Title: DO NOWs
- 1.) Hand in Homework
- 2.) Fill in the blank shapes on the John Adams
chart with the following - 3.) You can use the DVD that is running to help
you - XYZ Affair
- Virginia Kentucky Resolutions
- Jays Treaty
- Quasi-War
DO NOW Hand in homework Finish watching John
Adams DVD
3Thomas Jefferson
Political Party Democratic-Republican Philosophi
es Civic Virtue behaving morally for the common
good necessary for republics survival. Farming
(not trade and work in cities) increases civic
virtue Strict Construction Federal government
must not go outside guidelines in
Const. Neutrality no foreign alliances
- (1801-1805)
5Marbury v. Madison, 1803
- John Marshall Chief Justice (Adams appt.)
- A staunch Federalist
- Declared Judicial Act of 1801 unconstitutional
- It is emphatically the province and the duty of
the judicial department to say what the law is. - Sets precedent of Judicial Review
6Louisiana Purchase 1803
1803 purchase of French territory from
Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains
7Wasnt Louisiana Spanish?
YES it was until 1800 when a New French leader
got Spain to hand it back over. (Treaty of
8Uh -oh
French arent letting Americans use Mississippi
River as freely as the Spanish Are we going to
have to go to war? Must we side w/Britain
against Napoleon violate our neutrality? Lets
see if hell just sell us the port city of
Napoleon Bonaparte
9Just the facts
- 840,000 square miles of territory
- 15 million dollars
- Complete control of both the Mississippi and
Missouri Rivers - Control of New Orleans
- Less than 4 cents an acre
- Access to the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains
- More land
10Oh, but what of strict construction? It doesnt
say in the Constitution that the govt can just
spend tax money on acquiring land.
Practically Speaking -Controlling land West of
the Mississippi before the settlers get there
will prevent war with a foreign
power. Politically Speaking -New agricultural
states will benefit the Democratic-Republican
party Ideologically Speaking -The new land will
create lots of land for farms which Jefferson
believes will preserve civic virtue
11Lewis and Clark
Explore Louisiana Purchase beyond
- 2nd Term of office much less successful
- Barbary Pirates
- Napoleonic Wars
- Impressment
- Embargo
13From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of
Tripoli, we will fight our countrys battles on
the land and on the sea. The Marines Hymn
North America
Barbary Coast (the shores of Tripoli)
Barbary Coast (Shores of Tripoli)
Jefferson sent a navy to the the shores of
Tripoli to intimidate the pirate-sponsoring
Barbary States
14Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
- World War btwn Fr Br
- French attack US ships going to Britain
- British increase impressment
15Chesapeake Incident (1807)
- British navy attacked US warship Chesapeake in
American waters impresses 4 sailors
16Embargo Act (1807)
- US too weak for war
- Embargo Ban all US exports for 15 months
- Overestimated Europes reliance on US exports.
- More costly than building a large navy
17Non-Importation Act (1809)
- 3 days before Jeffersons retirement
- Revised law - only forbids trade with Eng Fr.
- Embargo is the biggest stain on Jeffersons record
18Thomas Jefferson
strict construction BARBARY PIRATES built a
small navy to fight EMBARGO harsh government
repression of individual freedom FINANCE He
removed excise tax, but otherwise left Hamiltons
system in tact.
Its said that Jefferson caught the Federalists
bathing and ran off with their clothes.
20(No Transcript)
21- This political cartoon is from 1807
- 1.) What in the picture is the ograbme?
- 2.) Why do they use the word ograbme?
- 3.) they chose a snapping turtle to represent the
embargo b/c - 4.) Is it pro or anti Embargo Act?
- 5.) What part of the country /political party
would have the same point of view as the
22 ELECTION of 1800
-The People the states want the
Democratic-Republicans -No clear majority in the
Electoral college means House of
Representatives must chose -House of Reps is
mostly Federalist. -Should the House members vote
in the interest of their party affiliation or
please the people?
23 ELECTION of 1800
The House honored the wishes of the voters and
their states. They gave Jefferson the presidency
and Aaron Burr the Vice Presidency, which was the
choice of the states
24The Revolution of 1800
- Jefferson said there had been a revolution b/c
- The majority party changed hands (not much of a
revolution really) - Why did it happen? Americans were Fed up with
the Federalists (Alien and Sedition Acts).
25Thomas Jefferson Internal Developments
1.) Twelfth Amendment (1804) 2.) Marbury v.
Madison (1803) 3.) Louisiana Purchase (1803)
26The Twelfth Amendment
- Now the voters/electors select not only the
President but the vice president as well. - If multiple people run for president a winner is
declared only if they have 51 of electoral
votes. - If theres no clear majority, the House decides
among the top three.
27At first I thought loose construction was a good
idea, but the Louisiana Purchase will be the
death of my party.
28Do Now On a piece of scrap paper,
answerWho were Lewis and Clark?(You read
about them for homework)
HOMEWORK TONIGHT Write 10 midterm questions
29Jefferson Troubles on the High Seas
- 1.) Barbary Coast Pirates
- 2.) Impressment (The Chesapeake Incident)
- 3.) Embargo Act of 1807
30(No Transcript)