Dental Assisting Day 1 Introduction to Dental Terminology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dental Assisting Day 1 Introduction to Dental Terminology


... smile with satisfaction, knowing your future financial independence is assured. ... I have enjoyed each day of class. Thanks again.' C. T. Atlanta ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: richarde65


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dental Assisting Day 1 Introduction to Dental Terminology

Dental Careers Incorporated Presents
(Left click to advance each slide)
Any moment in time Could be the Chance of a
lifetime This is one of those moments!
What if you could have an extra income stream
  • Is a business you understand completely...
  • Provides you 150,000 a year in additional NET
  • Operates on its own without you being present...
  • Does not require any additional equipment, office
    space or staff apart from what you have now...
  • Funds your retirement program and gives you
    freedom from disability worries...
  • Is fun and satisfying to operate without adding
    to your current work load...

Sounds too good to be true, doesnt it?
If its already been done before... Then it must
be possible!
I and many other dentists around the
country already operate this remarkable business.
Dear Colleague, Im Dr. Rich Erickson, a
dentist just like you (Im the one with the hat
on). I became financially independent and 100
debt free because of the income from this
business and now you can have this same financial
opportunity. I am the original developer of the
in-office Dental Assistant Training School and
have operated ours since 1987. In these next
few minutes, I hope to open your eyes to the
possibilities. Change is GOOD, change is FUN.
This business is FUN and REWARDING.
Being 90 complete with the first class, I can
say that everything went well and we are looking
forward to many more successful classes. Eight
students first summer class. Fifteen students
paid with 2 weeks left until fall class. Dr.
Marty Lipsey, Modesto, CA "We evaluated several
different options for dental assisting schools.
Dental Careers from Dr. Rich Erickson offered the
best value. Rich has been very helpful in setting
up our school. He provides you with everything
you need to get started. I can highly recommend
this program." Dr. Mark Ortinau, Ellisville, MO
"The course material is thorough and very well
organized, Rich has put a tremendous amount of
time and thought into the program." Dr. Doug
Voiers, Avon, OH "I talked with one of your
prospective buyers and told him my experience
with the program. I told him If you do not do
this, you will regret it forever.' Thanks for all
your encouragement. Dr. Bill Calloway, Houston,
TX "Thanks for the recent upgrade, I know it
will be useful. Some people would be happy to
collect 10K selling the program and be done
with it but you continue to be very helpful. I
for one am grateful." Dr. George Eliades,
Westminster, CA "The PowerPoint presentation
lecture material blew me away. They are very
impressive and professional. The custom made
syllabus is better illustrated and organized than
any dental assisting text I've seen. Great
Job!" Dr. Bryan Cousin, Swampscott, MA
Comments From Our User Dentists
"The program has been successful in my practice
since 1995 in training hundreds of prospective
dental assistants. My staff teaches 80 of the
program allowing me to make money in dentistry
without being in the office. With the new digital
update, teaching the program will be even easier.
The Dental Careers Program can be personalized to
fit almost any office situation and after the
first year it will almost run itself." Dr.
Charles Bohle, Paducah, KY "I have 9 students in
my first class. Thank you for all you've done in
helping this be so successful for me. You have
done a great thing and I would be remiss to not
say thanks." Dr. Dix Densley, Hillsboro, OR "I
can't believe the positive comments from the
students, they keep telling me what a great
course this is. I have 22 enrolled for a first
class, WOW!! This course has changed my
life!" Dr. Dino Stavros, Portland, ME "We have
gotten nothing but positive comments from the
students. You have made getting started and
running this program a breeze. The terrific
organization of the materials provided makes
running the program easy. Giving these courses is
an excellent profit center for our office as well
as a rewarding experience. Dr. A.V. Strait, Old
Greenwich, CT
More Comments From Our User Dentists
"As an update, we began our first class.  I
started marketing 3 weeks before it began.  I ran
3 separate ads including the ad
that was huge. We had about 14 people who were
seriously interested and others who inquired.  I
wanted at least 5 people for the first class.  We
had an open house the week before the first
class.  We had 10 people sign up.  We offered the
class at 2,995.  We provided financing options
from a finance company or a 5 discount for
cash payments in full.  I chose not to do any
financing because that's not the thing I want to
get into.  We had about 15,700 in check payments
and 13,480 from the finance company and maybe
one credit card payment was included in that
total but I can't remember.  We collected just
under 29,000 in one week!  Exciting stuff!   
  "I plan on offering our next course for
3,995.  The same interest free financing options
will be made available.  That's twelve easy
payments of 333.  We are also offering a 10
discount for cash payments in full.  People love
getting a good deal!  Things are going great.  My
goal is to make this business as passive an
income stream as I can."  Dr. Taylor Clark,
Boise, ID
"Rich, I hope you can help! We just started our
second class today, we have TWENTY STUDENTS...its
great...but my staff accidentally ordered the
course workbook from Elsivier instead of yours.
We need twenty syllabus by next Saturday. Can we
make this happen? Dr. Westermeier East
Aurora, NY "I had 9 students in our January
class,  all passed the necessary tests in Oregon
to become dental assistants. I have raised my
fee to 6970 for our course. We decided to to a
small course in the summer - 3 students only - we
are on week 7.  We have payment in full for 1
student to start in Sept and registration fees
for 4 students and 5-6 that would also like to
enroll.  We are limiting our course to 4 students
per instructor.  This allows for the one on one
that is critical for success on the above
exams"   Thanks for the great idea and the
assistance in helping me succeed. In September I
hope to be out of the course all together. This
summer I only taught 4 of the  classes ( 2hr
each) 21,000 - expenses for 8 hrs is definitely
not chump change).  September will absolutely be
cherry if I don't have to go in at all  56k -
expenses. Thanks again !!!        Portland,
(No Transcript)
Dental Assisting can easily be incorporated into
your practice to provide you with an additional
150,000 a year using a business model you
already know. The overhead from this business is
very different from your dental practice, it is
only about 15!
Our program is light years ahead of any other
dental assisting program on the market. Our
custom designed teaching program uses
state-of-the-art PowerPoint graphics with
embedded DVD videos to make teaching for you or
your staff a breeze to learn.
Ask your assistants if they would rather teach
using this presentation or would they prefer to
sit in front of 30 students, ad-libbing and
fumbling like our competitors program would have
you do! Its your choice!
Sit back, and just imagine what this new income
source could do for you!
Why pay up to 40,000 for other teaching programs
and struggle with implementation. Get the best
and make your retirement dreams a reality!
Dental Careers, Inc.
4338 Highborne DriveMarietta, Georgia
The following slides are actual sample slides
from the course lecture material. Using this
state-of-the-art technology and our course
materials, teaching becomes a breeze for your
assistants to do. All documents, forms, teaching
aids, A-V lecture materials, instruction manuals
have been custom designed to easily set up and
operate this teaching program. Just think, when
you drive by your office on Saturday and see the
parking lot full of students with your assistants
operating the course, you can just smile with
satisfaction, knowing your future financial
independence is assured. I know, I invented this
program and have been doing it for 18 years.

Rich Erickson, MS, DDS
  • Your staff can teach this program without you,
    and they will love doing it. You have the
    potential to earn an additional 150,000 a year,
    with a business you already know and an overhead
    of only 18.
  • The following slides are from our lecture
    material. All of the audio-visual lecture
    material is in PowerPoint with over 350
    PowerPoint slides and over 50 embedded video
    clips of different procedures. These videos
    segments are formatted to play automatically
    after the appropriate slide in the presentation.
    The instructor simply clicks the mouse to go from
    slide, to video and back to slide. It could not
    be easier! Lets look at some of the lecture

Unlike dentistry, this business runs without you
being there!
Teeth Identification by Number
  • Anterior (teeth)
  • Posterior (teeth)
  • Medial
  • Lateral
  • Landmark teeth learn these easy to identify
    RED BLUE teeth s
  • Wisdom teeth

Oral Anatomy
  • Apex (A)
  • Bone (B)
  • Cementoenamel Jct (CEJ)
  • Crown (CR)
  • Dentin (D)
  • Enamel (E)
  • Sulcus (S)
  • Gingival Margin (GM)
  • Pulp Canal (C)
  • Pulp Chamber (PC)
  • Periodontal Membrane (PM)
  • Root (R)

  • This specialty deals with the diagnosis and
    treatment of gum disease
  • Probing with a perio probe
  • Gingivitis
  • Treatment scaling root planing

Maxillary Incisor Region
Top View
Side View
Panoramic Xrays
  • They are faster to take and develop compared to
    an FMX.
  • They are easier for patients to understand what
    it is they are looking at when explaining
  • They tend to show the 3rd molar area better than
  • They are not as sharp as an FMX
  • They tend not to show small interproximal
    cavities as well as bitewing xrays.

(Loading Video)
If this video does not play in a few moments on
your computer, it is due to the stripped-down
PowerPoint Viewer. This does not occur when the
full version of PowerPoint is used to play our
lecture material. Double click to move on to the
next slide.
Panoramic Xrays
Third Molars
  • The consequences of not removing impacted 3rd
    molars is sometimes CYST formation
  • Note the large cyst (arrows) surrounding the
    impacted 3rd molar
  • If this cyst is allowed to grow, a fractured jaw
    will result with major bone destruction

Note how easy it is in PowerPoint to go from
slides, to video, and back to slides.
There are currently over 350 slides and
over 50 video clips in the PowerPoint lecture
presentations. We will be adding more video
procedure clips in the near future. Lets look at
a few more sample slides from the lecture
There is NO other program that has these advanced
audio-visual lecture materials
Dental Implants
  • Dental implants are in the realm of oral surgery
  • Implants are placed in the area of missing teeth
  • The implant is made of titanium and becomes an
    artificial root for a crown or bridge
  • In the diagram below (A) the IMPLANT is placed
    and usually allowed to heal for 2-3 months (B)
    the ABUTMENT is placed on the implant (C) the
    CROWN is cemented on the abutment

Cryer Elevators
  • Cryer elevators are identifiable by their sharp
    triangular tip.
  • They can have regular handles or t-bar handles
    for extra leverage. They are used to remove
    buried root tips

  • The crown portion of the tooth is next cut off
    using a handpiece to facilitate removal of the
  • The assistant uses retractors and the suction tip
    to hold the tongue back and keep the area dry

  • Autoclaves such as the one shown here are the
    most common way to heat sterilize instruments.
  • The sealed chamber heats to 275o F under 20
    pounds of steam pressure
  • This heat cycle lasts approximately 20 minutes,
    depending on how the instruments are packaged

Anesthetic set-up ready for the patient
30ga (short blue) needle for upper teeth
27ga (yellow long) needle for lower blocks
Rubber Dam Technique
  • Floss on clamp
  • Clamp tooth
  • Slip RD over tooth and clamp
  • Floss between teeth if isolating multiple teeth

Isolation Techniques
  • Cotton rolls can assist in keeping the teeth dry.
  • They can be inserted under the tongue.
  • They can be inserted in the cheek area.
  • In addition to moisture control, cotton rolls
    help with tissue retraction.

Doctor-Assistant Positions
In this view from above, the close positioning of
the dentist and assistant to the patient are
Instrument Transfer Technique
Over the patients bib in the Transfer Zone, the
assistants left hand (A) approaches the doctors
right hand (D) for the transfer of instruments
The assistant extends the pinkie to grasp
the Drs instrument, holding the new instrument
parallel to the old
The assistant grasps the Drs instrument with the
pinkie finger
As the pinkie finger squeezes the retrieved
instrument out of the way, the new instrument is
placed in the Drs hand
  • The following slides are a few samples of the
    documents and forms which are part of the
    teaching program.
  • All documents are in MS Word format for easy
    editing and insertion of your personal
    information. The documents are conveniently
    stored on CD-ROM.

All necessary documents are in MS Word format on
a CD-ROM so you can insert your own information
and print them out, including graduation
Payment Forms
Registration Forms
This is a list of all the documents needed to
operate the program. They are conveniently
accessed on a CD-ROM
The following slides are samples from the 120
page, full-color student syllabus, written
specifically for this course by Dr. Erickson, the
originator of the 10 week assistant training
The syllabus is filled with full-color
This is not a cobbled together course like
other programs but rather a course that began
with a blank sheet of paper and was built from
the ground up.
The course continues to be modified, updated and
improved each year with the latest in dental
technology and procedures.
This syllabus is modified and updated during each
Benefits of TeachingDental Assisting in Your
  • It will fund your Retirement and if you are older
    and dont have enough saved for retirement, this
    school will BE YOUR RETIREMENT!
  • It will provide a huge Disability Benefit should
    you become unable to practice dentistry, you can
    still operate this business, survive, and live
  • It is an additional Income Stream not dependent
    on your patients acceptance of treatment.
  • You already have the Facility and Equipment.
    Therefore the overhead for operating this school
    is typically 18-20.
  • You already Know the Business, there are no pork
    belly futures or restaurant management to learn.
  • There is a Large Market of people interested in
    learning to become a dental assistant at a
    reasonable fee.
  • There is a tremendous Need in our profession for
    trained dental assistants.
  • The Satisfaction from teaching will be enjoyed by
    any who teach. It is a reward that never gets
  • It is the only way your office can Generate
    Income without you being physically there.
  • The office will be Producing Income on Saturday
    when it is normally closed.
  • You have an available Pool of Instructors, your
    staff will love teaching and the extra income.

Typical PL Statement
The gross income at left is a reasonable
expectation for an established school. Note that
there is no rent to pay as the practice has
already paid it. Salaries are figured on
assistants teaching ALL of the course and at 200
per diem. Total students enrolled for the year
is 60 at a tuition of 2500. The NET for
operating this business is an astounding 86 !
Figuring that the average dental practice
operates at a 75 overhead, for you to EQUAL this
NET, your practice would have to PRODUCE AND
COLLECT an additional 527,900 a year.
Gross Income 150,000 (yearly tuition) Expenses
Books 4800 Salaries 10,500 Supplies 550 Re
nt O Miscellaneous 750. Advertising 4000 TO
TAL EXPENSES 20,600 NET Income 129,400 86
NET the Rent is Ø because the practice has
already paid it.
Are you starting to see why this business is such
a profit machine?
Comments From Our Past Students "I really
enjoyed all of it, from the teachers to the
learning and the hands-on participation. The
classes were very interesting and was sorry to
see it end." B.T., Stone Mountain "It's
been a very interesting 10 weeks of class. At
first I felt like there was so much to take in
and learn. I've learned a lot and was surprised
to find out that I really enjoyed the course. I
had a wonderful time." J.G.,
Marietta "The class was very enjoyable. The
instructors were very patient if a student was
having problems with a particular section of the
course. They even stayed late to give extra help
with the hands-on training. It was a great
experience for me." G.R. Decatur "I
really enjoyed this course and am sorry to see it
come to an end. I am really looking forward to
my career in Dental Assisting and have learned a
lot during this ten week program. I wish to
thank you, Dr. Erickson, for the wonderful job
you and your staff demonstrated for our class.
You have all been a great influence and wonderful
motivators and I want you to know how much I
appreciate your dedication." A. W.,
Riverdale "The Dental Assisting Program has
been a wonderful class for me because it has
given me a different insight into a field that I
have wanted to pursue for years. The class has
been so enjoyable and not so serious that I was
confused. The instructors were great and they
each had their own way of teaching which made it
more interesting. I have enjoyed each day of
class. Thanks again." C. T.
Atlanta "Thanks for opening doors for
people like myself who have dreamed about
becoming a dental assistant. The classes were
great and I feel that you all do a great job in
teaching all the necessary essentials of dental
assisting. Keep up the good work." C.F.
Comments From Professionals
Let Others Do Your Marketing
We will show you how you can incor- porate your
program into the CE programs of local vo-tech
colleges as weve done here with Chattahoochee
Tech. By doing so you will have a vastly
expanded advertising reach as you will be in
their catalogue. This catalogue typically goes
out to tens of thousands of homes. Your program
will also appear on their website.
What Are You Waiting For?Just Imagine the
Any moment may present the Chance of a
Lifetime This is one of those moments!
Dental Careers, Inc.4338 Highborne
DriveMarietta, GA 30066770-973-0496re777_at_comca
Contact us today for further information and to
answer your questions. Exclusive territories are
granted to purchasers of the program and may
already be under consideration in your area.
Dont delay on your decision only to find your
area has been sold!
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