Title: Wesley United Methodist Church Greenville, Texas
1Wesley United Methodist ChurchGreenville, Texas
InFocus Workshop
2Our Challenge Today
In formed and In spired
F aithful and
O bedient as We Are
How we can be
C alled to
U niquely
S erve Our Community
3Today we answer theimportant question
4Five Key Questions
- What does God want?
- Who are we?
- What is our context for ministry?
- How does our building/programming help or hinder
our mission/ministry? - Where do we go from here?
5Getting Started
We Stand On Holy Ground
- This Workshop is an opportunity to
- Laugh together, discuss, share
- Understand our differences, our common ground
look in the mirror - Build consensus around Gods call to ministry and
6It will not
- Solve all our problems
- Develop a specific strategy/vision
- Be a soap box for any one person or group
7Seeing with New Eyes
8(No Transcript)
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10What if
I think there is a world market for maybe five
There is no reason anyone would want a computer
in their home.
Thomas Watson, Chairman IBM, 1943
Ken Olson, President, Chairman and
Founder Digital Equipment Corp., 1977
11Key Question 1
12Table Discussion
- What does God want?
- Read and discuss your assigned scripture.
- What is God saying to you through the scripture?
- List specific programs/ministries God may be
calling our church to do.
13Mission and Vision
Our business, purpose, or the reason we exist
The Great Commission Therefore, go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I
have commanded you. Matthew 2819-20
15Table Discussion
What drives our church? Personalities
Finances/Debt Tradition
Programs and Events Buildings
Mission Taking Care of
Ourselves Church-Down-The-Street Envy
16Core Process
Reach Receive
17Table Discussion
- Core Process
- Where is our strength in the Core Process?
- Where is our block?
Specific Way Called by God to Accomplish Mission
- Gods Desires
- Our Strengths
- Community Needs
- Strengths of Other Churches
19Key Question 2
20Regional Wesley UMC Demographics
- Sources
- Wesley United Methodist Church Records
- Greenville City Master Plan
- 2000 U.S. Census
- The Percept Group
- Claritas
21Wesley Served Household Locations
Note Logarithmic Scale Used
- The majority of the people who attend our church
live in Greenville. - There is a sizeable number of people who attend
our church who live in the surrounding areas.
Wesley UMC has a regional dynamics
22Regional Household Locations
Note Logarithmic Scale Used
Wesley UMC serves about 3.3 of the surrounding
23Regional Population Growth
32.4 Increase 1980-2006
16 Increase 1980-2006
- Most of the growth in Hunt County is outside of
Greenville. - Hunt county ranked 74th of 254 Texas counties in
growth 1990-2000.
24Regional Population vs. Wesley Membership
32.4 Increase 1980-2006
16 Increase 1980-2006
25Membership vs. Attendance vs. SS
- Most churches will only have about 25-30 of
their membership regularly attend church, while
42 of Wesleys members attend regularly. - Membership attendance in worship and Sunday
School have remained constant for many years.
Our Church has reached a plateau in our growth.
26Age Comparison of W-UMC to GVL
Our churchs population matches fairly well with
our community
27Age Comparison of Wesley UMC
- Even though the 18-24 may seem smaller this age
bracket represents only a 6 year span, whereas
the others are in 15 year increments. - Our churchs population is well balanced.
We need to be well balanced in our programming
28Membership Gender Distribution
Female 54
Male 46
- Our church is well balanced in terms of our
gender distribution.
29Marital Profile
30Age Martial Profile
Note Logarithmic Scale Used
- While our church has a large number of married
people in the middle age range, we also have a
significant number of single people in both the
young and older ages
Our Programming must serve all groups if we are
to continue to grow.
31Ethnicity in Greenville
Wesley UMC Profile
- Ethnic ratios are remaining constant in
We must be conscious about how we minister across
cultural and socio-economic lines.
32Financial Histories
Wesley-UMC has continually shown good fiscal
332006 Budget Allocation
- Personnel Expenses include Salaries, Insurance,
Workmans Comp, etc. for the entire Church staff.
A well-balanced budget.
34Breakout of Program Budget
A balanced budget which ministers to all groups
and ages
35Congregation Annual Giving
- This does not include Designated Giving such as
Building Fund.
Based upon the 2005 profiles
36Budget Funding vs. Building Funding
- Wesley has a history of substantially supporting
building needs apart from the operating budget
37Cumulative Building Fund Progress
Churchs building fund was completed without any
major problems, and was completed ahead of
38Giving as a Percentage of Income
Latter-Day Saints
Assemblies of God
Southern Baptist
39Table Discussion
What surprised, excited, or worried you?
40Change and Broken Expectations
41Mission Ministry
Broken Expectations
Creativity Productivity
42Characteristics of the Wilderness
- Lack of Energy
- No Focus or Direction
- Complaining
- Scapegoating
- Continual Brush Fires
- General Sense of Feeling Uncomfortable and Apart
A Cry for Help
43Mission Ministry
Broken Expectations
Quick Fix
Creativity Productivity
44Table Discussion
What significant changes have I
experienced? What broken expectations
have I experienced?
45Promised Land
- New expectations
- Rename the old
- Affirm
- Appreciate
- Respect
- Time for grief allow anger
- Help let go
46Six Critical Quality Areas
- Passionate/Committed Leadership
- Spiritual Growth Opportunities
- Interpersonal Relationships and Care
- Meaningful-Relevant Worship
- Meaningful Opportunities for Service
- Building and Grounds
47Table Discussion
What do we do better than anyone else?What
prevents us from being our best?
48Key Question 3
What is our ministry context?
49The Builders (born circa 1901-1924)National
Average 4
- Optimistic heroes-also called the GI generation
- Builders of big business, big government, big
denominations - Patriotism, Loyalty, Faithfulness, Duty
- Prefer main-line churches, traditional services
- Do not like debt!
50The Silent Ones (born circa 1925-1942)National
Average 10
- The sandwich generation
- Forced to wait for Builders to retire only to be
replaced by Boomers - Faithful workers
- Forgotten and unappreciated
- Do not like change, can become blockers
- Prefer main-line churches but will consider other
options - Debt can be toleratedif you convince me
51The Boomers (born circa 1943-1960)National
Average 22
- Sheer numbers make them the driving force in
society and culture - Loyalty not as important as Are you meeting my
needs? - Love technology
- Self-centered, introspective
- Work and career are essential and defining
- Debt as lifestyle
52Gen-X, Survivors (born circa 1961-1981)National
Average 30
- Microwave generation instant gratification
- Prefer short-term commitments
- Grew up neglected and criticized
- Feel alienated from society
- Independent, rebellious, risk takers
- Career is not as important as relationships
- Skeptical of church and authority in general
53The Millennials (born circa 1982 present)
National Average 28
- Benefit from a renewed emphasis on family
- Believe education is fundamental to success
- Continued emphasis on role of women as leaders
men sharing more household chores - Increase in both affluence and poverty a
decreasing middle class - Know reality of family break-ups, drugs, guns,
and gangs have not rebelled against parents - Spent over 100 billion dollars last year
- Always connected Internet and cell phones
54Latest Demographic Trends
- Life Expectancy 1900 47 years
- 1998 74-79
years - 2100 88-92
years - By 2050
- 5 of the population will be over age of 85,
compared to 1.5 now - 21 will be over the age of 65, compared to 12
- Hispanics are now the largest minority.
- By 2050, minority groups will comprise 49.9 of
the population. White population will decline
from 69 to 50.1. - Asians are expected to grow by 300,Hispanics by
188, approx. ΒΌ of total US population.
57Family Life
- Traditional Family
- Working Father,
- Homemaker Mother,
- One or More Children at Home
- 13 of all married households
- 7 of all US households
58Family Life
Couples Living Together 1990 3 million 2003
4.9 million Single Parent Households Grew
from 4 in 1950 to 13 in 1999 Births Outside
Marriage 1970 11 2001 33
59Our Community
60Population as of 2005 25,637
Est Growth by Ethnicity
Est Growth
61Population by Generations
62Religious Preferences
63How do we relate to our community?
- Church in the Center
- Loyalty
- Rigid
- Inhospitable
- Unaware
- Fear
- Survival/Status Quo
- Church on the Side
- Quality
- Flexible
- Inviting
- Aware
- Courage
- Mission
64Table Discussion
- Our Community
- What are the needs of our community?
- How do we relate to the community?
65Key Question 4
How does our building/programming help or hinder
our mission and ministry?
66Table Discussion
- Building/Programming
- What do we need to do with our Building/Programmin
g to receive, nurture, disciple and send (Core
Process)? - What surprises you, worries you or pleases you
about our Building/Programming?
67Strategic Plan
- Passed June 9th, 2005
- Next Steps Section (Pages 15 16)
- Item 3 Fully Utilize, Renovate, and Expand
the Facilities
68Expanding Facilities
- Address Nursery Space Needs
- Address Childrens Educational Space Needs
- Address Youth Ministry Space Needs
- Address Current and Anticipated Office Needs
- Address Current and Anticipated Parking Needs
- Address Contemporary Worship Needs
- Address Anticipated Music Needs
- Address Storage Needs
69Architecture Committee
- Committee Members
- Tom Hosey Henry Black George Kronke
Richard Tharp Joe Parker - Determine How to Meet the Goals of the Strategic
Plan - Seek outside guidance on how to meet goals of the
strategic plan
70Proposal From Architects
- HH Architects Proposal
- Master Plan 9,000
- Master Plan Fee 5,000
- Putting Current Plans on Computer 3,000
- Reimbursable Expenses and Additional Productions
1,000 - Architecture Services
- 8.5 on New Construction or Remodel
- Reimbursable Expenses
- 1.2 x Architects Cost
- 36 x 42 Color Presentation Board For Display
- Timeframe 8-12 Weeks
71Master Planning Approach
- Survey Existing Conditions
- Understand Our Requirements
- Conceptual Planning
- Presentation
72HH Experience
- 135 Master Plans
- 106 Worship Centers
- 115 Education Facilities
- 24 Christian Recreation Facilities
- 56 Church Relocations
73Charge Conference Request
- Approve the hiring of HH Architects to prepare a
master plan for the future expansion of the
church at a cost of approximately 9,000 - Approve the creation of a Building Committee to
facilitate the Master Planning process - All Approved at October 13th Charge Conference
74Building Committee
- Composed of 19 Active Church Members
- Cross Section of the Congregation
- GOAL Develop a Master Plan with the architects
which most effectively meets the Strategic Plan
75Building Committee Results
- Presented to Administrative Board on April 18th,
2006 - Consisted of 3 Major Areas
- NEW Construction
- Parking
- Remodeling
- Add a new facility of approximately 20,000 square
feet - Office area to accommodate each position outlined
in the Strategic Plan (11 staff members) - Work, reception, lobby and storage areas where
appropriate - Two stair accesses and elevator
- 6 New Adult Classrooms (Total of 12 Adult
Classrooms we now have 9 adult classes) - Flexible Meeting Area that accommodates 100-125
people for programs, or be split into 3
additional classrooms for Sunday School - New restrooms both upstairs and downstairs with
showers in the upstairs restrooms. - Covered porch area leading to the outside
- Remodel the parking lot to have a 2-car drop-off
area at the current church entrance. - Add HWY 69 entrance to the parking lot and church
- Add a South Side entrance to the church with a
2-car drop-off area - Designed 404 parking spaces (we currently have
276 spaces)
- Remodel Fellowship Hall to accommodate
Contemporary Worship, Fellowship, Dining and
limited sports in an acoustically friendly and
nicely decorated environment. Also add storage
where necessary. - Create a Hospitality area at the current entrance
to the church. - Remodel the current administration area into a
music rehearsal and practice room. - Remodel the Parlor into a reception area
- Join the current Brides Room and the Youth Pastor
Office into a Brides Room / Older Adult Class Room
- Add a storage area where the current Childrens
Director is located - Add a Prayer Room where the current Financial
Secretary is located - Ability to have an open central corridor
- Remodel the current Nursery to enlarge and have
access to a restroom - Remodel the Horizon Classroom to a Childrens
Area - Remodel the 2 3 yr olds Class Room Alpha
Class to a Childrens Area - Remodel the Sr Jr High Classrooms to a
Childrens Area - Remodel the Aldersgate Classroom to a Childrens
Area - Move the Playground from the Front of the Back of
the Church
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82Current Status
- Administrative Board on April 18th, 2006
- Approved Acceptance of Master Plan
- Approved moving forward with preliminary
architectural plans - Waiting on Fundraising Input to Define Scope of
83Key Question 5
Where do we go from here?
84Pre-Campaign Feasibility Study
- Congregational Questionnaire
- Report Findings
- Specific Recommendations
- Capital Stewardship Program