Title: European consensus study 20062007
1European consensus study 2006/2007
- Sera were sent to 43 participants, 41 reported
results - Images were sent to 43 participants, 39 reported
results - Data entry sheet was used (kindly provided by the
lab of Prof. Seelig at Karlsruhe) - All participants returned results electronically
- Data were reported on a scale between 0 and 4
- Data were analyzed using an excel program
2European consensus study 2006/2007
- Preliminary summary of the results
- Consensus is defined as more than 60 of results
- No consensus results were reported between
negative and positive without clear distribution - Results are shown if 3 or more labs reported data
- IIFT patterns for serum 4 and 5 are not correct
in the handouts!
3European consensus study 2006/2007Summary of
4European consensus study 2006/2007
- Special emphasis on vasculitis associated
antibodies 6 sera - Specificities that will not be mentioned were
5Serum 1
6Serum 1
ANA (IIFT) n40
Pattern n47
b2 homogenous/neg nucleoli b4 coarse speckled b5
fine speckled c1 homogenous nucleolar c2 clumpy
nucleolar c3 punctate nucleolar
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
7Serum 1
SS-A/Ro n36 positive
SS-B/La n40 positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
8Serum 1
SS-A/Ro 52 n20 positive
SS-A/Ro 60 n20 positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
9Serum 1
SL/Ki n5 No consensus
1 x CIE, 1 x IB
3 x CIE
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
10Summary serum 1
- Consensus on SS-A/Ro (Ro52 Ro60) and SS-B/La
strongly positive - SL/Ki no consensus
- IgM and IgG rheumatoid factor negative
- IgA rheumatoid factor majority negative but 3 out
of 11 positive - Clinical diagnosis?
- Primary Sjögrens syndrome
- Ki/SL positive in 2-8 of primary SS, also seen
in SLE
11Serum 2
12Serum 2
ANA (IIFT) n40
Pattern n54
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
b5 fine speckled b9 multiple nuclear dots
b10 coiled body c1 homogenous nucleolar
13Serum 2
SS-A/Ro n34 positive
SS-B/La n40 low positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
14Serum 2
SS-A/Ro 52 n20 positive
SS-A/Ro 60 n20 low positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
15Serum 2
Sp100 n6 No consensus
ELISA (IMTEC or INOVA recombinant ag, both
ELISAs are comparable Two labs IB lineblot
from IMTEC, purified antigen from HeLa cells, one
positive, one borderline result One lab IB with
human full length recombinant protein, positive
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
16Serum 2
Multiple nuclear dots or coiled body?
Sp100 low positive (3 out of 6)
Coilin p80 negative n2
17Serum 2
- Consensus on ANA pos
- Pattern fine speckled, multiple nuclear dots,
coiled body? - Coilin p80 negative (n2, both IB)
- No consensus on Sp100
- Recombinant versus natural ag?
- SS-A (Ro52 and Ro60) positive, SS-B low positive
- Clinical suggestions
- Sjögren Syndrome
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
18Serum 3
19Serum 3
ANA (IIFT) n40
Pattern n60
b1 homogenous/pos nucleoli b2 homogenous/neg
nucleoli b3 large speckled b4 coarse
speckled b5 fine speckled e1 fine speckled
cytoplasmic e2 diffuse cytoplasmic
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
20Serum 3
Jo-1 n39 Positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
21Serum 3
ds-DNA n40 Very diverse
ss-DNA n6 Majority positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3 positive
4 high positive
22Serum 3
Method details a-ds-DNA
- ELISA and CLIFT perform similar
- Unicap majority borderline
- Farr majority low positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
23Serum 3
a-C1q n1 Positive
Nucleosomes n9 No consensus
Histones n10 Majority negative
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3 positive
4 high positive
24Serum 3
MPO n38 Majority negative
p-ANCA n32 30 positive
cathepsin G, lactoferrin, BPI, elastase and
lysozyme negative
25Summary serum 3
- ANA positive, homogenous / fine speckled
- Jo-1 positive
- ds-DNA diverse, ss-DNA majority positive
- Nucleosomes and histones - majority negative
- C1q positive?
- P-ANCA pattern, no a-MPO
- Clinical suggestions?
- Polymyositis
26Serum 4
- Clinical data scleroderma
27Serum 4
ANA (IIFT) n40 Low positive
Pattern n39
b1 homogenous/pos nucleoli b2 homogenous/neg
nucleoli b5 fine speckled b6 grainy-SCL70
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
28Serum 4
SCL-70 final result, n39 Low positive?
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
29Method details SCL-70
Serum 4
- CIE all negative
- ELISA 38 negative
- FPIA 50 positive
- ALBIA and ID 67 positive
- IB majority positive
30Summary serum 4
- ANA low positive
- Pattern diverse, homogenous/pos nucleoli,
homogenous/ neg nucleoli, fine speckled, grainy
SCL-70 like - SCL-70 low positive, IB most sensitive technique!
- ELISA, FPIA, ID and ALBIA intermediate
sensitivity - CIE low sensitivity, not suitable?
- Usually, anti-SCL-70 present in high titers in
scleroderma patients - Patient might have longstanding disease
31Serum 5
32Serum 5
ANA (IIFT) n40
Pattern n37
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
b1 homogenous/pos nucleoli b2 homogenous/neg
nucleoli b5 fine speckled e3 mitochondrial like
33Serum 5
MPO n41 Strongly positive
P-ANCA n33 High levels
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
34Summary serum 5
- ANA positive
- Pattern homogenous / fine speckled
- P-ANCA, MPO highly positive
- Clinical suggestion
- Systemic vasculitis
- Microscopic polyangiitis
35Serum 6
36Serum 6
ANA (IIFT) n39
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
37Serum 6
PR-3 n39 Strongly positive
C-ANCA n34 High levels
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
38Summary serum 6
- ANA negative
- C-ANCA, PR-3 highly positive
- Clinical suggestion
- Wegener granulomatosis
39Serum 7
40Serum 7
GBM n27 Highly positive
ANA (IIFT) n40
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
41Summary serum 7
- ANA negative
- GBM high levels (all labs)
- Clinical suggestion
- Anti-GBM disease
42Serum 8
- Clinical data
- 72 years old woman with acute renal failure
- Antecedents of hypertension and hypothyroidism
- Diagnosis Probable microscopic PAN
- Sudden death during dialysis due to heart attack
- Pathological study heart rupture and massive
hemopericardial effusion producing death
43Serum 8
ANA (IIFT) n39
Pattern n36
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
b1 homogenous/neg nucleoli b8 centromere
44Serum 8
Centromere (IIFT) n38 Positive
CENP-B n28 Positive
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
CENP-A n3 positive, CENP-C n1 positive
45Serum 8
p-ANCA n34 Intermediate levels
MPO n39 Intermediate positive
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
46Serum 8
GBM n41 Highly positive
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
47Summary serum 8
- ANA positive, centromere pattern
- CENP-A, B and C positive
- p-ANCA and MPO positive
- GBM positive
- Clinical suggestions given by participants
- anti-GBM disease
- systemic vasculitis
- limited scleroderma
48Serum 9
- Clinical diagnosis Wegeners granumolatosis
49Serum 9
ANA (IIFT) n39
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
50Serum 9
PR-3 n40 Intermediate positive
C-ANCA n34 Intermediate levels
0 Negative, 1 Borderline, 2 low positive, 3
positive, 4 high positive
51Summary serum 9
- Consensus on C-ANCA, PR-3 positive
- Fits with diagnosis
52Serum 10
- Clinical data renal failure
53Serum 10
ANA (IIFT) n40
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3
positive 4 high positive
54Serum 10
Atypical ANCA n27 Negative
C-ANCA n34 Majority negative
P-ANCA n34 Majority negative
0 Negative 1 Borderline 2 low positive 3 positive
4 high positive
C-ANCA P-ANCA atypical ANCA gt1 n25 Thus
majority ANCA IIFT positive, but low level
55Serum 10
MPO n40 Majority positive
PR-3 n40 Negative
56Summary serum 10
- MPO positive
- ANCA IIFT positive but pattern difficult to
interpret - C-ANCA or atypical pattern can be seen with a-MPO
- Clinical suggestion
- Systemic vasculitis
57Summary vasculitis associated ab
- 1 serum (number 7) GBM positive, very good
consensus - 2 sera (number 5 and 8) p-ANCA and MPO positive
- One strong and one intermediate positive
- Good consensus
- 2 sera (number 6 and 9) C-ANCA and PR-3 positive
- One strong and one intermediate positive
- Good consensus
- 1 serum (number 10) ANCA IIFT positive but
pattern difficult (low ab level), MPO positive
(75 of participants)
58Thanks to all participants!