Title: The Cardiac Center of Creighton University
1The Cardiac Center of Creighton University
Rita Frickel, MS, RD, LMNT Teri Erickson, MA,
ACSM, Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist
2Myth The CCC is only for patients who have
heart disease.
- Fact
- The CCC offers many programs to the general
public in addition to programs for cardiac
3The Cardiac Center Programs
- Cooking classes
- Smoking cessation program
- Personalized exercise programs (PIC)
- Weight loss/Risk reduction programs
- Individualized Heart Lite Program
- Group Take Weight Management to Heart Program
4PIC (Partners In Cardiology)
- Goal of the program is to prevent heart disease
through the reduction of risk factors including - High blood pressure
- Elevated cholesterol
- Smoking
- Physical inactivity
- Obesity
5Facility Includes
- Indoor track
- Treadmills
- Arm and leg stationary cycles
- Rowing machines
- Stair climbers
- Elliptical machine
- Weight equipment
- Complete locker room facilities
6Exercise Program
- PIC staff members will develop a personalized
exercise program designed around your current
fitness level and personal exercise goals. - Staff are available for ongoing exercise consults
as needed for no additional fee. - Fitness tests are available, upon request, for an
additional fee, assessing - Cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and
strength, body composition and flexibility.
7Staff Training
- All PIC staff are BLS certified.
- Current staff is certified by The American
College of Sports Medicine. - Current full-time staff members hold Masters
Degrees in Exercise Science.
8Dietary Counseling
- Members have the opportunity to meet with a
registered dietitian to review dietary habits and
establish new eating goals.
9Hours of Operation/Fee
- The facility is open to members Monday through
Friday 600 a.m. to 530 p.m. - The fee is 25 a month.
- There is no initiation fee.
- There is no minimum sign up required.
10The Heart Lite Program
- A personalized program designed to facilitate
both weight loss AND heart healthy lifestyle
changes - Individuals must have at least one cardiac risk
factor in addition to being overweight - Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- High blood cholesterol levels
- Nicotine dependence
11What Happens During a Heart Lite Visit?
- Initial health assessment with a Board Certified
Cardiologist - Meet with the Dietitian and the Physician
Assistant at each visit - Ongoing review food records, recipes, and
behavior modification techniques
12What Happens During a Heart Lite Visit?
- Review medications and symptoms, and take
appropriate action - Recommend specialists if needed
- Adjust medications as necessary
- Order appropriate labs/tests on site (EKG, Holter
monitor, electrolytes, etc.) - Admit to hospital when necessary
- Design exercise program to patients abilities
and interests
13Case Study 46 y/o African American male with a
history of CHF, HTN, and obesity
- Presented for a routine follow up for our Heart
Lite visit - Weight loss of 8 pounds in 2 weeks
- Noted fast pulse
- c/o blurred vision, chest tightness, and light
headedness - Ran stat labs EKG at CCC
14Case Study
- Potassium was low (2.3), fast heart rate
- Contacted Cardiologist and PCP
- Admitted to CUMC for potassium supplementation
15Take Weight Management to Heart Program
- Group weight management program aimed at
enhancing the current health status of
individuals or preventing the development of
disease states - Evolved over 7 years to include AHA and ADA
evidence based research to show what is most
effective in managing weight - 8 weeks (45)
- Directed by a registered dietitian
16Take Weight Management to Heart Program
- Classes include
- Private weigh ins
- Individualized dietary analysis to customize
dietary prescription to meet individual needs - Behavior modification techniques
- Intuitive eating strategies
- Heart healthy recipe modification tips
- Heart healthy tips for eating away from home
17Individual Dietary Analysis
18Individual Dietary Analysis
19One-On-One Option For Weight Control
- For individuals who dont have any cardiac risk
factors - For individuals who prefer not to join a group
weight management program - Call Rita at 280-5940 for an appointment
- Fee 45 for an hour consult
20 To teach you how to incorporate healthy
lifestyle changes that you can live with for the
rest of your life!!