Title: Good morning
1Good morning!
- Please sign-in, find a seat, help yourself to
good eats, get comfortable, prepare a place card
for yourself with the provided materials on the
table, and find out how fabulous your tablemates
summer has been!
2White Settlement Head Start TEEM Team Building
WorkshopSaturday, August 5, 2006800 1130
a.m.Objective To create strong academic teams
- 800 830 Opening Activities
- 830 845 Team building activity
- 845 915 Head Start overview
- 915 930 WSISD overview
- 930 945 Overview of collaboration
- 945 1000 Break
- 1000 1015 Team building activity
- 1015 1045 Classroom Management as a
Team in TEEM - 1045 1115 Team building activity
- 1115 1130 Q/A Closing remarks
4Please tell us..
- When it is your turn, please tell us the
followingaccording to what you chose to drink - Coffee Your pet peeve from co-workers in the
workplace - Apple Your first job what was it and what
did you learn (positive
- or negative) from it?
- Orange Why are you in the childcare profession?
How long have you worked in it? Where
do you see yourself five years from now?
Ten years from now? - Water Your expectation of partnership in the
workplace what do you want from your
team-members? - Nothing Tell us an example of a great
partnership you have experienced - If you choose more than one drink, talk to us
according to the one you choose first.
5Head Start Program overview
- Minimum Standards
- Supervision
- Sanitation
- Safety
- Guidance and Discipline
- Performance Standards
- What is Head Start?
- Who governs Head Start?
- Services Offered
- Head Start Regulations / Professional conduct
- Transitions
- Lesson Planning
- Scheduling
7Head Start
- Is a federally funded program
- Serving low income children and families
- Addresses the whole child
- Major goal low income children are ready for
school at par with their advantaged peers
8Who governs Head Start?
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Administration for Children and Families
- Head Start Bureau
9Rules and regulations?
- Head Start Performance Standards address all
aspects of the program in detail
10 Head Start Program Components
- Education
- Health
- Nutrition
- Mental Health and Disabilities
- Social Services
11Education Component
- Focus on cognitive development
- Addresses all 8 domains of a childs development,
viz. - Language
- Literacy
- Early Math
- Science
- Creative Arts
- Social Emotional Development
- Approaches to Learning
- Physical Health and Development
12Education Component
- Children are assessed using the Galileo
(observation checklist) and mClass (handheld
assessment tool) important for teachers to share
information on childrens assessments - Data is used to drive instruction and program
improvement - We also use portfolios and anecdotal notes for
each child for assessment purposes - Children have 3 active and current Individual
Development Plans (IDPs) in their portfolios
- Head Start requires
- Daily health checks are required by Head Start
- Brushing of teeth twice a day
- Dental and Vision testing
- Height and Weight measurements
- Emphasis on hand washing
- Head Start requires
- Family style dining at all meals (including
snacks) - Special diets to be offered due to religious and
medical restrictions - Meal time conversation
- Note Meals in centers are served per USDA
contract timings
15Mental Health and Disabilities
- Teachers refer children needing help to Center
Directors - Mental Health and/or Disabilities Coordinator
make an observation - Referral is made to appropriate agency
- Therapists work with child if needed (often at
the center) - All children with special needs have active
Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
16Social Services
- Family Community Partnership Assistants assist
families with - Parent Education opportunities
- Parent Meetings
- Community Resources (need based)
- Job Listings
- Hotline information on a variety of topics
17Additional regulations
- Minimum Standards by TDFPS (Texas Department of
Family and Protective Services) - USDA
- Local Health Agencies
- Fire Department
18WSISD Program OverviewRegistration
criteriaStaff certificationPK
guidelinesScholastic curriculumCalendar year
School dayStaff development
19The core collaborative team consists of
- Two WSISD teachers and Head Start staff
- Head Start Support Staff
- The Head Start Director, Assistant Director, and
Director of Early Education Services - Head Start Master teacher
- TEEM Mentor
- Students and families
20The collaborative day looks like
- 630 745 Head Start opens and breakfast is
served - 745 1045 ISD instruction in the three year
old classrooms - Head Start instruction in the four year old
classrooms - 1045 1200 Lunch and quiet time for the
children - (1115 1200) Common planning time for ISD and
Head Start personnel, twice a week - 1200 300 ISD instruction in the four year
old classrooms Head Start instruction in the
three year old classrooms - 300 315 Snack time
- 315 600 Head Start supervised activities
21Collaborative policies look like
- Registration procedures
- Attendance
- ESL and Special Programs services
- District and Classroom Communication Attendance
and tardies - Related Services
- Instruction Team
22The benefits of a collaborative program for White
Settlement children and families
- Emphasis on children AND families
- Access to Special Programs services through
public school district - Transition to public school services
- Holistic education of child
- Shared resources of facilities, materials, and
23Break Time!
- Bathrooms are in the hall to the right and left
as you leave this room. Please be back by - Help yourself to more goodies!
24Team Building Activity
Days of our Lives
25What comes next Where do we go from
hereHow do we use the very best of our
collaborative program to benefit every child?
26Classroom Management as aTeam in TEEM
- What It Looks Like
- How it Works
- Why it Works
- What, How, and Why of Harmony
27Team Building Activity
28Questions and AnswersClosing Remarks
- Progress involves risk
- you cant steal second with your foot on first