Continuous Glucose Monitoring System CGMS

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring System CGMS


Any insulin taken, exercise engaged in, and meals or snacks consumed are both ... an indwelling sensor subcutaneously (into the abdominal wall or arm) to measure ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Continuous Glucose Monitoring System CGMS

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS)
  • Chien-Wen Chou MD
  • Division of Endocrinology Metabolism
  • Chi-Mei Medical Center
  • 30 June 2006

Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
  • A continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) is
    an FDA-approved device that records glucose
    levels throughout the day and night.
  • only approved device -- Medtronic's MiniMed
    device-can provide up to 288 glucose measurements
    every 24 hours.
  • The system is used to measure an average blood
    glucose for up to 3 days, while the person with
    diabetes continues daily activities at home

How Does the Device Work? (1)
  • First, a tiny glucose-sensing device called a
    "sensor" is inserted just under the skin of your
  • Tape is used to hold it in place.
  • The sensor measures the level of glucose in the
    tissue every 10 seconds and sends the information
    via a wire to a pager-sized device called a
    "monitor" that you attach to a belt or the
    waistline of your pants.
  • The system automatically records an average
    glucose value every 5 minutes for up to 72 hours.

How Does the Device Work? (2)
  • Results of at least four finger stick blood
    glucose readings taken with a standard glucose
    meter and taken at different times each day are
    entered into the monitor for calibration.
  • Any insulin taken, exercise engaged in, and meals
    or snacks consumed are both entered into a
    paper-based "diary" and recorded into the monitor
    (by pushing a button to mark the time of the
    meals, medication, exercise, and other special
    event you wish to record).
  • After 3 days, the sensor is removed at the
    doctor's office and the information stored in the
    CGMS is downloaded into a computer.
  • The information will be presented as graphs or
    charts that can help reveal patterns of glucose

When Is the Device Used?
  • The CGMS is not intended for day-to-day
    monitoring or long-term self-care and it is not a
    replacement for standard blood glucose
  • The main advantage of continuous glucose
    monitoring is that it can help identify
    fluctuations and trends that would otherwise go
    unnoticed with standard HbA1c tests and
    intermittent finger stick measurements.
  • For example, the device can capture dangerously
    low overnight blood glucose levels which often go
    undetected, reveal high blood sugar levels
    between meals, show early morning spikes in blood
    sugar, evaluate how diet and exercise affect
    blood sugars, or provide up to a 72-hour complete
    review of the effects of changes
  • Continuous monitoring is reimbursed by Medicare
    and covered by many private insurance plans

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Roadmap for 21st
century diabetes therapy
  • David C. Klonoff, MD, FACP
  • Diabetes Care 281231-1239, 2005

  • provides information about the direction,
    magnitude, duration, frequency, and causes of
    fluctuations in blood glucose levels.
  • provides much greater insight into glucose levels
    throughout the day.
  • help identify and prevent unwanted periods of
    hypo- and hyperglycemia.

Technologies (1)
  • Five CGMs have been approved by the U.S. Food and
    Drug Administration (FDA) for use in the U.S. or
    carry CE marking for use in Europe.
  • Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Gold (CGMS
    Gold Medtronic MiniMed, Northridge, CA)
  • GlucoWatch G2 Biographer (GW2B Cygnus, Redwood
    City, CA)
  • Guardian Telemetered Glucose Monitoring System
    (Medtronic MiniMed)
  • GlucoDay (A. Menarini Diagnostics, Florence,
  • Pendra (Pendragon Medical, Zurich, Switzerland)
  • FreeStyle Navigator Continuous Glucose Monitor
    (Abbott Laboratories, Alameda, CA) -- premarket
    approval application has been submitted to the FDA

Technologies (2)
  • minimal invasiveness through continuous
    measurement of interstitial fluid (ISF) or with
  • noninvasive method of applying electromagnetic
    radiation through the skin to blood vessels in
    the body.
  • bringing a sensor into contact with ISF include
    inserting an indwelling sensor subcutaneously
    (into the abdominal wall or arm) to measure ISF
    in situ or harvesting this fluid by various
    mechanisms that compromise the skin barrier and
    delivering the fluid to an external sensor
  • After a warm-up period of up to 2 h and a
    device-specific calibration process, each
    devices sensor will provide a blood glucose
    reading every 110 min for up to 72 h with the
    minimally invasive technology and up to 3 months
    with the noninvasive technology.
  • Results are available to the patient in real time
    or retrospectively.
  • Every manufacturer of a CGM produces at least one
    model that sounds an alarm if the glucose level
    falls outside of a preset euglycemic range.

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Target Populations
  • The ideal time to calibrate is either after
    fasting or at least 3 h postprandially, but not
    right after exercise or when the blood glucose
    level is likely to be rising or falling.
  • Without such calibration, continuous readings may
    be inaccurate.
  • Currently available CGMs that provide real-time
    readings should not be used to make therapeutic
    decisions, such as whether to dose insulin or
    eat, because they are not sufficiently accurate.
  • Instead, an abnormal reading should prompt a
    finger-stick blood glucose measurement whose
    value can be acted upon.
  • Patients require a thorough training program to
    calibrate and operate a CGM.

  Accuracy (1)
  • A real-time CGM can be programmed to sound an
    alarm for readings below or above a target range
  • The most important use of an alarm is to detect
    unsuspected hypoglycemia (such as during sleep)
    so that glucose can be administered to prevent
    brain damage.
  • There is a trade-off between an alarms
    sensitivity and specificity.
  • In general, if the alarm is set to sound at a
    lower level than the hypoglycemic threshold, then
    the specificity will be good but the sensitivity
    may be poor.
  • If the alarm is set to sound at a glucose level
    higher than the hypoglycemic threshold, then the
    sensitivity will be good but the specificity may
    be poor.
  • The greater accuracy a continuous monitor can
    provide, the less of a trade-off is necessary

Accuracy (2)
  • The Diabetes Research in Children Network
    (DirecNet) is a U.S. network of five clinical
    centers and a coordinating center dedicated to
    researching glucose monitoring technology in
    children with type 1 diabetes
  • The networks investigators, the DirecNet Study
    Group, assessed the accuracy of the first- and
    second-generation CGMS and the GW2B in children
    with type 1 diabetes in concurrently published
  • The second-generation CGMS Gold, compared with
    the first-generation CGMS, had a lower median
    relative absolute difference (RAD) between CGMS
    glucose and reference serum glucose paired values
    (11 and 19, respectively)
  • For the GW2B, the median RAD between GW2B glucose
    and reference serum glucose paired values was 16
  • Similar RAD values of 21 have been reported for
    the first-generation CGMS by Kubiak et al.
  • RAD values of 12.8 and 12.815.7 have been
    reported for the second-generation CGMS Gold
    system by Goldberg et al. and Guerci et al.

Accuracy (3)
  • The DirecNet Study Group found the CGMS Gold
    system, which is the second generation of CGMS
    technology, as well as the GW2B, which is the
    second generation of GlucoWatch technology, to
    have inversely proportional sensitivity and
    specificity rates during hypoglycemia in children
    and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
  • A series of alarm settings were selected for a
    reference blood glucose of 60 mg/dl.
  • For CGMS Gold, the settings with sensitivity and
    specificity were 60 mg/dl, 49 and 42 80 mg/dl,
    84 and 36 100 mg/dl, 100 and 25 and 120
    mg/dl, 100 and 16.
  • With the GW2B, the settings were 60 mg/dl, 23 and
    49 80 mg/dl, 59 and 33 100 mg/dl, 84 and 20
    and 120 mg/dl, 92 and 15.
  • The authors concluded, "These data show that the
    GW2B and the CGMS do not reliably detect
  • Both of these devices perform better at higher
    glucose levels, suggesting that they may be more
    useful in reducing HbA1c levels than in detecting

Accuracy (4)
  • The International Organization for
    Standardization (ISO) standards for accuracy of
    point blood glucose tests require that a sensor
    blood glucose value be within 15 mg/dl of
    reference for a reference value 75 mg/dl and
    within 20 of reference for a reference value gt75
  • Sensor accuracy by this definition is expressed
    as the percentage of data pairs meeting these
  • The DirecNet group found that for hypoglycemic
    blood glucose levels (determined by a reference
    blood glucose monitor, the OneTouch Ultra), the
    CGMS Gold met the ISO standards in only 48 of
    readings and the GW2B met these standards in only
    32 of readings
  • The percentage of data points attaining ISO
    accuracy standards climbed as the blood glucose
    level rose, topping out for the highest segment
    of reference blood glucose levels (i.e., blood
    glucose values 240 mg/dl).
  • In this glycemic category, the CGMS Gold and
    GW2B, respectively, met ISO accuracy for 81 and
    67 of data points.
  • In a separate series of 15 healthy nondiabetic
    children undergoing continuous glucose monitoring
    over 24 h, the DirecNet Group reported that the
    median absolute difference in concentrations for
    the GW2B was 13 mg/dl and for the CGMS was 17
  • Furthermore, 30 of the values from the GW2B and
    42 of the values from the CGMS deviated by gt20
    mg/dl from the reference value

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Clinical Indications (1)
  • when adjusting therapy
  • quantifying the response in a trial of a diabetes
  • assessing the impact of lifestyle modifications
    on glycemic control
  • monitoring conditions where tighter control
    without hypoglycemia is sought (e.g., gestational
    diabetes, pediatric diabetes, in the intensive
    care unit)
  • diagnosing and then preventing hypoglycemia
    (e.g., during sleep, with hypoglycemia
  • diagnosing and preventing postprandial
  • facilitate adjustments in therapy to improve
    control (most important use)

Clinical Indications (2)
  • Specific therapeutic adjustments include changing
    from regular to a synthetic ultrashort-acting
    insulin analog at mealtime, changing from NPH to
    a synthetic ultralong-acting insulin once or
    twice per day, increasing or decreasing the
    mealtime insulin bolus dosage, increasing or
    decreasing the basal insulin rate, altering the
    treatment of intermittent hypoglycemia or
    hyperglycemia, changing the insulin-to-glucose
    correction algorithm for premeal hyperglycemia,
    changing the insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio at
    mealtime, changing the method for counting
    carbohydrates, changing the carbohydrate
    composition of the diet, changing the discount in
    short-acting insulin dosage for exercise,
    changing the nighttime regimen because of the
    dawn phenomenon, changing the target preprandial
    or postprandial blood glucose values, or before
    referring a patient for psychological counseling
    to improve adherence to the treatment regimen.
  • The most frequent therapy adjustment by Sabbah et
    al.(out of eight adjustments) was to increase the
    mealtime bolus dosage.
  • The most frequent therapy adjustment by Kaufman
    et al.(out of nine adjustments) was to modify the
    type of basal long-acting insulin.

Advances in Glucose Monitoring
  • As recently as July 2003, the FDA approved the
    first wireless combination system, consisting of
    a glucose monitor and an "intelligent" insulin
    pump (co-developed by Medtronic MiniMed and
    Becton, Dickinson and Company).
  • The next phase of advances will allow insulin
    pumps to not only simply recommend proper insulin
    dosages, but actually automatically deliver them.
  • More recently, in August 2005, Medtronic has
    expanded its CGMS line and announced FDA approval
    of its newest device, called the Guardian RT.
  • This system works just like the MiniMed device
    but instead, displays the "real-time" glucose
    levels every five minutes. This information
    alerts the patient immediately to glucose levels
    that are too high or low, allowing for
    adjustments in therapy

Light Waves Instead of Finger Pricks
  • Several companies are developing non-invasive
    glucose monitoring devices that rely on light
  • The monitors shine infrared (or near-infrared)
    light onto the skin of the patient's forearm and
    analyse the light that is reflected back to
    determine the concentration of glucose in the
  • The company Sensys has made progress in
    developing a commercial, portable version of an
    infrared monitor.
  • Their latest model, the Sensys Medical Glucose
    Tracking System is about the size of a computer
    tower and is over 90 accurate.
  • CME Telemetrix has developed a product called
    GlucoNIR, a non-invasive infrared system which
    may also be able to non-invasively measure HbA1c.
  • Animas is developing an implantable version of an
    infrared optical sensor, intended to be implanted
    in the body for up to 5 years, but the device is
    not expected to be available until 2005.

A Glucose-Monitoring Skin Patch
  • SpectRx and Abbott Laboratories are developing a
    continuous glucose monitor which will be worn as
    a skin patch.
  • This monitor would measure glucose levels in
    interstitial fluid, collected through microscopic
    holes created by a laser in the dead outer layer
    of skin, and measured through glucose oxidase
    reaction/electrical current generation in a patch
    containing a glucose sensor.
  • This device is currently being assessed in human
    trials in adults and children.

Glucose-Sensing Contact Lens
  • Researchers at the University of Texas and Ciba
    Vision are developing glucose sensing contact
    lenses which are designed to be used in
    conjunction with a palm-sized light source.
  • The contact lens is made using a meshwork that
    traps fluorescent molecules inside the lens.
  • The patient inserts the contact lenses in the
    usual way, holds the light device up to the eye
    and activates it, sending a small burst of
    glowing light into the contact lens.
  • The fluorescent molecules in the lens bind to and
    react with the glucose in the users tears.
  • The device reads the wavelength of the
    fluorescence reflected from the contact lens and
    translates the reading into a measure of the
  • Higher levels of fluorescence mean higher levels
    of glucose.
  • There is a seven-minute delay before a hand-held
    device stores the glucose data.
  • This device also includes an alarm that signals a
    patient if the glucose levels rise too quickly.
  • Clinical trials are underway.

A Smart Tattoo
  • A collaboration between Texas AM University and
    Penn State University is developing a "smart
    tattoo" that could provide accurate blood glucose
  • Polyethylene glycol beads coated with fluorescent
    molecules are injected beneath the skin surface
    and interact with the interstitial fluid.
  • In low glucose, the tattoo is highly fluorescent.
  • In high glucose, the fluorescence beads are
    displaced by glucose binding and the overall
    fluorescence of the tattoo decreases.
  • Fluorescence can be read by a detection light.
  • Preliminary data in tattooed rats have yielded
    promising results.
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