Title: Examples of PDF Uncertainty
14/ Examples of PDF Uncertainty
2Estimate the uncertainty on the predicted cross
section for ppbar ? WX at the Tevatron collider.
global c2
local c2s
3Each experiment defines a prediction and a
range. This figure shows the Dc2 1 ranges.
4This figure shows broader ranges for each
experiment based on the 90 confidence level
(cumulative distribution function of the rescaled
5The final result is an uncertainty range for the
prediction of sW.
Survey of sw?Bln predictions (by R. Thorne)
6Inclusive W production at the Tevatron, Run 2 (K
factor for NNLO/NLO 1.037 has been applied)
Red 1 40 e.v. basis sets Blue full
uncertainty range 2.63 ? 0.09 nb Orange MRST
prediction 2.69?0.11 nb Green Latest CDF value
2.780?0.014?0.060?0.167 nb Purple Latest D0
value 2.865?0.008?0.075?0.186 nb
7The error ellipse for W and Z production at the
Tevatron, Run 2
Red 1 40 e.v. basis sets Purple Full
uncertainty range (error ellipse) Blue
Uncorrelated ranges, roughly ?3 each
8Error ellipse for W and Z production at the LHC
Red 1 40 e.v. basis sets Blue uncorrelated
ranges Purple Full uncertainty range (error
9W production at the LHC is sensitive to the gluon
distribution function.
Tevatron W production can occur by a LO process
with valence quarks.
LHC The LO contribution must involve a sea
quark and there is an NLO contribution from a
10How well can we determine the value of aS( MZ )
from Global Analysis?
For each value of aS, find the best global fit.
Then look at the c2 value for each experiment as
a function of aS.
11Each experiment defines a prediction and a
range. This figure shows the Dc2 1 ranges.
Particle data group (shaded strip) is 0.117?0.002.
The fluctuations are larger than expected for
normal statistics. The vertical lines have
Dc2global100, as(MZ)0.1165?0.0065
12(No Transcript)
13Uncertainties of LHC parton-parton luminosities
Provides simple estimates of PDF uncertainties at
the LHC.
14PDF uncertainty for inclusive jet production at
CDF and D0
Run 1 data CTEQ6.1 the 40 eigenvector basis sets
15(D-T)/T for Run 1 data CTEQ6.1 the 40
eigenvector basis sets
16The 40 eigenvector basis sets used to calculate
PDF uncertainty in the Hessian method
17Predictions for Run 2 at CDF and D0 The
boundaries are the full uncertainty range from
the Master Formula.
18CTEQ6.1 The u-quark PDf and its full uncertainty
band. (This representation is potentially
misleading because low-x and high-x are
19Comparison of MRST and CTEQ6 u-quark
20Comparison of MRST and CTEQ6 u-quark
21CTEQ6.1 The gluon PDf and its full uncertainty
band. (This representation is potentially
misleading because low-x and high-x are
22Comparison of MRST and CTEQ6 gluon
23Comparison of MRST and CTEQ6 gluon
24- Theoretical uncertainties may also be important,
but are more difficult to assess. - Parameterization of f(x,Q0) at Q01.3 GeV a
nonperturbative function - Higher order QCD corrections ( NNLO perturbation
255/ Outlook
26- ? Parton distribution functions are a necessary
theoretical infrastructure for hadron colliders. - Tools now exist to assess the PDF uncertainties.
- Certain advances will be important for making
accurate predictions for the LHC.
- New Data to include in the global analysis
- NuTeV, HERA II, Tevatron Run 2
- Extend the accuracy of the global analysis to
NNLO perturbation theory.