Title: STEER
- South Texas Environmental Education and Research
- April 2008
- Jacquia Fenderson, Katarzyna Alderman, Bonnie
Burlingham, Darci Eswein, and Chioma Ndubisi
- Impression of lectures
- Personal Impact
- Future Practices/ Directions
3Addressing Obesity in South Texas
- Obesity in South Texas
- Need to address obesity as a multi-level problem
- Social-Ecological Model
- S-E Model in action
- CATCH program
- Salud! Si Cuenta
Photographs courtesy of Celia Roberts
4Prevalence of Overweight among US Children and
Source National Health and Nutrition Examination
Surveys, CDC
5Addressing Obesity in South Texas
- CATCH and Salud! Si Cuenta based on the
Social-Cognitive Theory - - observational learning
- - triage between individual,
- behavior and environment
- - within the Social-Ecological model of health
- Effectiveness of CATCH
- - Main Trial (1991-94)
- - Brownsville
- elementary schools (2004-08)
Photographs courtesy of Celia Roberts
6Addressing Obesity in South Texas
- Lessons learned
- Health education CAN work! But
- it has to be comprehensive, multi-level
- Has to be paralleled with the changes in policy
and infrastructure - Works in childrens education.
- May not apply to other age groups
Photographs courtesy of Celia Roberts
8Visiting Green Valley Farms
9Colonias Versus Homelessness
- How sad to be born here, live here all your life,
die here, and not know what it is like to be an
AmericanColonia Resident, TX - In answer to What were you feeling without a
stable home? - I was depressed. It was depressing, and I drank
so I wouldnt be scared being out there. Its
hard to be out there when youre homeless, cause
youre around a lot of people that do the same
thing you do. I kept applying for housing
everywhere, but nobody ever called and it was
hard to get, to talk to anybody if you dont have
an address, (laugh) you know? You know, you work
something out here and there and you dont even
get time to pick up your mail and if you dont
pick it up in time they send it back. It was
like a circleMainly I lost my self respect and I
lost caring for anything--Homeless woman in
Seattle, WA.
- Lecture by Dr. Joseph McCormick
- Disproved the current myths about the origin of
HIV/AIDS - Discussed how culture and urbanization has lead
to the increased rate of HIV infection worldwide.
- Better informed HIV/AIDS educator
- Reinforced the importance of establishing
effective HIV/AIDS programs targeted towards
young women
- Personal impact of the lecture and program
13Holy Family Birthing Center
- Provides a safe alternative
- Continuity of care during the entire birthing
process - Less time constraints than Obstetricians
- Techniques to augment pain
- Labor is less invasive
14Holy Family Birthing Center
15Holy Family Birthing Center
- Group office visiting
- Incorporation of Family
- Awareness of differences
- Babies deliver themselves
16Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
17Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
- Directly impacts the overall health of many, and
is often overlooked/ignored due to other diseases - These afflictions are not going away
- Working internationally or traveling tropical
medicine and infectious disease are important
18Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
- Working with underserved and/or displaced peoples
- The effect on population health
- Being culturally aware and sensitive
- I will hopefully never be bored and always have
19Thank You
- Patsy Bortoni, Dr. Enrique Escobedo, Dr. Noe
Garza, Roger Perales, The RAHC, Adam Trevino, Dr.
Adela Valdez, Dr. Leonel Vela
20Hasta luego!