Title: The CISM Code Infrastructure
1The CISM Code Infrastructure
Bob Weigel
The CISM Knowledge Transfer Short Course AFWA
Omaha, November 2-3, 2005
- Sun to Earth Numerical Modeling
- Model Overview
- Pairwise Couplings
- Coronal and Heliosphere Model Coupling
- Magnetosphere and Thermosphere-Ionosphere
Coupling - Magnetosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Model
Coupling - The CISM Forecast Model
- Visualization Products
3CISM Heliospheric Models (CORHEL 1.0)
Solar Corona Model Magnetohydrodynamics Around a
Sphere (MAS) Linker et al., 1999 Mikic et al.,
1999 Riley et al., 2001
Solar Wind Model (ENLIL - Sumerian wind
deity) Odstrcil and Pizzo, 1999 Odstrcil et al.,
4CISM Geospace Models (LTR 1.0)
Magnetosphere Model Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry (LFM) Fedd
er and Lyon, 1995 Lyon et al., 1998 2004
Rice Convection Model (RCM) Wolf and Spiro, 1987
Toffoletto et al., 2004
Thermosphere/Ionosphere Model Thermosphere-Ionosph
ere Nested Grid (TING) Roble et al., 1988 Wang
et al., 1999
5Numerical Model Chain (CISM 1.0)
Solar Corona Model (MAS)
B, V, ?, p
Solar Wind Model (ENLIL)
B, V, ?, T
Magnetosphere Model (LFM)
J, ?, T
B, ?, p
?, p
Magnetosphere- Ionosphere Coupler
Inner Magnetosphere Model (RCM)
?, ?P, ?H
?, ?, F
?P, ?H
Thermosphere/Ionosphere Model (TING)
6CISM Numerical Code Coupling Framework
- Need to develop programming paradigm which allows
for efficient coupling of models and is flexible
enough to allow adding new physics and models - efficient transmission of information among codes
- interpolation of data between grids
- translation of physical variables between codes
- control mechanisms to synchronize execution and
interaction between codes - minimal modifications to existing code base
- Intercomm University of Maryland A. Sussman
- Solution to the MxN problem in coupling parallel
codes - Will address the control issues
- Overture - LLNL B. Henshaw D. Quinlan
- C framework for solving differential equations
on overset grids - Used to handle interpolation between model grids
7Framework Example
- Overture grid functions identify regions of
overlap between models as well an interpolatant - Intercomm creates data descriptor to determine
how to move data in regions of overlap between
coupler and models A B
- Applied Intercomm library to test case based upon
splitting 2 fluid MHD simulation - Overture application being developed to replace
coupling infrastructure in CMIT
8The Forecast Model Concept
(From Baker et al., 2004))
a community-developed set of data, models, and
data and model explorers
- Needed to create a visualization and data
analysis tool which could be used by validation
team as well as model developers - Used Open DX and Octave as a basis
- Import modules currently implemented
- RCM and TIEGCM are under development
- Also includes and extensive collection of
observations and tools for calculating metrics
and skill scores - KT thrust is developing push button
installation process - includes examples and documentation
- Available for download from http//lasp.colorado.e
du/cism/CISM_DX - User group with mailing list and network
11CISM_DX Lead Developers
Michael Wiltberger NCAR/HAO Michael Gehmeyr -
12CISM_DX Contributors
Fabio Acero Scot Elkington Tim Guild Elly
Huang John Lyon Bob McPherron Asher
Pembroke Marius Schamschula Dimitris Vassiliadis
Logo by Susanna Lamey
- A collection of analysis and visualization tools
by scientists, that use, or can be compiled with,
Open Source Software on multiple operating
systems. The tools are integrated.
- CISM-DX is a software package that contains
- Extensions to Octave and OpenDX for import and
analysis of numerical and measurement data - Extensive suite of networks and programs for both
novice and expert users - Extensive set of time series data in a common
- It is not a web page with a list packages in
source code format. These exist. It is not a
web page for obtaining a restricted set of
information. - It is not a set of libraries that is called by a
Java or other front-end (examples VisBARD, IDV,
SSC 3D Orbit Viewer, AFGeospace). Although it
could be. - It is a set of source codes, pre-compiled for
several operating systems, usage examples,
educational tutorials, and programs that
integrate the codes written in different
languages. What calls the library (or the
front-end) depends on the community - the
library is separated from the GUI the libraries
are integrated so that the GUI can easily change!
16Code distributed with CISM_DX
- 50 .m files compatible with Octave/Matlab
- 30 C/Fortran codes wrapped with OpenDX or
Octave - 50 .net files for visualization in OpenDX
- 1000 years (1 GB compressed) of time series
data _at_ 1-minute resolution - 2 .pro files for IDL
- 10 .pl files for data file manipulation with
17Datasets distributed with CISM_DX
- Numerous data sets from across the community
where collected moved on uniformly spaced time
grids and stored in HDF files - Provides the user with essential data quickly so
they can move onto doing science with having to
learn new data formats
- Dataset includes
- Satellite Observations
- Ground Magnetometer
- Indices
- AE, Dst, Ap, F10.7, aa, am
- Space physics needs a tool for visualizing and
analyzing numerical and empirical models as well
as observational data - Must support all levels of users from novice to
expert - Must be inexpensive
- Should draw upon the previous work and knowledge
of the space physics community -
19Why continued
- It has been successful in CISM
- In allowing scientists to have access to
Sun-Earth analysis programs without having to
learn specialized data formats and data sets - In getting students working with expert tools
- In speeding up model transition into operations
- The number of data formats and programming
languages scale with time. Integration can often
be more important than optimization (of data
formats, download speed, etc.) Without a
framework, this bottom-up approach is the best
alternative (and some may say better).
20The CISM_DX contribution framework
Our approach
Give researchers and students a useful tool and a
mechanism and framework for improving upon it.
21The CISM_DX contribution framework
- User develops tool using software in the CISM_DX
package. - Submits a contribution package
- Package is review and suggestions for improvement
are made - Final package is posted to CISM_DX web site and
announced on email list. - Developers meet to decide what and how parts of
contribution can be integrated in a future
CISM_DX release.
- Ideally all contributions would be in Octave,
OpenDX, C, Fortran 77, Perl, anything that has
cross-platform support and can be executed,
compiled, or wrapped with Open Source Software. - However, there are many useful IDL and
Matlab-specific codes that we would consider
adding (especially graphics tools). They may not
be as well-integrated as the other programs, but
will still find use.
22Web page http//lasp.colorado.edu/cism/CISM_DX
Source code and pre-compiled binaries
available for version 0.43. Version 0.5 expected
in the end of June.
- OSX and Windows XP versions in August.