Asian American Film: Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Asian American Film: Introduction


Denton: films and videos made by Asians in America and dealing with Asian American experience ... the politics of the home nations follows the immigrants into ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Asian American Film: Introduction

Asian American Film Introduction
Instructor Kirk Denton Office Hagerty
375 Office Hours T 2-4 Email
I. Defining terms
  • Whats Asia? Who are Asians?
  • Whats an Asian-American?
  • when was the term invented and why?
  • avoid essentializing (the primordial origins
    model) notions of identity, recognizing cultural,
    regional, gender, generational, linguistic,
    educational, class, political, and historical

C. Whats Asian American Film?
  • Jun Xing films by, for, and about Asian
    Americans (Xing 1998 28)
  • Renee Tajima socially committed cinema
    created by a people bound by (1) race (2)
    interlocking cultural and historical relations
    and (3) a common experience of Western domination
    characterized by diversity shaped through (1)
    national origin and (2) the constant flux of new
    immigration flowing from a westernizing East into
    a an easternizing West (quoted in Xing 1998
    28-29, fn 6)
  • Denton films, videos, and digital videos made
    by Asians in America and dealing with Asian
    American experience

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • History of US is a history of racial and ethnic
  • Slavery displacement and destruction of native
    Americans immigration civil rights movement
  • Asian Americans are an important part of this
    historical experience
  • with the 2000 Census, we know that Asians are a
    rapidly growing sector of the US population in
    2000 they formed 3.6 (10 million) of the total
    population by 2004 it was 4.2 (12 million), and
    in 2006 it was 4.4 (13.1 million), and in 2010
    it was 4.8 (14 million)

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • General patterns of immigration
  • early generations came as contract laborers
  • as they became established, would venture into
    private small businesses laundries, restaurants,
    hotels, shops, or their own farms
  • second generation would sometimes continue the
    family business, or would become educated and
    then move into professional careers
  • Chinese tended to hold on to their culture more
    than the Japanese and Koreans Koreans and
    Japanese more likely to be Christians and not
    form separate towns
  • the politics of the home nations follows the
    immigrants into the US (1) Korean anti-Japanese
    patriotic movement (2) revolutionary versus
    reformist views of change in China before 1911
    (3) PRC/Taiwan conflict (4) Hindu/Muslim
    conflicts in India.

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • First wave of Chinese immigration
  • Chinese first went (or rather were brought) to
    Hawaii in the second half of the 19th c. to work
    on sugar can plantations
  • then, after 1848 Chinese go to California and
    work on the railroad, in mines, and as farm
    laborers, with a particularly significant
    presence in San Francisco, where the first
    Chinatown was set up

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), which was not
    repealed until 1943,
  • during this period there was terrible prejudice
    against the Chinese, who were perceived as a
    yellow hoard or the yellow peril who in sheer
    numbers were going to take over the world

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • after the Exclusion Act, Angel Island was
    established as a processing center for Asian
  • paper sons and daughters
  • poetry expressing suffering and humiliation

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • Second Wave of Chinese Immigration
  • with the repeal of the Exclusion Act in 1943 and
    the institution of the Immigration Act of 1965, a
    new flow of Chinese speaking immigrants came,
    mostly from Hong Kong and Taiwan
  • From PRC 1980s-to present, some of it illegal
    (mostly from Fujian province), but mostly not

Up-scale Chinese market in Monterey Park, CA
II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • Japanese Immigration
  • occurred primarily between the 1880s and 1920s
  • to Hawaii and California
  • worked first as farm laborers in the California
    farming communities, were subject to a tremendous
    amount of resentment there among white farmers
  • in the early 1990s, they began to buy their own
    farms, but this stirred even greater resentment

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • Japanese Immigration
  • after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt issue Executive
    Order 9066 authorizing the imprisonment of
    Japanese Americans (US citizens) in concentration
    camps, their property seized

II. Overview of Asian American immigration
  • Korean Immigration
  • also brought to Hawaii and California as farm
    laborers, but in much fewer numbers than the
    Chinese and Japanese, as a result they tended not
    to be able to form their own communities, though
    they did have a strong sense of cultural and
    ethnic consciousness
  • many left Korea in the early 20th c. after their
    country was occupied by the Japanese
  • second wave of mostly educated Koreans occurred
    from the 1960s on

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Early History
  • before a self-conscious Asian American film
    developed, there were Asians active in the film
  • some sought to resist Hollywood stereotypes
  • James B. Leong Productions set up in the early
    1920s in Los Angeles to counter negative images
    of Asians in Hollywood film
  • Hayworth Pictures, founded by Sessue Hayakawa
    produced 25 movies, including The Dragon Painter

Still from The Dragon Painter
III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Early History
  • in 2006, an early film was rediscovered
  • Marion Wongs The Curse of Quon Kwon (1916) is
    now believed to be the earliest Asian American
  • whats remarkable is that such an early film
    could be made by an Asian American and a woman!
  • depicts The curse of a Chinese god that follows
    his people because of the influence of Western
    civilization (Motion Picture World, July 17,
  • incomplete and without intertitles

Title still from The Curse of Quon Kwon (1916)
III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Anna May Wong and Sessue Hayakawa, both Asian
    actors in Hollywood, protested against Hollywood
    representations of Asians
  • there were occasional protests by Chinese
    against certain Hollywood film images of Asians,
    particularly opium smoking

How should we be, with a civilization thats so
many times older than that of the West? We have
our own virtues. We have our rigid code of
behavior, of honor. Why do they never show these
on the screen? Why should we always scheme, rob,
kill? I get so weary of it allthe scenarists
concept of Chinese charactersAnna May Wong
III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Visual Communications (VC) Group
  • grew out of Ethno-Communications program at UCLA
    in the 1960s
  • first films were of anti-development
    demonstrations in Little Tokyo in LA
  • influenced by notions of triangular cinema
    (which sought a unity of community, storyteller,
    and activist) and notions of Third Cinema (a
    reaction against Hollywood classical cinema and
    the European art film)
  • the VC group began in 1970 to promote Asian
    cinema self-definition, self-determination,
    cultural reclamation as a reaction to
    Hollywood images of Asians
  • three main concerns identity politics,
    historical injustices, and contemporary racism

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • first full-length feature produced by the VC
    Group was Hito Hata Raise the Banner (1980),
    devoted to WWII experience of an Issei (first
    generation Japanese immigrant) in the Little
    Tokyo district of LA

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Rise of documentary film
  • response to several factors (1) counter to the
    dominant representation of Asians in Hollywood
    cinema (2) desire to create a truer, fuller
    history of Asian Americans, accounting for
    racism, etc. (3) give Asian voice to Asian
    experience (4) draw attention to politics of
    exclusion and racism
  • important themes identity and generational
    conflict personal history and cultural heritage
  • style generally personal, intimate, and
    emotional but with obvious political and social

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Examples of documentaries
  • Yellow Tale Blues An Anatomy of Two Families
    (dir. Christine Choy and Renee Tajima)
  • Banana Split (dir. Kip Fulbeck), about a
    biracial man
  • Whos Going to Pay for these Donuts Anyway?
    (Janice Tanaka)
  • My Mother Thought She Was Audrey Hepburn (Sharon
  • a.k.a. Don Bonus (Spencer Nakasako), about a
    Cambodian boy who escapes the Khmer Rouge and
    makes his way to San Francisco
  • Anatomy of a Springroll (Paul Kwan), Vietnamese
    American director looks for cultural roots in
  • History and Memory (Rea Tajiri)

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Styles of Documentaries
  • History as Subject Personal Diary Films and
    Family Portraits
  • History as Consciousness Biographies and
    Communal History
  • History as Agency Social Issue Documentaries

III. Brief history of Asian American film
  • Rise of feature film
  • Wayne Wang and the emergence of an Asian
    American style (e.g., Chan is Missing, Dim Sum,
    Eat a Bowl of Tea)
  • the mainstreaming of Asian America
  • change in narrative style toward a more
    Hollywood form of melodrama, epic or comedy
    (e.g., Joy Luck Club, Wedding Banquet, Saving
    Face, Red Door, Yellow, Better Luck Tomorrow,
    Asian Stories)
  • difficult relationship with Hollywood and
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