Title: The Risk Assessment Process
1Compliance Essentials Training Session
The Risk Assessment Process Presented
by August 3, 2006
David Crawford
2The Risk Assessment Process
Role of the Compliance Officer in the Risk
Assessment Process
- Assessing the Compliance Risks
- Help identify and prioritize the A compliance
risks - Recommend A compliance risks list to ECC
- Facilitate operating unit risk assessments (and
train as necessary) - Managing the A Risks
- Monitoring the Risk Environment
- Establishing a committee structure
- Compliance Working Group
- High-risk Sub-committees
3The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- What is a Compliance Risk?
- A compliance risk is the risk of loss resulting
from failure to follow an internal policy or
procedure or an external law, rule or regulation - Not to be confused with an operational risk,
which is defined as a risk resulting from the
ineffective and inefficient use of resources.
4The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- Compliance Risk
- Donor gift not in compliance with UT System Gift
Acceptance Procedures - Use of select agents without adequate approval,
monitoring or controls
- Operational Risk
- Not enough donor funds to effectively solve
problem - Purchasing too much or too little of the material
5The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- Facilitate Compliance Risk Assessment
- Bottom-up (Best Practice)
- Every Work Unit
- Consolidate at Risk Area
- Consolidate at Institution
- The Risk Dictionary
- Risk Area
- Every risk area
- Consolidate at Institution
- Institution
- Executive level only
6The Risk Assessment Process
- What type of effective strategies can I use to
encourage management and staff to fully
participate in the risk assessment process
despite their fear of creating more work for
themselves by having to monitor, measure
document activities?
7The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- Institutional critical A risks
- Risks that, if realized, would have a significant
impact on the ability to achieve the goals
objectives of your institution - Are overseen by the Executive Compliance
Committee - Risk area critical B risks
- Risks that, if realized, would NOT have a
significant impact on the ability to achieve the
goals objectives of your institution, but still
have the potential to negatively impact your
institution if not properly managed - Are overseen by the Risk Area responsible party
- Never exclude a risk just because it has not
occurred at your institution or because you think
it will not occur
8The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- How do we determine which risks to put on the A
list? - Each risk area expert presents their risk matrix
to the ECC for consideration - The Compliance Officer leads the discussion
- The ECC decides what the A list risks will be
9The Risk Assessment Process
Identifying the A Risks
- The Compliance Office concentrates on providing
oversight for institutional A list risks only - The Risk Area infrastructure focuses on providing
oversight for both the institutional A list
risks and Risk Area B list risks - The Work Unit infrastructure concentrates on
managing the A, B and other risks
10The Risk Assessment Process
Assurance at Different Risk Levels
11The Risk Assessment Process
Managing the A Risks
- The oversight controls the Compliance Office
provides for institutional compliance A risks
depends on how well the risk is managed - Well-controlled, established monitoring plangt
Monitoring activities - Minimally-controlled and/or poorly defined
monitoring plangt Assist responsible party in
designing and implementing a monitoring plan - Poor control and/or no monitoring plangt
Facilitate risk assessment and monitoring plan
development (and report to the ECC and SW office!)
12The Risk Assessment Process
Making Changes to Your A List
- Submitted question
- How do we move a risk off of the A list?
13The Risk Assessment Process
Making Changes to Your A List
- Answer
- You dont move a risk off the A list simply
because it is controlled - Adjustments to your institutions A list risks
can be made at any time with the approval of the
ECC - At least annually, these interim adjustments
should be formalized and incorporated into an
updated risk assessment that produces the next
years A list risks
14The Risk Assessment Process
The Ever-changing Risk Environment
- Why do you constantly monitor your institutions
compliance risk environment? - Risks are constantly changing
- You must monitor your institutions risk
environment for change react to that change
15The Risk Assessment Process
The Ever-changing Risk Environment
- How do you constantly monitor your institutions
compliance risk environment? - Compliance Office monitors the institutional
critical compliance A risk environment in
conjunction with the high-risk area - High-risk Responsible Parties monitor their
respective high-risk areas compliance risk
environment - Have a standing item on the ECC agenda to discuss
compliance risk environment
16The Risk Assessment Process
Establish Compliance Working Group
- Make-up of Compliance Working Group
- Risk area managers
- Advise assist in the performance of specific
tasks - Developing risk-based plan
- Ensuring awareness
- Evaluating reports from A risk Responsible
Parties - Quarterly meetings
17The Risk Assessment Process
Establish High-risk Sub-committees
- Make-up of High-risk Subcommittees
- Each high-risk group forms a committee made up of
managers from each area within the high-risk
group - Advise assist in the performance of specific
tasks - Developing risk-based plan
- Ensuring awareness
- Evaluating reports from work unit
- Quarterly meetings
18The Risk Assessment Process
19The Risk Assessment Process
20The Risk Assessment Process
Risk Assessment Matrix
Rank Before Controls
Risk Exposure
Rank After Controls
Potential Impact
Prob.Of Occur.
Mitigation Strategy
Operating Controls
Monitoring Controls
Oversight Controls
Assurance Controls
Avoid Accept Transfer Control