Title: Improving services for children Excellence for all
1Improving services for childrenExcellence for
- Workshop C7A
- Shared evaluation of our joint practice
- QI 2.1
2Workshop C7A
- Working together to arrive at a shared evaluation
of our joint practice. - Using our evaluation to identify the appropriate
next steps to develop practice and plan
improvement - QI 2.1 Impact on Children and Young People.
3Aims 1 2 of workshop C7A
- To gain experience in working within the
structure of a QI. - To gain understanding of the complementary roles
played by partner organisations in promoting and
encouraging effective partnership working.
4Aims 3 4 of workshop C7A
- To arrive at a shared evaluation of our joint
practice against the QI 2.1 Impact on Children
and Young People - To use our evaluation to identify the appropriate
next steps to develop practice and plan
5Intended outcomes 1 - 3
- We will
- be more experienced in working with QIs
- have an understanding of the illustrations within
the QIs and - gain awareness and understanding of the work of
partner organisations.
6Intended outcomes 4 5
- We will
- be able to work collaboratively to make
evaluations based on evidence and - be able to draw up an action plan to develop and
improve practice.
7The focus in this workshop is on QI 2.1 (Part 1)
- This indicator relates to the impact of services
from providers individually and collectively on
the lives and life opportunities of all children
and young people. It focuses particularly on
their current experiences. - It deals directly with evidence which
demonstrates the extent to which children and
young people are developing and achieving their
full potential against the seven outcomes for
children and young people in Scotland.
8The focus in this workshop is on QI 2.1 (Part 2)
- The first theme relates to the extent of impact
as indicated by quantitative and qualitative data
and direct observation. - The second theme examines what it is that
children and young people report about their
experiences of services.
9How good are our integrated services for children
and young people now?
10Workshop C7A Tasks 1 and 2
- Using the illustrations underline what you
consider to be the key words and sentences in
indicator QI 2.1. - Through discussion agree the key words and
sentences and focus of each of the themes for QI
2.1. - Now use these key words and sentences to identify
the evidence that is in place across the partner
organisations for this QI.
11How do you know?Ways of gathering evidence
12Possible sources of evidence theme 1 (Part 1)
- Incidents of violence, bullying, anti-social and
racially motivated behaviours. - Evidence from inspections and self-evaluation
activities relating to activities geared to meet
the needs of children and young people.
13Possible sources of evidence theme 1 (Part 2)
- Levels of attendance, retention and progression
in, and exclusion from, formal and informal
activities. - Access to services, including approaches to
encouraging involvement. - The extent to which the needs of individuals are
met, including those of lowest performing
learners, looked after children, vulnerable and
minority groups as indicated by rates of
progression, achievement of individual targets
for learning, social skills, active and healthy
14Possible sources of evidence theme 2 (Part 1)
- Opportunities to participate and develop
effectively as individuals, in groups and with
staff and volunteers from services. - Evidence from focus groups on
- the extent to which they feel involved and
consulted and - the achievement of the 7 outcomes in Scotlands
vision. - Access to services, including innovative
approaches to encouraging involvement.
15Possible sources of evidence theme 2 (Part 2)
- Opportunities to express their views on the
quality and relevance of services and how service
providers respond to these views. - The extent to which they feel valued and
supported by services. - Participation rates and performance in sporting,
cultural, citizenship and youth work activities.
16Workshop C7A Task 3Taking a high-level view
- Come to a consensus view of the quality of
practice across the partner organisations using
the six point scale. - Complete the blank grid for QI 2.1 to give an
evaluation of current practice in each of the
themes noting four key pieces of evidence to back
up your evaluation.
17Workshop C7A Task 3Taking a high-level view
- Your evidence and professional judgement of the
level of performance should be based on the
evidence that each of you has gathered in your
normal working practice or from evaluations
carried out on work in your organisation linked
to integrated childrens services.
18Workshop C7A Task 3 (completing the grid)
- The four pieces of evidence may consist of a
combination of good practice and areas for
improvement and will determine the level you
assign to the performance - An award of a level 4 requires 3 pieces of good
practice and 1 area for improvement - An award of a level 3 requires 2 pieces of good
practice and 2 areas for improvement.
19Workshop C7A Task 4
- Take the evaluations and information from task 3
and using the traffic lights grid in the pack,
agree within your group - Green strengths, things to continue to do for
your own multi-agency group - Amber things to think about starting or
improving, what stakeholders might be surveyed or
interviewed and - Red things to stop doing, performance
information to be reviewed.
20The six-point scale (Levels 6 4)
- 6 - Excellent outstanding, worth disseminating,
sustainable - 5 - Very good very few areas for improvement,
not significantly diminishing experience, improve
further - 4 - Good important strengths, outweighing areas
for improvement but the latter diminishing
experience in some way, take action
21The six-point scale (Levels 3 1)
- 3 - Adequate strengths just outweigh weaknesses,
the latter diminish experience, take action - 2 - Weak some strengths, important weaknesses,
the latter substantially diminish experience,
planned action - 1 - Unsatisfactory major weaknesses, experience
at risk, help needed