Title: The birth of a new platform
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2The birth of a new platform
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4The local media revolution gains momentum
April 2006
Over 700 new opportunities
5Scale Locality Involvement Ad Avoidance
Demonstrating effectiveness6 brands (local
Investigating link between local press and local
oftenperceivedas national
8Local press famous for
confirmed in previous studies
The power of advertising in a wider local media
context local print online
9The crucial finding from Stage III is
share the same famous qualities
10The UKs new platform Local Media in action
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12The local media campaign increased interest in
the category as a whole
Whether advertising campaign increased interest
in going to the cinema YES (net)
MEN Media M.E.N local paper
www.manchesteronline.co.uk Base All respondents
in Manchester who claimed to have seen each type
of ad/not seen ad
13Local print and online combined to boost
spontaneous awareness of the film
Spontaneous awareness of Pirates of the Caribbean
3 (POTC3)
Base All respondents
14In the media mix, local media was most effective
at promoting positive perceptions of the film
Opinion of POTC3 as a result of seeing the
advertising - MUCH BETTER
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
15reinforcing positive brand image statements
POTC3 is a film that family and friends can
enjoy together Strongly Agree
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
16and emphasising community values and personal
POTC3 has created real excitement amongst people
around me Strongly Agree
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
17The MEN Media campaign increased Word Of Mouth
(WOM) for POTC3
Discussed POTC3 or the advertising I saw with
someone else
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad.
18generating most discussion amongst young people
Discussed POTC3 or the advertising I saw with
someone else
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
19Ads in local media encourage brand related action
in the future
Whether advertising campaign increased interest
in watching POTC3 YES (net)
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
20and proved even more effective amongst 16-34s
Whether advertising campaign increased interest
in watching POTC3 YES (net)
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
21encouraging continuing cinema attendance in the
next 3 months
How likely to see POTC3 in the cinema in next 3
Base All respondents not having already seen
film (respondents in Manchester who claimed to
have seen each type of ad/not seen ad)
22as well as promoting the viewing of previous
POTC films
Intended action in the next 3 months watch one
of the previous POTC films
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
23and purchase/viewing of POTC3 on DVD when
How likely to buy or rent when released POTC3
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
24In the media mix, local media played its part in
promoting cinema attendance in Manchester
Went to the cinema to see Pirates of the
Caribbean 3 after seeing advertising
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
25the ads in local media proved even more
influential amongst 16-34s
Went to the cinema to see Pirates of the
Caribbean 3 after seeing advertising
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
26 and the ad campaign directed traffic to the
POTC3 website
Watched the POTC3 trailer on the internet after
seeing advertising
Base All respondents in Manchester who claimed
to have seen each type of ad/not seen ad
27The UKs new platform Local Media in action
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