Title: Using Spring and Hibernate
1Using Spring and Hibernate
2The overall architecture
3The enterprise view (Java)
4Revision - What is Dependency Injection?
- DI is all about wiring up objects or plumbing if
you prefer - It is about ensuring loose coupling and fits well
with design patterns - Design to an interface and then inject the actual
class at run time - This is what inheritence is really for
5A Real World Example?
Web App
Stock Quotes
Error Handler
This example was originally created by Jim
Weirich in Ruby on his blog.
6Remember the old way
- public class WebApp
- public WebApp()
- quotes new StockQuotes()
- authenticator new Authenticator()
- database new Database()
- logger new Logger()
- errorHandler new ErrorHandler()
- // More code here...
7What about the child objects?
- How does the StockQuotes find the Logger?
- How does the Authenticator find the database?
- Suppose you want to use a TestingLogger instead?
Or a MockDatabase?
8Service Locator Interface
- public interface ILocator
- TObject GetltTObjectgt()
9Service Locator Example
- public class MyLocator ILocator
- protected DictionaryltType, objectgt dict new
DictionaryltType,objectgt() - public MyLocator()
- dict.Add(typeof(ILogger), new Logger())
- dict.Add(typeof(IErrorHandler), new
ErrorHandler(this)) - dict.Add(typeof(IQuotes), new StockQuotes(this))
- dict.Add(typeof(IDatabase), new Database(this))
- dict.Add(typeof(IAuthenticator), new
Authenticator(this)) - dict.Add(typeof(WebApp), new WebApp(this))
10StockQuotes with Locator
- public class StockQuotes
- public StockQuotes(ILocator locator)
- errorHandler locator.GetltIErrorHandlergt()
- logger locator.GetltILoggergt()
- // More code here...
11Good things
- Classes are decoupled from explicit imlementation
types - Easy to externalise the configuration
12Dependency Injection Containers
- Gets rid of the dependency on the ILocator
- Object is no longer responsible for finding its
dependencies - The container does it for you
13Then what?
- Write your objects the way you want
- Setup the container
- Ask the container for objects
- The container creates objects for you and
fulfills dependencies
14Setting Up the Container (XML)
- ltDIContainergt
- ltTypeMap fromILogger toLogger /gt
- ltTypeMap fromIDatabase toDatabase /gt
- ltTypeMap fromIErrorHandler toErrorHandler
/gt - ltTypeMap fromIQuotes toStockQuotes /gt
- ltTypeMap fromIAuthenticator toAuthenticator
/gt - lt/DIContainergt
15Creating Objects
- Test
- public void WebAppTest()
- DIContainer container GetContainer()
- IStockQuotes quotes container.GetltIStockQuotes
gt() - IAuthenticator auth container.GetltIAuthenticat
orgt() -
- Assert.IsNotNull( quotes.Logger )
- Assert.IsNotNull( auth.Logger )
- Assert.AreSame( quotes.Logger, auth.Logger )
16Existing Frameworks
- Java
- Pico Container
- Spring Framework
- HiveMind
- Ruby
- Rico
- Copland
- Python
- PyContainer
- .NET
- Pico.NET
- Spring.NET
- pp Object Builder
17Spring with Persistence Layers
18Spring can act as the Application
19A persistent POJO for Hibernate
- package elc
- public class Tutor
- private String id /// unique identifier
- private String surname
- private String firstname
- private Tutor() /// default constructor
- public Tutor(String id, String surname,
String firstname) - this.id id this.surname surname
this.firstname firstname) -
- public String getId() return id
- public String getSurname() return surname
- public String getFirstname() return
firstname - public void setId(String id)
this.id id - public void setSurname(String surname)
this.surname surname - public void setLogin(String firstname)
this.firstname firstname
20The Hibernate Session
- import org.hibernate.Session
- import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
- import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration
- ... some code
- Session getSessionFactory().openSession()
- Transaction tx session.beginTransaction()
- Tutor davenew Tutor("dge","Elliman","Dave")
- session.save(dave)
- tx.commit()
- session.close()
- ... more code
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'utf-8'?gt
- lt!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
- "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
- "http//hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-ma
pping-3.0.dtd"gt - lthibernate-mappinggt
- ltclass name"elc.Tutor" table"tutor"gt
- ltid name"id" type"String" column"ID" gt
- ltgenerator class"assigned"/gt
- lt/idgt
- ltproperty name"firstName"gt
- ltcolumn name"FIRSTNAME" /gt
- lt/propertygt
- ltproperty name"surname"gt
- ltcolumn name"SURNAME"/gt
- lt/propertygt
- lt/classgt
- lt/hibernate-mappinggt
lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'utf-8'?gt lt!DOCTYPE
hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hiber
nate Configuration DTD//EN" "http//hibernate.sour
ceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"gt lthib
ernate-configurationgt ltsession-factorygt
ltproperty name"hibernate.connection.driver_class"
gt com.mysql.jdbc.Driverlt/propertygt
ltproperty name"hibernate.connection.url"gt
gt ltproperty name"hibernate.connection.usern
ame"gtrootlt/propertygt ltproperty
ltproperty name"hibernate.connection.pool_siz
e"gt10lt/propertygt ltproperty
name"show_sql"gttruelt/propertygt ltproperty
/propertygt ltproperty name"hibernate.hbm2ddl
.auto"gtupdatelt/propertygt lt!-- Mapping files
--gt ltmapping resource"tutor.hbm.xml"/gt lt/se
ssion-factorygt lt/hibernate-configurationgt
23Using Hibernate with Spring
- One simply creates a Hibernate Session Factory
bean in Spring - ltbean idsessionFactory
- classorg.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSe
ssio nFactoryBeangt - ltproperty nameconfigurationClass
- value org.bibernate.cfg.Annotation.Configuratio
n /gt - ltproperty nameconfigLocation
valueclasspathhibernate.cfg.xml /gt - lt/beangt
24An Intereface and a class to define
- public interface TutorDao
- public void createTutor(final Tutor tutor)
- public Tutor getTutor(final String id)
- Also saveTutor() deleteTutor() etc.
- CRUD is now done with single lines of code. No
SQL needed
25Do you get the CONCEPTS?
- You can look up the detail when you need it
- ELC exam will test the concepts and not the
detail of xml configuration files of Java code - You need to know that a configuration file is
needed and what it does, not the fine detail of
its formatting
26Any Questions?
Im confused
27JEE and EJBs
28POJOs and POJIs
- Plain Old Java Objects and Interfaces
- In the past EJBs were all rather different and
special and you could not test them outside a
container - Now they are POJ you can
- There has been a revolution in Server-side Java
and Tiger Jane 1.5 EJB annotations - These are processed by a new tool called apt
- You can write your own if you like
30Writing EJBs was rather stereotyped
- An ideal situation for annotations.
- No longer need to write a Home interface
- No longer need an XML deployment descriptor
31The Concept
- Entity bean
- corresponds to a set of records in a database
- Session bean
- handles business flow (one per client unless
stateless, when may be shared)
32Enterprise JavaBeans
- Definition from OReillys Enterprise JavaBeans
book - An Enterprise Java Bean is a standard server-side
component model - Aha! Its a standard for building MIDDLEWARE In
multi-tiered solutions
33The Context in Which EJBs Are Used
34It All Works by RMI
35A Taxonomy of EJBs
36Differences Between Beans
- Entity Beans
- Represent persistent data
- Long-lived
- Session Beans
- Interact with clients
- Model business Logic
- Short-lived
37Session Bean (Stateful)
- Assigned to 1 client only
- Keeps info about a client
- ie has attributes for clients state
- Assigned to a client for lifetime
- Non-persistent
- Short-lived (client, timeout, server crash)
38Session Bean (Stateless)
- Many clients can access it
- Implements business logic
- One bean can service multiple clients (fast and
efficient) - Lifetime controlled by container
- No state across methods
- Each instance identical upon creation
- Short-lived
39Insight Into Session Beans
40Entity EJBs
- Bean managed persistence (BMP)
- developer writes JDBC code and SQL statements
- Container managed persistence (CMP)
- Container generates methods to read and write to
the database dropped! - Takes necessary information from the Deployment
41EJB Architecture Diagram
42A Stateless Session Bean
- import javax.ejb./ A stateless session
bean requesting that a remote busines
interface be generated for it./_at_Stateless_at_Remo
tepublic class HelloWorldBean public String
sayHello() return "Hello World!!!"
43A Stateful Session Bean
- import javax.ejb.
- _at_Stateful
- public class ShoppingCartBean implements
ShoppingCart - private String customer
- public void startToShop(String customer)
this.customer customer - public void addToCart(Item item)
- System.out.println("Added item to cart... ")
- _at_Remove
- public void finishShopping()
- System.out.println("Shopping Done... ")
44A Entity Java Bean
- import javax.ejb.
- _at_Entity
- public class Order
- private Long id
- private int version
- private int itemId
- private int quantity
- private Customer cust
- _at_Id(generateAUTO)
- public Long getId() return id
- public void setId(Long id) this.id id
- _at_Version
- protected int getVersion() return version
- protected void setVersion(int version)
this.version version - _at_Basic
- public int getItemId() return itemId
45SQL and Entity beans
- Queries can be defined through the _at_NamedQuery
annotation - _at_NamedQuery (name"findACustomers",queryString"
SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE c.name LIKE
46End of detour into Java!
Any Questions?