Title: Political Participation in the United States
1Political Participation in the United States
2Struggle to Extend the Right to Vote in the U.S.
3(No Transcript)
4Political Participation in the U.S.
5Political Participation in Select Countries
6Declining U.S. Voter Turnout since 1960
7The Politics of Voter Turnout
8African-American Participation in the South after
the Civil Rights Revolution
9Black-White Voting Patterns in Presidential
10Turnout and Trust in People and Government
11Turnout Differences based on Race, Education,
Income, and Age (1996)
12What Influences Political Participation?
- Socioeconomic Resources
- ? Formal Education
- ? Income
- ? Wealth
- ? Social/Occupational Status
- Political Competition
- Political Efficacy
- Alienation
- Trust
- Political Ideology
- Party Affiliation
- Age
- Social Capital
- Political Mobilization
- ? Voter Activation
- Intensity of Commitment
- Generic Interest
- Self-Interest