxies
26Distribution of z4 Quasars in 500 deg2
27Preliminary Results at High-z
28Evolution of Quasar Clustering
29Evolution of Quasar Clustering
- At zlt2 r_0 7 Mpc/h
- Slow evolution with redshift
- Might be function of luminosity
- At z4
- Quasars strongly clustered (r_0 20 Mpc/h)
- Stronger than the clustering of low-z quasars or
high-z LBGs - Luminous high-z quasars are in massive system and
represent very rare peaks of the density field - Quasar correlation consistent with a quasar halo
mass of 1012 1013 M_solar, and short
life-time (107-108 years)
30Search for the First Quasars
- Color selection of i-drop out quasars
- SDSS z-filter sensitive to z6.5
- At zgt5.5, quasars have only i-z color
- Major contaminants are L and T type Brown Dwarfs
31Search for the First Quasars
- Separating z6 quasars and BDs
- Using IR photometry
- For quasar z-J 1
- For late-L to T z-J gt 2.5
- SDSS sensitive to z6.5
32SDSS Red Object Survey
- Search for i-drop objects
- ( i-z gt 2)
- Follow-up J and z band photometry
- Eliminate spurious detection
- Separate BD and high-z quasar
- gt 1000 sq. deg surveyed ( z lt 20)
- Four luminous quasars 5.8 lt z lt 6.3
- A dozen T dwarf and large number of L dwarf
- Establishing T dwarf spectral sequence
- Complete sample of BDs ? LF and MF
33Discovery of Two z5.8 Quasars
- Very Luminous (M_B -27.5 -28)
- J0836 radio loud (20cm 1mJy)
- Strong metal lines early metal production
34Limit on Re-ionization Redshift
- Lyman decrement 90
- No Gunn-Peterson Trough Universe highly ionized
at z6 - Upper limit on Gunn-Peterson optical depth lt 0.4
35Discovery of Quasars at zgt6
36Cosmological Implications?
- M_BH 5 x 109 M_solar
- Assuming Eddington and no lensing
- Density of z5.8 quasars consistent with
extrapolation from zlt5 - These luminous quasars must be in very massive
halo and on the tail of mass func at high-z - Strong constraints on quasar and large scale
structure models - Next FIND THE FAINT ONES!
37X-ray Observation of SDSS1044
- An X-ray study of zgt4.8 SDSS quasars with Chandra
and XMM (P.I. N. Brandt) - First target SDSS1044 (z5.8)
- 40ks on XMM, 32 counts detected
38X-ray Observation of SDSS1044
- SDSS1044 is X-ray weak
- 10 times weaker than normal z4 quasars with
similar luminosity - Indication of heavy absorption in the immediate
environment - IR observation shows that it is a CIV BAL quasar
39Sub-mm and Radio Obs of High-z Quasars
- A 250 GHz and 1.4GHz survey of 41 quasars at
zgt3.6 (w/ Carilli, Rupen) - 16/41 detected in 250GHz (rest-frame sub-mm)
brighter than 1mJy - Combination of cm and submm ? submm radiation
from thermal dust with mass 108 M_solar - Dust heating can be from AGN or from starburst ?
star forming rate of 500 2000 M_solar/year - Future FIR-submm observations could reveal the
relation between quasar and starburst
40Color Space Outliers Others Than Normal Quasars
- Brown Dwarfs
- L dwarf (Teff 1400 2000K)
- T dwarf (Teff 800 1400 K), methane dominated
IR spectrum, smallest free-floating object - Compact Field EA and Emission Line Galaxy
- Weird BAL Quasars
- Cool White Dwarfs
- Subdwarfs
- Carbon Stars
- Mystery Objects New Class of Objects??
- SDSS quasar survey
- 100,000 quasars at 0 lt z lt 6.5 in five years
- Currently, 10, 000 quasars, including 200 at zgt4
- Quasar Density Evolution
- Strong redshift evolution, different from galaxy
- Exponential decline at zgt3, until at least z6
- Quasars are strongly clustered
- High-z quasars in massive halos and are short
lived - Observations of z6 quasars
- Early metal production
- IGM highly ionized at z6
42Whats Next?
- Evolution of faint quasars
- High-z shape of LF nature of ionizing
background - Low-z AGN/galaxy connection
- Evolution of different types of quasars radio,
X-ray, BAL, narrow-line etc. - Evolution of quasar clustering
- Clustering at different luminosity, subclass ?
relation to host galaxy mass - High-order statistics, power spectrum at high-z
from quasars - Complete sample at zgt6
- SED of high-z quasars role of dust and absorption