Title: Auto Participant Lists
1Auto Participant Lists
2Uploading User Data
If the student has entered their name and
(optional) ID, the information can be uploaded to
the receiver.
Send User Data
Change Channel
This will build an automatic participant list
each time the data is uploaded.
3Sample Slide
The next slide is a sample slide that you can use
in your presentation to instruct the students to
upload their User Data.
This should be the first slide in your
presentation and all students must upload their
data BEFORE any polling begins.
4Send Your User Data
Press the Enter key now to send your user data to
the receiver
Make sure you have confirmation that the data has
been sent , otherwise you will not receive credit
for attendance
5Before Starting the Presentation
PowerPoint Make sure the Participants drop down
menu is set to (Auto)
6Start the Presentation
Now, start your presentation with the first slide
and ask all students to Send their User Data.
Your participant list will be automatically
generated and each students name and optional ID
will be associated with their responses.
You can begin polling and asking questions
7Showing the Response Grid
The Turning Point polling bar allows you to turn
on the response grid.
When the student answers, the grid will change
(Not available in Turning Point Anywhere)
8Continue Polling
Polling Open
You may continue to poll and ask additional
questions. The current participant list will be
saved in your session file and can be viewed
through Turning Reports.
Polling Closed
At the end of the session, you must save your
session data to your storage device to preserve
the user information. You can run Turning Reports
any time after class, provided you have saved the
9Generating a Participant Report
Turning Reports can generate an Excel or Word
document that lists the participants from the
saved session file.
10Example Participant Report
This is a sample of the Excel file that is
generated from the Auto upload of user data (only
two participants - small class!)
Note that this is the only way to extract the
participant list from Turning Point Anywhere.
There are other options in PowerPoint.
If you do not extract or save your participant
list, you must have students upload their user
data at the start of EVERY class!
12Extracting the Participant List
Turning Point 2008 allows you to extract the
participant list so that the students do not have
to upload the data at the beginning of each
class. (This can be done later with the saved
13Choose the Session
You can choose the session from which to extract
the participant list. Here, the current (open)
session is selected. Previously saved sessions
can be used as well.
Once you have chosen a session, click on Extract
Participant List
14Save the List
The extracted list needs to be named and saved to
your storage area using the standard file save
15Using the Extracted List
Thats it. You can use the list in future classes
by selecting Import from the Participants drop
down menu in the Turning Point tool bar
If students were absent during the User Data
upload, you may also edit the Participant list
and add the missing students manually.