Other Accelerator Applications

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Other Accelerator Applications


Fundamental Accelerator Theory, Simulations and Measurement Lab Michigan State ... is the name of a procedure that uses X-Rays to produce a picture (the 'angiogram' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Other Accelerator Applications

Other Accelerator Applications
Fernando Sannibale
  • Pulsed Neutron Sources
  • Medical Accelerators
  • Other Applications

  • Neutron cross sections for interaction with
    materials are small. Therefore, neutrons are
    highly penetrating, nondestructive probes.
    Neutron interactions are known with great
    accuracy. Therefore, neutron scattering data are
    more easily interpreted than comparable photon or
    electron scattering data.
  • Neutrons "see" both light and heavy atoms and can
    distinguish neighboring atoms in the periodic
  • Neutrons can distinguish isotopes of the same
    element, enabling isotopic substitution and
    contrast variation.
  • The large difference in neutron scattering cross
    sections for H and D facilitates studies of
    biological samples.
  • Spin polarized beams can be produced.
  • The neutrons magnetic moment can probe
    microscopic magnetic structure and magnetic
  • Neutrons provide structural information over nine
    orders of magnitude (10-5 to 104 Ã…), making them
    useful probes for distance scales ranging from
    the wavefunction of atomic hydrogen to those of
  • Neutrons provide energetic information on
    materials for transitions from the nanoelectron
    volt to electron volts.

  • Evolution of the performance of reactors and
    pulsed spallation sources. In recent years,
    dramatic improvements in accelerator technology
    have made it possible to design and construct a
    source to produce very intense neutron pulses
    (updated from Neutron Scattering, K. Skold and D.
    L. Price, eds., Academic Press, 1986).

Pulsed neutron sources are mainly based on the
spallation process
High energy protons collide in a target with high
Z nuclei and generate a number of secondary
particles (including neutrons) that interact with
other nuclei triggering a chain generation that
amplifies the number of neutrons
A spallation source is an inherently safe way to
produce neutrons because the neutron production
stops when the proton beam is turned off. It also
produces fewer hazardous materials with respect
to a nuclear reactor.
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The backbone of the facility is the proton
accelerator complex
Proton Beam Parameters P beam on target
1.44MW I beam aver. 1.44mA Beam
energy 1 GeV Pulse length on target
700 ns Proton on target 1.5
1014 Linac duty factor 6 Rep.
rate 60Hz Linac macropulse length
  • Negatively charged hydrogen ions (H- ) are
    produced by an ion source over 1 ms long pulses
    at 60 Hz rep. rate.
  • The ions are injected into a several stage
    linear accelerator, which accelerates them up to
    the (very high) energy of 1 GeV.
  • The H- are then injected into a ring and during
    the injection process they go through a foil,
    which strips off the electrons converting the
    ions into protons. The stripping process is not
    Hamiltonian (Liouville theorem does not apply)
    and allows for accumulation in the phase space.
    The 1 ms macropulse from the linac fills about
    1000 turns of the ring (T 1ms). A single
    bucket RF system (1MHz) maintains a bunch length
    of 700 ns. The bunch is then extracted in a
    single shot.
  • The extracted proton pulse strikes a 1 m3 liquid
    mercury target. The corresponding pulse of
    neutrons freed by the spallation process is then
    slowed down in a moderator and guided through
    beam lines to the experimental areas.
  • Once there, neutrons of different energies can
    be used in a wide variety of experiments. The
    whole cycle is repeated 60 times per second.

RFQ Radio Frequency Quadrupole (accelerates and
focuses simultaneously)
DTL Drift Tube Linac (Wideroe-Alvarez)
CCL Coupled Cell Linac (coupled pillbox-like
In the front end, the first part of the linac,
the ion source produces negative hydrogen (H- )
ions that are formed into a pulsed beam and
accelerated to an energy of 2.5 million electron
volts (MeV).
  • The SNS front end consists of
  • volume-production, cesium enhanced, RF-driven,
    H- ion source
  • an electrostatic low energy beam transferline
  • a 4-vane RFQ that accelerates the 65-keV beam
    from the ion source to 2.5 MeV
  • beam-chopping systems
  • and a beam-transport, rebunching, and matching
    section (MEBT)

Built by LBNL
  • Volume-production, cesium enhanced, RF heated
    (2 MHz), 28 mA peak, 1 ms, 60 Hz H- ion
  • LEBT electrostatic low energy beam line Final
    energy 65 kV.
  • The filter magnets remove electrons from the
    plasma that could ionize the H- that are mailnly
    created in the Cs collar.
  • The dumping magnets and electrode remove the
    electrons that are generated in the Cs collar
    region (100 times the number of H-).
  • The action of the dumping system deflects also
    the ions. The plasma chamber must be misaligned
    respect to the LEBT for compensating for this

The longitudinal component of the RF field
accelerates the ion beam while the transverse
part creates a quadrupole-like focusing geometry.
Output energy measured by Time Of Flight in MEBT
2.45MeV (the ions are not relativistic yet)
  • The linac accelerates the H- beam from 2.5 to
    1 GeV.
  • The linac is a superposition of normal conducting
    and superconducting radio-frequency cavities that
    accelerate the beam and a magnetic lattice that
    provides focusing and steering.
  • Three different types of accelerators are used.
    The first two, the drift-tube linac and the
    coupled-cavity linac are made of copper, operate
    at room temperature, and accelerate the beam to
    about 200 MeV. The remainder of the acceleration
    is accomplished by superconducting niobium
    cavities. These cavities are cooled with liquid
    helium to an operating temperature of 2 K. The
    superconducting accelerator allows to contain the
    AC power requirements to an acceptable level.
  • Diagnostic elements provide information about the
    beam current, shape, and timing, as well as other
    information necessary to ensure that the beam is
    suitable for injection into the accumulator ring
    and to allow the high-power beam to be controlled

  • The SNS accumulator ring converts the H- ions
    into protons, accumulate all the protons of the
    long linac pulse in a relatively short bunch and
    shoots it at the mercury target 60 times a second.
  • The intense H- beam from the linac must be
    shortened more than 1000 times to produce the
    700 ns short bunch of neutrons needed for optimal
    neutron-scattering research. To accomplish this
    goal, the H- pulse from the linac is wrapped into
    the ring through a stripper foil that strips the
    electrons from the negatively charged hydrogen
    ions to produce the protons that circulate in the
    ring. Approximately 1000 turns are accumulated,
    and then all these protons are kicked out at
    once, and delivered to the target.
  • The use of the "stripping" technique for the
    injection has a dual benefit
  • Being the stripping a non-Hamiltonian phenomenon
    Liouville theorem does not apply and accumulation
    in the phase space is allowed.
  • Such an injection scheme does not require pulsed

  • In order to efficiently dissipate the large
    amount of energy that the 1 GeV proton beam
    deposits in a shot in the spallation target, a
    liquid mercury target was used rather than a more
    "traditional" solid target such as tantalum or
  • SNS is the first scientific facility to use pure
    mercury as a target for a proton beam. The volume
    of the target is 1 m3 ( 18 tons).
  • Mercury was chosen for the target for several
  • (1) it is not damaged by radiation, as are
  • (2) it has a high atomic number, making it a
    source of numerous neutrons
  • (3), because it is liquid at room temperature, it
    is better able than a solid target to dissipate
    the large, rapid rise in temperature and
    withstand the shock effects arising from the
    rapid high-energy pulses.

The neutrons coming out of the target must be
turned into low-energy (thermal) neutrons
suitable for researchthat is, they must be
moderated to room temperature or colder. A
thermal neutron, for instance, with a temperature
of 300 K (corresponding to E 26 meV) travels
with a speed of 2200 m/s, and has a De Broglie
wavelength of ? 0.17 nm.
The neutrons emerging from the target are slowed
down by passing them through a moderator cells
filled with water (to produce room-temperature
neutrons) or through containers of liquid
hydrogen at a temperature of 20 K (to produce
cold neutrons). These moderators are located
above and below the target. Cold neutrons are
especially useful for research on polymers and
Each high-energy proton that hits a high Z target
nucleus generates between 20 and 30 neutrons by
Accelerators in medical science are used as a
  • Diagnostic tool. For instance
  • Radiology
  • Angiography
  • Therapeutic tool. For instance
  • Radiotherapy
  • Proton and ion therapy
  • Boron-Neutron capture therapy

Electrostatic electron accelerators (30 - 100
keV). Electrons are accelerated from a thermionic
cathode and hit a metallic anode generating
x-rays by brehmsstrahlung (mainly) and by core
electrons ionization and recombination.
1 x-ray production efficiency most of the
beam energy goes in heat (cooling is a
technological issue)
  • Angiography is the name of a procedure that uses
    X-Rays to produce a picture (the "angiogram"). 
  • This is an "invasive procedure, because it
    requires the injection into the patient of a
    substance that is radiopaque (absorbs X-Rays).
    This substance is commonly called a "Contrast
    Agent" or "Dye".
  • Usually a very tiny tube, that has a special
    shape, is used to place the contrast into a
    particular artery or vein. While the artery or
    vein contains this radiopaque material, it will
    block the X-Rays, and will cast a shadow of the
    injected vessels onto the X-Ray film or
  • This image will reveal the shape of the artery,
    and can help to diagnose an obstruction,
    blockage, or narrowing ("stenosis")

Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) is the
medical use of ionizing radiation (x-rays) as
part of cancer treatment to control malignant
cells. The energy released by the radiation
breaks the chemical bond in molecules (DNA)
killing the cell.
Much higher x-ray doses are required for cancer
therapy than for radiography. As a consequence
the sources go from x-ray tubes to linacs
When a fast charged particle moves through
matter, it ionizes particles and deposits energy
along its path. A peak occurs because the
interaction cross section increases as the
charged particle's energy decreases. The maximum
of this deposited energy (dose) is called the
Bragg Peak it occurs shortly before the particle
has lost all its energy and stops.
In 1946, while observing the Bragg peak
structure, Bob Wilson realized the potential of
using proton and ion beams in cancer therapy and
the major advantages respect to the existing
schemes using photons and electrons.
The first treatments with a proton beam were
performed in 1954 when John Lawrence, Ernest
Lawrence's brother, treated patients at
Berkeley's 184-inch synchrocyclotron.
  • The depth of the Bragg peak can be tuned by
    changing the energy of the proton beam
  • By focusing/collimating the proton beam
    transversely and controlling its energy it is
    possible to irradiate only the tumor minimizing
    the dose released on the healthy parts.

  • Gantries allows to irradiate tumor from all sides
    to further minimize damage to tissue surrounding

  • Systematic studies of the biological efficiency
    of all ions from protons to uranium in cancer
    therapy showed that the radiation damage that
    carbon ions causes is repairable to a large
    extent in the entrance channel of the beam, and
    becomes irreparable only at the end of the beam's
    range (Bragg peak) where the tumor is located.
  •   The crucial difference arises from the damage
    caused to cell DNA. Cancer cells and healthy
    cells alike die when their DNA sustains
    irreparable damage. In general, this means both
    DNA strands being broken since single strand
    breaks can frequently be repaired by the cell.
    Lighter particles such as protons, whilst
    depositing their energy in the Bragg peak, cause
    far fewer double-strand breaks than heavier ones
    like carbon. Moreover, the boundary between
    single and double-strand damage is particularly
    sharp with carbon which allows extremely precise
    targeting of the tumour.
  •   Another advantage is that carbon ions do not
    scatter as much as lighter particles. This allows
    higher degrees of conformity to be achieved.
    Heavier ions, such as neon, were discounted
    because they tend to fragment. Carbon does
    fragment to some extent, but the fragmentation
    products include positron-emitting carbon 10 and
    11. Positron Emission Tomography, PET, then
    allows the radiotherapist to observe "live" the
    position of the beam in the patient with a
    resolution of 2.5 mm.

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  • Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a binary
    form of cancer therapy which uses a
    boron-containing compound that preferentially
    concentrates in tumor sites. The tumor site is
    then irradiated by a neutron beam.
  • The neutrons in the beam interact with the boron
    in the tumor to cause the boron atom to split
    into an alpha particle and lithium nucleus. Both
    of these particles have a very short range (about
    one cellular diameter) and cause significant
    damage to the cell in which it is contained. In
    this way, damage is done to the tumor cell, while
    largely sparing healthy tissue.
  • Unfortunately at the present time, the
    boron-containing compounds used in this technique
    are quite toxic. Present RD is dedicated to the
    localization of less toxic compounds.

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  • Proton accelerators are also used for the
    production of unstable isotopes. Such unstable
    elements with a relative short decay time can be
    produced for synthesis into compounds used in

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  • Linac based proton accelerators designed to
    replace large and demanding cyclotron systems for
    the production of positron emitting isotopes.
    Large amounts of fluorine-18, carbon-11,
    nitrogen-13, and oxygen-15 can be produced for
    synthesis into compounds used in oncology,
    cardiology, neurology, and molecular imaging.

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  • Thanks to Dave Robin and Christoph Steier for
    sharing the viewgraphs of their course Charged
    Particle Sources and Beam Technology NEC 282
    at UCB.
  • W. H. Scharf, "Biomedical Particle Accelerators",
    American Institute of Physics 1 edition (May 7,
  • The CERN Courier.
  • The World Wide Web.
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