Title: Lightwaves at the end of the telecom tunnel?
1Lightwaves at the end of the telecom tunnel?
Nordunet Annual Conference Reykjavik, August
24th 2003
Yves Poppe Dir. IP Strategy
- Evolution of Transoceanic Internet Capacity
Demand and Supply - Aftermath of the Great Telecom Storm
- The RE World Sees More and More Light
- Next (Light)wave of Opportunities
3The pitfalls of predictions and forecasts
4In October 1994 Teleglobe and its partners
inaugurated Cantat-3 with two fiber pairs,
capacity of 5 gigabit (2x2.5Gb) linking Canada to
the UK, Germany, Denmark, Iceland and the Faroe
Islands.Doubled the capacity under the
Atlantic155mb was earmarked for dataEngineering
estimated 17years to fill the cable
5Cantat-3 and RE 1995-1998
6How Reality Turned Out to Look Like
- The internet tsunami took everybody by surprise.
- Cantat-3 was full in less than 3 years.
- The magic potion of DWDM five years later
cables of 1000 times the capacity of Cantat-3
were being installed. - Deregulation, easy access to capital, advances in
laser and fiber technology and spectacular
internet growth created a new generation of
global cable builders Global Crossing, Level3,
FLAG , 360networks and resulted in a cornucopia
of transmission capacity. - RE transatlantic connectivity from kb/sec to
meg/s to gig/sec in less than 10 years - After 3-4 years of spectacular growth, a peak in
early 2000 and a long steep downhill in the
telecom industry.
7 The Battle of the Atlantic
- Design capacity and RFS Gbps RFS
- Level 3/GC (Project Yellow)
1,280 Sep00 - TAT-14 (Club)
640 Apr01 - Hibernia (360networks, Inc.) 1,920 Jun01
- FLAG Atlantic-1 (FLAG/GTS)
2,560 Sep01 - Atlantic Crossing -2 (Global Crossing) 2,560 1Q0
1 - TyCo Global Network 2,560 Jun02
- Apollo (CW)
3,200 Feb03 -
Total 12,160Gbps!
Lit capacity early 2003 2,338Gb (source
Design capacity Cancelled, AC-2
joining Level 3
8 The Battle of the Pacific
- Design capacity and RFS Gbps RFS
- TPC-5 (club)
20 Dec98 - Southern Cross
480 Nov00 - China-US (club)
80 Jan 01 - PC-1 (Global Crossing Marubeni) 640
Apr01 - Japan-US (club)
640 Oct01 - Tyco Pacific
5,120 Jan03 - FP-1 FLAG Pacific
5,120 2Q02 - 360 Pacific
4,800 3Q02 -
Total 6,980Gbps
Design capacity april 01 Tycom
joins FLAG aug 01 FLAG withdraws, Tycom
continues alone RFS postponed project
Lit capacity early 2003 1,043 (Telegeography)
9 Transoceanic buildout frenzy completed
- With the activation of the CW Apollo
transatlantic and Tycos transpacific cable the
current phase of intense build-out is coming to
an end - With current fill rates low and about 3 years
between start and completion of a project, this
means new cables unlikely before 2007-2008 - Weak point remains Europe-Asia capacity. Should
improve with SEAMEWE4 scheduled RFS date Q1 2005
with 1.28Tb/s design capacity.
10Could there be some oversupply?
- Atlantic 19 of total capacity lit (2,338Gb). Of
lit capacity about 1,300Gb is sold. - Pacific 16 lit (1,043Gb)
- Intra-Asia 3.5 lit (15,810 Gb design capacity)
- US-Latin America 6 lit ( 5,166 GB design)
- Europe-Asia 30 gig lit 120 gig design capacity
- Europe-Africa-Asia 10 gig lit 130 gig design
Numbers Telegeography 2003 Intl bandwidth report
11Congratulations Iceland !
FARICE 40 gig at RFS 640 gig design RFS jan
1st 2004 Ready to participate in lambdaswitching!
12Predictions and forecasts revisited
- What will fill the capacity and how fast?
- Current (2003) transatlantic voice 9.3gig
internet 258.3gig other (IPL etc) 48.7gig - TeleGeography predicts a slow growth scenario of
763.6gig and a fast growth of 1.48Tb for 2007 - Who would dare to predict it will take 17 years
to fill the capacity? - Could lambda switching have the same disruptive
effect on predictions and forecasts as internet
was about to have when planning capacity a decade
13Who still remembers Icecan and Scotice?
Laid in 1961-62, capacity 24 telephone
channels Also in 1961, COTC as Teleglobe was
known in those days together with BPO and CW
activated the first Cantat between New Foundland
and Scotland with a capacity of 80 telephone
channels. Cantat1 was retired in 1986
From the Bill Glover cable stamp collection See
14Disruptive capacity growth?
It happened before
Borrowed from The Underwater web, Smithsonian
Institute http//www.sil.si.edu/Exhibitions/Underw
- Evolution of Transoceanic Internet Capacity
Demand and Supply - Aftermath of the Great Telecom Storm
- The RE World Sees More and More Light
- Next (Light)wave of Opportunities
16 Aftermath of the perfect storm
- More than 100 billion in default
- Huge write-offs
- Market valuation telecom sector down 1 trillion
- 500,000 jobs lost at service providers and
manufacturers - Carrier capex still very conservative
- First wave emerges from bankruptcy protection
- Bottom reached but slow recovery
17How did we get into this predicament?
- Deregulation internet and wireless boom
abundance of equity capital -- wild spending by
established telecom carriers and start-ups. - 1996 US Telecom Act and European deregulation
promised access to a US300 billion market
growing at 10 p.a. - Emulation of get rich quick model by 1996
purchase of MFS by Worldcom for US14billion or
6 times the value of assets put in the ground - Spectacular advances in DWDM technology expected
to accomodate an insatiable bandwidth demand.
18How did we get into this predicament? (2)
- Unrealistic expectations of traffic growth
- Does internet traffic double every 90 days or
every year? depends on what scale you look at it. - Rising multipolarity of the internet was largely
ignored in early models end of the US
centricity of information - Japan 80 of accessed internet info is local.
- Chile 70 is local
- USA 10 to 30 of accessed information resides in
the region!
19During the storm progress continued
- 20 million Broadband internet accesses (DSL and
cable) in NA by end of 2003 - 2 million personal Wi-Fi routers (Linksys, D-link
etc) - The Wi-Fi hotspot phenomenon
- Cellphones become multifunctional and start to
replace fixed line
Stage set for the next wave global reachability
and mobility
- Evolution of Transoceanic Internet Capacity
Demand and Supply - Aftermath of the Great Telecom Storm
- The RE World Sees More and More Light
- Next (Light)wave of Opportunities
21The RE world savours the bandwidth glut
- Happy days for the RE world
- Europe Geant goes 10 gig, some NRENs also
- North-America lambdas and dark fibre
- Transatlantic Finally enough to satisfy the
bandwidth gluttony of the high energy physics
people. 10gig transatlantic links on the verge of
becoming common place. - Transpacific and intra-Asia slower price
decline, lambdas still have to wait a while. - Europe-Asia remains a bottle-neck however.
22North-American RE lambda initiatives
- Canada
- Canet4 Canarie federal RE network
- RISQ Quebec
- ORANO Ontario
- BCnet ORAN British Columbia
- NLR (National Lightrail) CENIC, Cisco, Level3
- Fiberco Internet2 with Level3
- USAwave SURA with ATT
- Teragrid
- DoE ultrascale initially ORNL Sunnyvale -
Chicago - Abilene 2nd gen
23USA regional RE initiatives
- California (CENIC Optical Networking Initiative)
- Connecticut (Connecticut Education Network)
- Florida (Florida LambdaRail)
- Indiana (I-LIGHT)
- Illinois (I-WIRE)
- Maryland, D.C. northern Virginia (MAX)
- Michigan
- New York New England states (NEREN)
- North Carolina (NCNI)
- Ohio (Third Frontier Network)
- Oregon
- SURA Crossroads (southeastern region)
- Texas (Star of Texas)
Source Paul Love internet2 Jtech Lawrence,Ka
august 4th
24Transatlantic RE lambda initiatives
- Translight
- Starlight Eurolink -UIC
- Netherlight SURFnet
- Canarie
- 10 gig triangle Chicago-Amsterdam-Geneva and
Canet4 10 gig to NY and Seattle
25The capacity divide
- Uneven geographic distribution of capacity gluts
contributes to a capacity divide, sometimes
further exacerbated by monopolies or oligopolies
in certain regions - Clearly illustrated by the SLAC PingER project
measuring regional disparities of internet packet
loss. - Abrupt halt of the global build affected
Mediterranean and Europe-Asia - Uneven capacity distribution is also visible on
national and regional level Everyone builds on
same major routes and same major population
- Evolution of Transoceanic Internet Capacity
Demand and Supply - Aftermath of the Great Telecom Storm
- The RE World Sees More and More Light
- Next (Light)wave of Opportunities
27The optical future has already started
- Will it lead to an all-optical future?
- Will Moores law and related laws for growth of
fiber transmission capacity and internet growth
continue to apply? Probably - The laws of gravity still apply, even in the New
Economy. Progress alternates between periods of
exponential growth and plateaus were the progress
is absorbed. - Technology ahead of demand?
- 160 wavelengths at 40Gb ?
- Soliton technology?
- Optical crystals and hollow-core fibers with
another 100fold increase of capacity per
fiberstrand capacity?
28The Verizon optical bet
As reported in Business Week, August 4th
- Verizon plans fiber to every home and business in
its 29 state territory 10-15years and US20 to
40 billion. US12.5 capex in2003. - Why? Cable Companies are eating into phone lines
(2.2 million end 2002, forecast 3.7 million in
2005 ) and are ahead in broadband internet (66
of the 18 million US BB internet users). - Is this model applicable outside the US in coming
years? - Not sure phone companies DSL dominate in many
countries. Competitive pressure from cablecos
mostly not so severe.
29What are the next telecom growth engines?
- The telecom ecosystem is famished. Hopes for
reviving corporate and end-user demand are
largely pinned on - Integrated mobile internet access (E-mail,web,
data), 3G - SMS, Voice over IP, location based services
- Home/SME area networks
- Local wireless Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Ultra large
Bandwidth - Further penetration of DSL and cable access,
FTTH? - P2P applications videoconferencing, gaming etc.
- Secure VPNs and end to end security and
encryption. - Remote monitoring, tracking, sensing (healthcare,
transportation etc.) - Audio/videostreaming
- sensor networks, RFID
- Widespread penetration of this end to end
mobility and reachability on the internet implies
the deployment of IPv6, prerequisite for
permanent addresses, scaleability and sufficient
address space.
30Next the era of ubiquitous everything
- Ubiquitous computing
- Ubiquitous communication
- Ubiquitous information access
- Ubiquitous monitoring
- Ubiquitous localisation and tracking
- Ubiquitous neighbour discovery and sentient
31Thank you for your attention