Title: Rhonda Richardson Project Worker Armagh
1Target Group People with Physical / Sensory
Rhonda Richardson (Project Worker)Armagh
Dungannon Health Action ZoneSouthern Health
Social Care Trust Northern IrelandTel 028 8778
- Context
- Fit 4 U Project is a partnership project,
co-ordinated by Southern Health Social Care
Trust, Armagh Dungannon Health Action Zone. - Funded initially by Big Lottery Fund for 18
months and now funded until Mar 09 by Southern
Health Social Care Trust, Armagh City Dist
Council and Dungannon South Tyrone Borough
Council. - Target Area and Physical Activity Levels
- Adults with physical / sensory disabilities from
3 Resource Centres in Armagh / Dungannon area of
Northern Ireland. - Service users lead increasingly sedentary
3Project Need
- People with physical disabilities tend to lead
more sedentary - lifestyles because of a complex range of
barriers - Physical Barriers
- Difficulties accessing leisure services and
facilities - Difficulties accessing transport
- Economic Barriers
- Lower income
- Social Barriers
- Social exclusion
- Negative attitudes of both service providers and
people with disabilities about their
ability/inability to do physical activity. - Lack of support require guidance, personal care
- Personal Barriers
- Lack of awareness
- Concerns about personal safety
- Lack of confidence
- Physical activity not seen as a priority
4Project Aim
- To implement a holistic programme to improve the
health of people with physical and sensory
disabilities, by introducing users of Willowbank,
Station Road and Moy Resource Centres to a range
of new physical activity and leisure
opportunities and to address wider lifestyle
5Project Objectives
- To provide safe accessible physical activity
opportunities, not currently available or
normally difficult to access for people with
physical/sensory disabilities. - To increase levels of participation in physical
activity. - To improve the overall health and wellbeing.
- To promote wider health benefits of physical
activity. - To raise awareness among service providers of the
needs of people with physical/sensory
disabilities - To arrange training for coaches, leisure centre
staff and Resource Centre support workers.
6Project Overview
- Fit 4 U is a partnership project, co-ordinated by
Southern Health - Social Care Trust, Armagh Dungannon Health
Action Zone. - Partners include Armagh City District Council,
Dungannon South - Tyrone Borough Council, Southern Investing For
Health Partnership, - Willowbank, Station Road and Moy Resource
Centres. - Project Promotion
- 3 Resource Centres specific target group
- Project Launch
- Posters / Leaflets
- Support Worker Staff / Fit 4 U Project Worker
- Focus Groups
- Project Steering Group
- Photographs / Press Releases
- Word of mouth among service users
7Project Overview
- Engaging Target Group
- Survey (March 05)
- Preliminary Research
- Focus Group sessions (Sept 06)
- Project Launch (Nov 06)
- Taster Session Programme (Oct 06 - May 07)
- Surveyed to identify activities enjoyed best
(June 07) - Structured Programmes / Special Events (to date)
- Partnership Approach
- Activities identified by service users
- Researched / co-ordinated by Project Worker in
partnership with Centres - Supported by expertise of Physiotherapy and
Occupational Therapy. - Steered by Project Steering Group.
- Closely monitored and evaluated, with significant
service user input.
8Project Overview
- Physical Activity Setting
- Resource Centre
- Local Leisure Centre
- Outdoor activities (within and outside local
area) - Types of Physical Activities
- Boxercise - Yoga
- Sailing - Circuit Training - Tai Chi
- Canoeing - Fitness Suite - Armchair Aerobics
- Climbing / Abseiling - Dance - Fishing
- Water Skiing - Archery - Golf
- Gliding - Bowls - Walking
- Off Road Driving - Boccia - Cycling
- Tandem Sky Diving - New Age Kurling
- Zip Wire
9Project Overview
- Why these types of activity?
- Target group identified activities they wanted to
do - Make activities as accessible and inclusive as
possible. - Inclusive Sports (e.g. Boccia, New Age Kurling)
- Adaptable Activities (e.g. Boxercise, Circuit
Training, Archery) - Activities for most complex needs (e.g. Tai Chi,
Yoga) - Activities more suitable for sensory disability
(e.g. Climbing, Cycling) - Outdoor activities extremely popular (e.g.
Walking, Golf) - How often participants engage in activities
- At least once a week - 3 to 4 activities
scheduled per wk between 3 Centres - How long project is running
- 2 years and currently funded until March 2009.
10Project Evaluation
- Total Number engaged in project 113 service
users - Outcomes
- Weekly activities for service users
- Promotion of social inclusion and community
integration - Empowerment of service users in identifying own
health needs - Improved access to a range of activities
- Legacy for Centres new contacts, equipment and
staff training - Training for Leisure Services staff
- People with disabilities have
- participated in a new activities they had not
imagined possible. - experienced physical, mental and social health
benefits - raised awareness of their needs among service
providers, been involved in consultation
established improved relationship with Leisure
11Project Evaluation
- Evidence of Effectiveness
- PARTICIPATION (31st Oct 2006 31st Oct 2008)
- Total Number Activity Sessions 365
- Number Taster Activities 89
- Number Structured Programmes 53
- Cumulative Participation 2321
- Statistical Results from Service User Evaluation
Questionnaires - 93 extremely or very satisfied with quality and
delivery of activities. - 92 indicated activities were extremely or very
enjoyable. - 87 indicated activities were extremely or very
beneficial to health. - 85 rated the tutor or coach as excellent.
- 98 indicated they would like to do the
activities again. - 99 indicated their needs had been suitably
provided for.
12Project Evaluation
- Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
(NI) - Cited as an example of good practice and service
user involvement - Focus Group Evaluation Nov 2007
- Overall, service users indicated Fit 4 U activity
sessions have been extremely beneficial and
enjoyable. - Recommendations included
- More joint activities between 3 Centres
- Outdoor activities
- Continue person centred approach
13Project Evaluation
- Key Challenges
- Personal fears of service users
- Physical activity not considered a priority
- Fears of support worker staff
- Fears of tutors / service providers
- Availability of staff time to support service
users - Diverse range of disabilities within each group
- Lack of support outside Centre to continue
participation - Transport
- Interpretation for Deaf
- Sustainability of Project
14Project Evaluation
- Why successful in engaging Target Group?
- Project is SERVICE USER driven
- service users have and continue to be involved
at every stage of project. - Commitment to PARTNERSHIP WORKING
- Fit 4 U Project demonstrates what can be
achieved through Health - Service, Local Government and Community working
in partnership. - Range of Physical Activities
- Activities for everyone thrill seekers those
with most complex needs. - Variety of Settings
- Within Resource Centre, Leisure Centres and
15Costs / Funding
- Original Funding (18 months Aug 06 to Mar 08)
Approx 50,000
- Big Lottery - 30,000
- Armagh Dungannon Health Action Zone - 20,000
- Costs Included
- Salary - project worker
- Transport - participant travel
- Activity Costs - venue hire, tuition fees
- Training leisure services training
- Promotional posters, leaflets, press releases
- Capital sporting equipment
- Partnership Funding April 08 to Mar 09 -
35,000 - Contributions from Armagh City District
Council, Dungannon South Tyrone Borough Council
and Southern Health Social Care Trust. - Costs to Service Users Participant fee
Business Proposal Southern Health Social
Services Board Southern Health Social Care
Trust has submitted a Business Proposal is to be
submitted to Southern Health Social Services
Board Proposal is to establish a 3 year project,
based on the original concept of the Fit 4 U
Project, to support and deliver a range of
leisure options for those with physical / sensory
disabilities in all localities across SHSCT.
- Service User Involvement
- Continual engagement at every stage
- 2. Partnership working between stakeholder
organisations - Health, Local Government, Community, Service
Users - Project Steering Group
- Expertise of all partners, direct links within
organisations and with service users