Title: Vascular Emergencies (Not including ruptured aneurysms)
1Vascular Emergencies(Not includingruptured
- Adrian P. Ireland BA(mod) MB MCh BAO FRCS(I)
RCSI final meds 12 Jan 2004
- What are the Vascular Emergencies?
- Review of the circulation
- Pathogenesis of blocked arteries
- Manifestations of blocked arteries
- Monitoring the circulation
- Occlusive peripheral vascular disease
- Acute and Chronic Ischemia
3Vascular Emergencies(not aneurysms)
- Arterial
- Acute ischaemia
- Bleeding due to trauma (incl. iatrogenic)
- Venous
- Deep Venous Thrombosis (Phlegmesia Caeurlia
Dolens) - Pulmonary Embolism
- Lymphatic
- Cellulititis
- Compartment Syndrome
4Occlusive Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Includes any disease affecting the peripheral
vascular system - Occlusive essentially blocked arteries
5Review Of Circulation
- Cells need supply of nutrients and removal of by
products - In a unicellular organism this may occur via the
cell membrane into say a pond or sea - Multicellular organisms need a circulatory system
6William Harvey (1578-1657) On the Motion of the
Heart and Blood in Animals (1628)
7Problem With Blocked Circulation
- Tissues lack adequate supply of nutrients
- Tissues suffer build of toxic by products
- May cause symptoms and signs particularly when
more blood flow is required - To muscles during exercise
- To tissues that are injured (more blood needed)
8Pathogenesis Of Blocked Arteries
- Atherosclerosis
- Genes, hyperlipidemias
- Lifestyle
- Smoking
- High fat diet
- Lack of exercise
- Co-morbidities
- Diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism,
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10Manifestations Of Blocked Arteries
- Depends on circulation affected
- Heart
- Stable angina, unstable angina, myocardial
infarction - Brain
- Transient ischemic attact, stroke
- Kidney
- Hypertension, renal failure
- Legs
- Claudication, rest pain, necrosis
11Principal causes of death in Ireland (males)
Report on Vital Statistics Central Statistics
Office Ireland, 1995
12Annual Deaths Due toCerebrovascular Disease
andIschemic Heart Disease
Report on Vital Statistics Central Statistics
Office Ireland, 1995
13Manifestations Of Blocked Arteries
- Depends on speed of development of blockage
- Slow blockage
- Permits development of collateral blood supply so
that occlusion may be asymptomatic - Rapid blockage
- No time for development of collaterals
- Symptoms/ signs depend on adequacy of preexisting
14Monitoring Circulation
- Mottling, colour, temperature, movements,
sensation - Palpable pulses, doppler signals
- Non invasive pressure studies (Doppler)
- Duplex imaging
- Angiography (IAA, DSA, MRA)
15Non Invasive Pressure Studies(NIPS)
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17Duplex of carotid stenosis
20Occlusive Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Classification based upon clinical presentation
- Acute ischemia
- Chronic ischemia
- Anatomic classifcation based upon site(s) of
21OPVD Anatomic Classification
- Aorto-iliac
- Le-Riche
- Femero-popliteal
- Tibio-peroneal
22Acute Ischemia
23Effects Of Acute Ischemia
- Reduced blood flow
- Pulseless, pallor, perishing cold
- Nerve ischemia
- Pain, paralysis, Paresthesia
- Muscle ischemia
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Compartment syndrome
- Ischemia reperfusion syndrome
24Compartment Syndrome
- Pathophysiology
- Diagnosis
- Management
25Compartment SyndromePathophysiology
- Strong fascia encases the limb to aid muscle
function and return of venous blood - Injury results in swelling
- Swelling raises pressure
- Pressure occludes lymphatic return, then venous
return, then arterial inflow - Result is dead or severly damaged tissues due to
pressure and ischemia
26Compartment Syndrome Diagnosis
- Strong index of suspicion
- Nature of injury and duration of ischemia
- Clinical manifestations
- Nerve and muscle dysfunction
- Decreased perfusion
- Tense compartment
- May measure compartment pressure as adjunct to
treatment gt 40 mm hg
27Compartment SyndromeManagement
28Acute Ischemia
- Causes
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
- The Ps
- Thrombosis or embolism?
- Clinical assessment of severity
- Clinical algorithm
29Causes of Acute Ischemia
- Trauma
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
- Small print
- Aneurysm
- Thrombophilia
- Paradoxial embolism
- Anatomic variation
- Csytic adventitial disease
- Occlusive atherosclerosis
- Aneurysm
- Malignancy
- Thrombophilia
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- Macro-embolism
- arterial side
- venous side (patent foramen ovale)
- Micro-embolism
- ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques
- aneurysm
33The P s
- No flow in artery
- Pallor
- Pulse absent
- Perishing cold
- Nerve becomes ischemic
- Pain
- Paresthesia / anesthesia
- Paralysis
34Thrombosis or Embolism?
35Clinical Assessment of Severity
- Viable no immediate threat
- Threatened
- Marginally ok if treated
promptly - Immediately ok if treated immediately
- Irreversible dead leg
36Irreversible Ischemia
- Sensory loss Profound, anaesthetic
- Muscle weakness Profound, paralysis
- Arterial doppler Inaudible
- Venous doppler Inaudible
37Viable no immediate threat
- Sensory loss None
- Muscle weakness None
- Arterial doppler Audible
- Venous doppler Audible
Restore perfusion
38Clinical Assessment of Severity
- Viable No immediate threat
- Threatened
- marginally Ok if treated promptly
- immediately Ok if treated immediately
- Irreversible Dead leg
39Threatened Marginally
- Sensory loss Minimal (toes) to none
- Muscle weakness None
- Arterial doppler Inaudible
- Venous doppler Audible
Restore perfusion
40Threatened Immediately
- Sensory loss More than toes, Pain
- Muscle weakness Mild to moderate
- Arterial doppler Inaudible
- Venous doppler Audible
Restore perfusion
41Practical Questions
- Is this ischemia? (DDx stroke, TIA, cord)
- Is the limb viable, threatened or lost?
- If threatened how long can reperfusion be
delayed? - Is there a need for duplex or angiography?
- Should the patient be immediately heparinised?
42acute non traumatic ischemia
Clear embolus
Thrombolyse /- PTA
- Embolism
- Overall 60 dead within three years
- One episode 15-20 mortality (in hospital)
- Two episodes 40 mortality (in hospital)
- Thrombosis
- Overall 40 dead within three years
44Chronic Ischemia
45LaFontaine Classification
- Stage 1 claudication
- Stage 2 rest pain
- Stage 3 necrosis/ulceration
46Definition Of Critical Ischemia
- Presence of tissue loss
- OR
- Rest pain with ankle pressure less than 50 mm Hg
- More than 2 weeks
47Acute on Chronic
48J.C. 68 year old male
- Emergency admission 24.3.2000 to vascular service
SVUH, via A/E - Ischemic right foot
49History of Presenting Complaint
- Awoke with coldness and numbness in the right
foot 2 hours ago - Gradually sensation returned and foot became warm
again - Worsening claudication for two years, 100 metres
50Past History
- 1996 angina, failed angioplasty (aspirin)
- 1996 hypertension (atenalol)
- 1996 Hypercholesterolemia (diet)
- June 1999 dizzyness ? cause
- Carotid duplex showed non critical stenosis
51Social History
- Retired
- Lives with wife
- Ex smoker 20 cigarettes per day for 20 years
(gave up 20 years ago)
52Clinical Examination
- No distress, vitals normal
- Regular pulse
- Left carotid bruit
- Normal examination of chest
- Normal examination of abdomen
53Examination - Right foot
- Absent pulses below femoral
- Pallor at 30 degrees
- Movements and sensation intact
- Hand held doppler reveals arterial signals over
dorsalis pedis and peroneal, posterior tibial
signal absent
- CXR - normal
- ECG BSR, Left axis deviation
- Old lateral MI
- UE - U 7.7, Creatinine 118
- FBC - Normal
- COAG - Normal
55Non Invasive Pressure Studies
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57Digital Subtraction Angiogram
- 68 year old male
- Acute on chronic ischemia right foot
- Previous, MI, OCD (dizzy turn)
- Critical ischemia
- Probable poor run off on angiogram
59Pre operative course
- Elected initial conservative management
- Anticoagulation with Heparin
- 28.3.2000 decision to proceed to elective surgery
(next list 6.4.2000) - 29.3.2000 further episodes of numbness, twice,
and pallor on the flat - proceed to urgent vascular reconstruction
60Vascular Reconstruction
- Right fem pop below knee bypass
- General anaesthesia
- Commenced 1605 finished 1910
- No transfusion
61Vascular Reconstruction
- Conduit - thin wall 6mm PTFE
- Long saphenous vein thrombosed below knee
- Poor quality vein in groin
- Inflow - CFA s/e 5/0 prolene
- Outflow
- Miller cuff to BK pop 6/0 prolene
- e/s PTFE to cuff 6/0 prolene
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63Miller Cuff - technique
64Miller Cuff - technique
65Post Operative Course
- Day 14
- Palpable DP pulse in foot
- Wounds healing
- Discharge to Convalescence
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- In situ distal bypass
- Fem to distal 1/3 posterior tibial with insitu
long saphenous vein
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78Critical Limb Ischemia - Sweedish Data
- 30 d mortality 5.3
- 1 year mortality 22.9
- For those aged gt 75
- 30 d mortality 6.4
- 1 year mortality 26.4
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 16137-141, 1998
79Critical Limb Ischemia - Finnish Data
Ann Chir Gyn 86213, 1997
80Effect of Vein Cuff on patency of PTFE fempop
n 261 Randomised, BK 8462 2 y salvage
Stonebridge, Prescott and Ruckley. J Vasc Surg
26(4)543-50, Oct 1997