Title: Memory Management Abstractions
1Memory Management Abstractions
- Still Room For Innovation
- Myles Watson
2Introduction In This Talk I Will
- Beat around the bush
- Cover seven research areas
- Focus on one paper from each area
- Expose the hole in the landscape
3What Im Proposing
- Adding a very large memory device to computers
- Controlling cost by using disk
- Improving performance by intelligently monitoring
memory usage
4Seven topics
- Virtual Memory
- Page Management
- Single Level Stores
- Single-Address Space Operating Systems
- Persistence
- Main-Memory Databases
- DRAM Considerations
5Virtual Memory
- Atlas
- Dennings Survey
- Multics
- Pilot
6Atlas (Fotheringham 1961)
- First implementation of virtual memory
- Page frames introduced
- Pages of data are resident in core or on a paging
drum - Supervisor handles paging
- Programmers can use convenient addresses
7Virtual Memory Take Away
- Virtual memory
- Simplifies programming
- Reduces bugs by removing ad hoc memory management
8Page Management
- Application-Controlled Demand Paging for
Out-of-Core Visualization - Reducing Cache Misses Using Hardware and Software
Page Placement - Dynamic Tracking of Page Miss Ratio Curves for
Memory Management - Power Aware Page Allocation
9Dynamic Tracking of Page Miss Ratio Curves for
Memory Management
- Paging decisions are poor
- Due to lack of information
- Track page miss ratio curves to improve them
- Hardware solution (simulated)
- Improves energydelay 27-58
- Software solution (Linux modifications)
- 7-10 overhead 63 reduction in faults
- Improved response time by factor of 5.8
10Page Management Take Away
- More information can lead to better decisions
- Room for significant improvements
11Single-Level Stores
- Inside the AS/400
- 801 Storage Architecture and Programming
- Design Evolution of the EROS Single-Level Store
- Smooth and Efficient Integration of
High-Availability in a Parallel Single Level
Store System
12Inside the AS/400
- AS/400 is an IBM small-business machine
- Designed to be robust, secure, abstract
- The operating system runs in a VM
- Portable
- Programs are compiled when loaded
13Single-Level Store Take Away
- Single-level stores have
- Been implemented in operating systems and in
virtual machines - Been successful for databases and business
workloads - Simplified programming
14Single Address Space Operating Systems (SASOS)
- Architectural Support for Single Address Space
Operating Systems - Using a Single Address Space Operating System to
Support Modern Cluster Computing
15Architectural Support for Single Address Space
Operating Systems
- SASOS are based on large address spaces
- Never re-use addresses
- Simplifies sharing, complicates protection
- Need virtually addressed caches
- Need protection look aside buffers
16SASOS Take Away
- SASOS are a not what we are proposing to do
- Persistent Memory A Storage Architecture for
Object-Oriented Database Systems - Do You Still Use a Database?
- eNVy A Non-Volatile, Main Memory Storage System
- Non-Volatile Memory for Fast, Reliable File
18Persistence Continued
- Quickstore High Performance Mapped Object Store
- Architectures for Persistence
19Persistent Memory A Storage Architecture for
Object-Oriented Database Systems
- Traditional databases are inflexible
- Extensions are slow kludges
- Persistent memory allows fast, elegant solutions
- Checkpoints maintain persistence
20Persistence Take Away
- Transparent persistence
- Simplifies programming
- Increases performance
21Main-Memory Databases
- Main-Memory Database Systems an Overview
- Monet An Impressionist Sketch of an Advanced
Database System - Xmas an Extensible Main-Memory Storage System
- The Architecture of the Dalà Main-Memory Storage
22Monet An Impressionist Sketch of an Advanced
Database System
- The hot sets of many databases will fit in memory
- Monet assumes that is the common case
- Monet can be extended to use virtual memory for
graceful degradation with paging
23Main-Memory Databases Take Away
- There is significant overhead to disk storage
- Databases can be optimized for main-memory
24DRAM Considerations and Controllers
- Concurrency, Latency, or System Overhead Which
Has the Largest Impact on Uniprocessor
DRAM-system Performance? - Memory Controller Optimizations for Web Servers
- The Impulse Memory Controller
25Concurrency, Latency, or System Overhead Which
Has the Largest Impact on Uniprocessor
DRAM-system Performance?
- With fixed CPU and DRAM timings
- Concurrency and system overhead have the largest
impacts on performance
26DRAM Take Away
- Increased latencies can be traded for
- More concurrency
- Lower system overhead
27Summary and Conclusions
- Hardware single-level store
- Combine DRAM and disk
- Collect and use more memory usage information
- Enable persistence
- Simplify operating systems and applications
28Seven Topics Intersecting
- Another level of virtual memory
- Improved page management
- Single level store in hardware
- Could support a SASOS not a SASOS
- Enables inexpensive persistence
- Improves main-memory databases
- DRAM Considerations trade some latency for
efficiency and simplicity