Title: Ensemble Training Available at COMET and Elsewhere
1Ensemble Training Available at COMET and Elsewhere
- Dr. William R. Bua, Project Scientist, UCAR/COMET
- Ensemble Users Workshop
- 2 November 2006
- What concepts we need to teach
- What training is currently available
- Where we need to go with training
- Whats missing from training now?
- What are current plans to address these needs?
3Important Ensemble Concepts
- Scientific basis for ensemble prediction
- Chaos theory/sensitivity of NWP forecasts to
initial conditions - NWP model forecast sensitivity to model
parameterizations, numerics, data assimilation - Ensemble configuration and implications for
ensemble forecast usage - Postprocessing of ensemble data
- Statistical methods used for ensemble products
- Advantages and limitations of product usage
- Case examples to illustrate the concepts
- Above all, need to train on the RELEVANCE of
ensemble prediction in day-to-day forecast process
4COMET Training
Click the link!
5NWP Section of MetEd website
6The NWP Forum A place to discuss NCEP EPSs
Links to Background, Instructions, Rules, Help,
and a direct Jump to forums if already registered
7NWP Forum on MetEd Web Site
- GFS section can be used to address ensemble
prediction in the medium range - NAM/mesoscale for the short-range ensemble
prediction system
8Case Studies Using Ensemble Tools
Menu Frame
Content Frame
9NCEP Hydrological Prediction Center Ensemble
10TC/PR/RB Lecture 1 Introduction to Ensemble
Roberto Buizza European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (http//www.ecmwf.int/staff/robe
11 12(No Transcript)
13WMO Ensemble Training Workshops
- Emphasis on training in Asia, Africa, and South
America - Workshops in 2005-6 (not an exhaustive list)
- Brasilia, Brazil (January 2005)
- Shanghai, China (April 2005)
- Incorporated into education and training workshop
in Nanjing (September 2006)
14Where do we need to go?
- Need feedback from users to determine future
direction of training, but heres my guess. - More case studies
- Need to more directly tie ensemble prediction to
operational meteorology - Show practical uses in the forecast office
- More training through case studies in climate
prediction realm? - More information on existing EPS
- COMET ensemble matrix and the NAEFS
- Timely updating of information as EPS
configurations either change or new EPSs become
available for operational use
15FY 2007 UCAR/COMET Plans
- Wave ensemble training
- Teletraining on SREF (as it becomes available to
WFOs through AWIPS) and MREF - Maintenance of Ensemble Prediction Matrix
- Case studies as appropriate