Title: ASTR 1120 General Astronomy: Stars
1 ASTR 1020 Introductory
Astronomy II Stars Galaxies
Week 16 (28April) Cosmology Cosmic microwave
background Hubble expansion, Dark energy Active
Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Life in the Universe
2Hubble Expansion
Vkms H x DMpc H 71 km/s
Doppler Effect
3Redshift (Doppler effect)expressed as z
- Present day z 0
- Furthest galaxy z 7-10
- Cosmic Microwave Background z 1089
- Big Bang z 8
4The Hubble constant V H0 x D
H0 in km s-1 / Mpc (km / mega parsecs)
5Use quasars as bright beacons see absorption
lines from intergalactic gas
6Quasar spectra
Redshifted from emission lines Many
absorption lines (forest)
Lyman Alpha Forest
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8Supernova Type Ia Evidence for Accelerating
- Two surveys agree
- Distant supernovae appear too faint
- More high-z data are needed
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10- Dark Energy
- Type Ia supernovae
- gt 1.4 Solar mass white dwarfs accreting
- from companion
- gt Standard candle!
- gt Dimmer (farther) then expected from
redshift - gt Expansion of Universe accelerating
- (since 5 10 Billion years ago)
- Cosmic Microwave Background
- gt Standard Ruler!
- gt Geometry of Universe is flat
- gt Requires more than ordinary matter
(4) -
dark matter (26) - Dark energy tension in the vacuum!
(70) - Matter dilutes dark energy is constant as
volume grows -
11The History of our Universe
12 Summer Milky Way
Wei-Hao Wang
13The Sky in Galactic Coordinates (projected)
14 Our Milky Way _at_ visual wavelengths
15 Our Milky Way _at_ near infrared wavelengths
16 Our Milky Way _at_ far infrared wavelengths
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18Distant galaxies
1 Billion years ago distant galaxies _at_ near-IR
19The Karl Jansky antenna in Holmdel, New Jersey
(1929) First detection of cosmic
radio waves
20Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background 1965
ATT Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill, NJ
Bob Wilson Arno Penzias
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22- Note
- Axes
- Size of error bars (boxes)
- Wiens law max frequency 160 GHz
- Isotropic to 1/100,000!
23Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Remove
constant background (2.728 K) Dipole
anisotropy Solar motion at 600 km/s
(Doppler shift) Remove dipole CMB
Galactic Plane
24Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Remove
constant background (2.728 K) Dipole
anisotropy CMB Galactic Plane dust
Remove model of dust emission gt True
25Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
26Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
Insertion into Lunar Halo L2 orbit
27Cosmic Microwave Background Snapshot of
3,000 K plasma when Universe was 380,000 yrs old
Redshifted by Expansion of the Universe x1,000
gt 3 K
28Cosmic Microwave Background (WMAP 5 year map)
29How does 1 side of the CMB know the temperature
and density on the other side of the sky - they
have never been in contact .. Or maybe they
have! gt Inflation
Alan Guth
30The History of our Universe
31Today lt Galaxies lt first stars
lt CMB ltBig Bang
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33 The Fate of the Universe
34Composition of the Universe Ordinary Matter
(atoms, molecules, etc.) 4
Interacts with light, nuclear forces,
gravity Dark Matter
23 Does NOT
interact with light (its dark!) Interacts
with gravity Dark Energy
Does NOT interact with light (its dark!)
Tension in the vacuum Accelerates expansion
of the Universe
35Dark Matter and the Fate of the Universe
- Expansion begins with the Big Bang (well talk
about this next week) - At that point, everything in the universe is
flung apart at outrageous speeds! - Several different models for Past and Future
depending upon the amount of dark matter
36Predictions of General Theory of Relativity
- Einstein in 1917 realized GTR predicted universes
in motion, but preferred steady state added
cosmological constant (CC) as repulsive force
in space-time to counteract attractive force of
gravity (A fudge factor!) - Willem de Sitter (A, Dutch, 1917) solves GTR
equations with no CC and low density of matter
showed universe must expand - Alexander Friedmann (M, Russian, 1920) solves GTR
with no CC but any density of matter universes
can expand forever, or collapse again, depending
on mean matter density - Georges Lemaitre (P, Belgian, 1927) rediscovers
Friedmann solutions, told Hubble (observing
redshifts since 1924) that cosmic expansion
suggests more distant galaxies should have
greater redshifts (Hubble publishes V Hod in
1929) - Einstein visited Hubble in 1932, said CC was the
greatest blunder of his career
37Very important diagram
- Average distance between galaxies
- 1 / expansion factor
- 1 / (1 Z)
- NOW is fixed in time (Z0)
- Hubble constant NOW sets how fast universe is
expanding NOW
Big Bang when distance zero Z
38The expansion rate of the universe is not
necessarily constant for all time
- Just like a cannonball, GRAVITY should SLOW
expansion rate ? deceleration - Different models for different amounts of dark
matter - Lets ignore accelerating for now
39Since gravity is what pulls everything back in,
there must be a magic number
- Just the right amount of mass (in our current
universe) to pull everything back together in an
infinite amount of time - Just like our exact escape velocity for the
cannonball - We call this exact amount of matter (spread out
over the observable universe), the CRITICAL
DENSITY - 10-29 grams/cm3 a few atoms in a closet
40Critical Universe
- Density of matter critical density
- Will expand forever, but just barely
41Recollapsing Universe
- Dark matter density is greater than critical
density - Expansion will stop in the future, will collapse
back in - Big Crunch
- Oscillations?
42Coasting Universe
- The universe has always expanded at the same rate
(no deceleration due to gravity!) - The age of the Universe 1/Ho
43Which model predicts the largest age for the
universe today?
Clicker Question
- A. Recollapsing
- (closed)
- B. Critical
- (flat)
- C. Coasting
- (open)
- D. Accelerating
44The Fate of the Universe
- Hubble constant sets the expansion rate for NOW
- Dark matter pulls expansion curves downwards
- Upwards curve suggests DARK ENERGY pushing
against gravity???!
45The Birth of our universeAre
46- Some deep questions
- What happened during the Big Bang?
- What came before?
- Is our universe the only one?
- Are there other universes?
- Why is the universe hospitable to life?
- The anthropic principle
- Are we alone?
47- Some Approaches
- The Multiverse hypothesis
- (L. Suskind hypothesis)
- - A vast landscape of universes beyond our
- horizon, each with variations in the
constants - of nature.
- - We can only exist in one suitable for us
- Cosmic Evolution with Natural Selection
- (Smolin/Harrison hypothesis)
- - Black holes make Universes,
- each with slightly different constants
- - Universes that maximize number of
- black holes are most successful
- - Advanced life maximizes of black holes
- gt Successful Universes have advanced
life! - anthropic principle
48Colliding Galaxies NGC 4676
Mice with HST Advanced Camera for Surveys
49Stephans Quintet in HST detail
50A mature exampleElliptical shape but with dust
51It may happen to us in future!
Andromeda (M31) in future
52Messages From Galaxy Interactions
- In dense clusters, galaxy collisions (grazing or
even head-on) must have been common - With successive passages, spiral galaxies can
tumble together to form a big elliptical - Vastly increased star birth from shocking the gas
and dust (starburst galaxies coming up next!) - Start rapid feeding of supermassive black hole
lurking at center of most galaxies (quasars
coming up soon!)
53M82 Starburst Result of interaction with M81
M82 - M81 - in visual
54M82 Starburst interaction
NGC 3077
M 81
M 82
M82 - M81 - in 21 cm HI (radio)
55M81/82 in Big Dipper UV
56M82 in Big Dipper Hydrogen
57Starburst Galaxies
M82 - visible
Chandra X-ray
- Milky Way forms about 1 new star per year
- Starburst galaxies form 100s of stars per year
58Vigorous star birth The Antennae
HST detail NGC 4038/39
59Starburst galaxies emit most of their light at
infrared wavlengths
- Star formation heats dust to very hot
temperatures - Hot dust glows strongly in the infrared
- Much evidence for galactic fountains and giant
supernova-driven galactic winds - Usually triggered by galaxy collisions or close
passages of another galaxy
60Active Galactic Nuclei Another Type of Galactic
- Galaxies with strange stuff going on in their
centers - Some galaxies at high redshift (large lookback
times) have extremely active centers - More than 1000 times the light of the entire
Milky Way combined from a point source at the
- Quasi-Stellar Radio Source
- Nuclei so bright (at nearly all wavelengths) that
the rest of the galaxy is not easily seen - First discovered as radio sources - then found to
have very high redshifts!
62Sources of the radiation from bright nuclei in
active galaxies
- Thermal radiation from a massive star cluster
- Emission lines from hot gas
- 21 cm from hydrogen gas
- H-alpha from hydrogen gas
- Synchrotron radiation from a black hole
- Synchrotron light is bright at both radio and
X-ray wavelengths (far ends of the spectrum)
64Whatever is powering these QSOs must be very
- Some quasars can double their brightness within a
few hours. - Therefore they cannot be larger than a few
light-hours across (solar system size) - Why? Think about the time it takes light from the
front of the object to get to us compared to the
light from the back.
65Quasar Central Engines
- How do quasars emit so much light in so little
space? - Â
- They are powered by accretion disks around
supermassive black holes - Â
- In some quasars, huge jets of material are shot
out at the poles. These jets are strong radio
66Central Engine -- artists conception
- Accretion disk around super-massive black hole
- Inner parts of disk may or may not be obscured by
dust - If bright nucleus is visible, looks like a
quasar, if not, then its a radio galaxy
68M 87 Elliptical-galaxy In Virgo
cluster Active Galactic Nucleus
(AGN) Syncrotron jet from super-massive black
hole central
69Prototypical radio galaxy
Giant elliptical galaxy NGC 5128 with dust
lane (from spiral galaxy?) Centaurus A
radio source (color lobes)
70Cygnus A radio jets
400,000 ly
Jet as fine thread, big lobes at end, central hot
71Radio tails many shapes
NGC 1265 100K ly
3C 31 2 M light years
72M87 elliptical with jet
800 km/s 60 ly away
- Active galactic nucleus beams out very narrow jet
- Accretion disk shows gas orbiting a 2.7 billion
solar mass black hole first real proof !
73Another example of central beaming engine
active nucleus - HST
- 400 light year wide disk of material in core of
elliptical galaxy with radio jets looks like a
supermassive black hole at work!
74 ASTR 1020 Introductory
Astronomy II Stars Galaxies
Week 16 (30April) Review Summary
75The Universe
nearest star
76Forces in Nature
Strong Nuclear force
Electromagnetic force
Electroweak force
Weak nuclear force
77The Big Bang A graphic 14 billion year history
of the Universe
78The first 3 minutes Making of the light
elements and isotopes
Observations show our Universe is here.
????????? critical Ordinary matter has
79Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
1) Matter is evenly distributed on very large
scales in the universe
- WMAP showed that the universe is, for the most
part, isotropic (physically equal in all
directions) - Variations in above image are at the .001 level!!
8013 Billion years ago Cosmic structure
formation Dark matter halos collapsing gt
first stars
81The Hubble Deep Field
Galaxies to z4!
82What does the expansion of the universe most
accurately mean?
Clicker Question
- Galaxies are moving apart through space
- Space itself is expanding
- Everything is expanding, including the earth, our
bodies, etc - The Milky Way is at the center of the universe
and all other galaxies are expanding away from us.
83Making of a spiral galaxy
- Start with a fairly uniform cloud of hydrogen
- Gravitational collapse forms protogalactic clouds
- First stars are born in this spheroid (such stars
are billions of years old ? fossil record)
84Small variant in spiral making
- Several smaller protogalactic clouds may have
merged to form a single large galaxy - May explain slight variations in stellar ages in
the MW
85Forming a disk with spiral
- As more material collapses, angular momentum
spins it into a disk - Stars now formed in dense spiral arms disk
stars are younger!
86Or now a different story.
- Spiral galaxy collisions destroy disks, leave
behind elliptical - Burst of star formation uses up all the gas
- Leftovers train wreck
- Ellipticals more common in dense galaxy clusters
- So what?
NGC 4038/39 Antennae
87Why are collisions between galaxies more likely
than between stars within a galaxy?
Clicker Question
- Galaxies are much larger than stars
- Galaxies travel through space much faster than
stars - Relative to their sizes, galaxies are closer
together than stars - Galaxies have higher redshifts than stars
- Quasi-Stellar Radio Source
- Nuclei so bright (at nearly all wavelengths) that
the rest of the galaxy is not easily seen - First discovered as radio sources - then found to
have very high redshifts!
89Do ALL galaxies have supermassive black holes?
- probably YES!
- Part of normal galaxy formation?
- More quasars seen in the distant (early) universe
than now - Black holes gradually grow, but can run out of
available fuel and become nearly invisible (like
in our Milky Way)
90Somehow, the rest of the galaxy knows about the
SMBH during formation!!
91Resurrected by galaxy collisions?
- Many galaxies with bright nuclei show signs of
being disturbed - Collisions funnel material down into the black
hole lurking at the core - Expect more such collisions in denser early
universe - This may help explain why fewer quasars today
92Quasars reveal Protogalactic Clouds
- Looking for gas between the galaxies
- Cold, invisible, too dim even at 21 cm
- But quasars provide the way to detect them!
Simulation of universe
93Now on to Case for Dark Matter Chapter 22
- gt 90 of mass of universe is dark matter
(invisible, missing matter) - Detectable ONLY via its gravitational forces on
luminous matter (gas and stars) - Note -- this dark matter is NOT the same as black
holes, brown/black dwarfs, or dust
94Formation of Structure
- In the beginning
- Density distribution mostly smooth but very small
ripples exist in density - Gravity pulls together dark matter in slightly
denser regions to form dark halos - Light matter radiates energy and sinks to the
middle to form galaxies
- WMAP showed that space was relatively isotropic
(physically similar) but different at the .001
96If the Universe was mostly smooth, how did those
lumps turn into galaxies?
- Simulations show that gravity of dark matter
pulls mass into denser regions universe grows
lumpier with time - Those lumps are galaxy clusters
97- Observations of galaxy positions reveal extremely
large structures clusters, superclusters,
walls, voids
Computer simulations
Real data
- Agreement is generally pretty good!
- Despite the fact that we dont know what the CDM
99Lessons from Imaginary Universes
- Cold (Slow) dark matter works better than hot
(fast) dark matter - Neutrinos are too fast structure would be
smeared out - What is slow and dark enough? We dont know yet!
- Particle experiments under way..
100 Star Formation
Shrink size by 107 increase density by x 1021 !
Where planets also form
- Giant Molecular Cloud Core
Raw material for star birth
- Gravitational Collapse Fragmentation
Proto-stars, proto-binaries, proto-clusters
Accretion disks, jets, outflows
Most may form in clusters!
C. Lada
101Orion Molecular Clouds 13
Orion B
2.6 mm
Orion Nebula
Orion A
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105Young Proto-planetary Disk
106Class I Outflow HH 46/47
107Class I Outflow HH 46/47
Spitzer IRAC
3 8 mm
108- Evolution of
- A Star
- Birth
- Main-sequence
- life
- - fusion HgtHe
- Death
- gt 60 M
- black hole
- 8 60 M
- neutron star
- lt 8 M
- white dwarf
The Sun .
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