Title: However.
1(No Transcript)
2Hurricane Hugo Taught Us That
Preparedness Makes the Difference. But, that
its an Individual
However. Have too Many Years Passed since HUGO,
were Lessons Learned really Learned? Have the
many recent Close Calls fostered a state of
Complacency? ..Are You Ready?
3Did you know ????
- Coosaw Creek is close to LAST when it comes to
communities in need of assistance after a
disaster, hurricane, earthquake, fire or flood. - Hospitals, roads to landfills, main roads and
trailer parks will most likely receive help from
Fire, Police and SCEG before we do!
4Coosaw Creek Community Emergency Response
- Russ Bernard
- Nancy Duffy
- Wolf D. Kutter
- Coosaw Creek has a written Disaster Plan
- The Community has now an Emergency Response
Center SOP/ PLAN - And, we have CERT TEAM C9A
5Community Emergency Response Teams
- First Aid Triage
- Firefighting Safety
- Light Duty Search Rescue
- Utility Cut-Off Procedures
- Disaster Operations Psychology
- Counter-Terrorism..etc
Regional Tri-County Effort 202-7400
6Homeowners Plan
- To sustain your family for 7 to 9 days
- Power outages are estimated to last 4-6 weeks if
struck by a strong hurricane (Hugo strength) or
earthquake. - Family is first..plan your evacuation
- Will you? What route?
- When? Coordinated with family?
- Where?
- Our recommended evacuation route is to travel
west on SC642 (Dorchester Road) to Old Orangeburg
Road (Secondary 22) to 78
7Your Plan
- Safe room
- Food and H20 needs
- Medical supplies
- Medication
- Resource
- http//www.coosawpoa.com/
- Cash
- No cell service
- Important documents
- Complete the Coosaw Creek Questionnaire
- Critical for planning
- Be alert and watch the weather!
8Personal Preparedness
- Family/ Business Plan eg Out of Town Contacts
Phone Numbers, Meeting Place, etc - Important Papers (Includes Pet)
- Cash Money/Travelers Checks
- Personal Hygiene Supplies
- Change of Clothes
- Food-Water-Rx for 5-7 Days
- Games for Children
- Maps/ Secondary Evac Routes
- other. For Total Independence
http//www.dorchestercounty.net/EOC.html www.Ready
9FAMILY Preparedness
WaterBob - Aqua Pod Kit
Emergency Water Storage
Citizen Preparedness Self-Study Course IS-22
FEMA www.ready.gov
Hazards Evacuation Planning Checklists Disaster
Supplies DHS Advisory System Disaster Recovery
65-100 Gallons of Fresh Drinking Water
10SC Hurricane Threats
Strongest Winds and Surge Occur in the Eye Wall
Fresh Water Flooding Deaths
Run from the Water Hide from the Wind !
11SC Earthquake Threats
If an 1886-type Quake were to Repeat Itself in
the LowCountry
- Most Structures Damaged- 160 Fire Stations 220
Schools - 45,000 Casualties (9,000 Major Injuries and 900
Deaths) - 70,000 Households or 200,000 Individuals
Affected (60,000 Will Need Shelter) - Total Economic Loss 20 Billion (70 In Tricounty
Area) - 250 Concurrent Fires Burning
- 80 of Population Without Water
- 30 of Hospitals Around the State Knocked Out of
Service - gt800 Bridges and Overpasses Out, Recovery OPS
Hampered - 12 Power Plants and 51 Substations .. gt300,000
Households Without Power - 36 Million Tons of Debris..Landfill Life
Fire House No. 5
Our Area Experiences Approximately 12 Quakes Each
Year !
12SC Earthquakes
2006/7 Activity
Strike-Slip Fault
USC-Dorchester County EOC Joint Project
Middleton Place-Summerville Seismic Zone
13Are You Ready ? or Could YOU Get Better
14Emergency Response Center (ERC)Plan
- ERC at Club House in Blue Room, and First Aid
Station in Red Room - Operations Section will be conduit for Block
Captains and the Coosaw Creek CERT Team - Command Section will interface with City of North
Charleston, Dorchester County, Charleston County
and SCEG. - Security will also be coordinated from the ERC
15Supporting the Community Plan
- Volunteer to be a Block Captain
- Volunteer to collate packets, organize binders
and work the Command Center - To take care of your family
- Be self sufficient for 7-9 days
- A family response to disaster
- Questions