Title: An OO schema language for XML
1An OO schema language for XML
W3C Note 30 July 1999
2What is SOX ?
- A schema language for defining
- the syntactic structure
- the partial semantics
- of XML document types
- Based on an Object-Oriented approach (Java)
- Developed by Commerce One
3Why using SOX instead of DTD ?
- SOX is an efficient alternative to XML DTDs
- provide the same services plus
- SOX schemas are written in XML
- easier to read and to write
- can be managed using XML management tools
- an extensive and extensible set of datatypes
- embedded documentation
- extensive use of namespaces
- OO features reusability, polymorphism,
4What is an XML schema ?
- A set of definitions providing a structured way
of - organizing data
- Defines structure rules using
- element type definitions
- datatype definitions
- namespace references
- .h file ? XML document .cpp file
- Characterized by an URI
5Element type definitions
- Defines the basic structures found in an XML doc
- Close to classes in Java
- Tags in XML document instances
- Created using keyword elementtype
6Element type definitions
- Characterized by
- A name unique identifier in a given schema
- A comment HTML text
- A collection of attributes
- A model
- defines structure and composition of an
- element of that type
- empty, string, element, sequence, choice
7Element type definitions
ltelementtype nameparagraph"gt ltexplaingt
ltsynopsisgtThis defines the
paragraph elementlt/synopsisgt
lt/explaingt ltmodelgt
ltsequencegt ltelement
ltchoice occurs"2,"gt
ltelement typeint"/gt
ltelement typestring"/gt
lt/sequencegt lt/modelgt
8Empty content model
- The element contains no data
- Useful when
- element is optional but its presence significant
- all the data is contained in the attributes
- ltelementtype name"NoContent"gt
- ltempty/gt
- lt/elementtypegt
- ltNoContentgtlt/NoContentgt
9String content model
- Element contains only data, no other element
- Useful for simple structure containing only data
- String can be of any datatype
- ltelementtype name"StringContent"gt
- ltmodelgt
- ltstring datatype"string"/gt
- lt/modelgt
- lt/elementtypegt
- ltStringContentgtI love XML !lt/StringContentgt
10Element content model
- Content restricted to be only of one type of
element - datatype or other element type
- Occurrence ?, , , (N,M)
- ltelementtype name"list"gt
- ltmodelgt
- ltelement type"item"
occurs"2,9"/gt - lt/modelgt
- lt/elementtypegt
- ltlistgtltitem/gtltitem/gtlt/listgt
11Sequence content model
- Content expressed as a sequence of elements
- Element, sequence or choice
- Useful to ensure that data appear in a given
order - ltelementtype name"Sequence"gt
- ltmodelgt
- ltsequencegt
- ltelement type"boolean" name"Boolean"/gt
- ltelement type"float" name"Float"/gt
- ltelement type"date" name"Date"/gt
- lt/sequencegt
- lt/modelgt
- lt/elementtypegt
12Choice model content
- lists a number of elements, sequences or choices
- Only one of the options appears in the instance
- ltelementtype name"Choice"gt
- ltmodelgt
- ltchoicegt
- ltelement type"string" name"String"/gt
- ltelement type"int" name"Integer"/gt
- lt/choicegt
- lt/modelgt
- lt/elementtypegt
- ltChoicegt ltStringgtThis is a string in a
choicelt/Stringgt lt/Choicegt
- Used to describe an element or its content
- has a is a relation to content
- ?
- nested element has a relation
- attributes of a class in Java
- Characterized by
- A name unique identifier in a given schema
- A comment HTML text
- A type intrinsic or user-defined ? element type
- A presence specification element required,
- implied, default, fixed
15Creating new attribute types
- Either derived from intrinsic type or from
another - user-defined type
- Created via keyword attdef
- 3 operators
- enumeration
- scalar
- varchar
16Creating new attribute types
ltelementtype name"Car"gt ltempty/gt ltattdef
name"Color"gt ltenumeration datatype"NMTOKEN"gt
ltoptiongtRedlt/optiongt ltoptiongtBluelt/optiongt
lt/enumerationgt ltrequired/gt lt/attdefgt ltattdef
name"Registration"gt ltvarchar maxlength"7"
datatype"string"/gt ltimplied/gt lt/attdefgt ltattd
ef name"Mileagegt ltscalar datatype"double"
digits"6" decimals"1 minvalue"0"/gt ltrequired
/gt lt/attdefgt lt/elementtypegt ltCar color"Blue"
registration"MY CAR" mileage"72881.0"/gt
- Each schema exists in a namespace
- Can use definitions from other namespaces
- Import the external namespaces in the schema
- Libraries in Java
- Indicates original namespace using xmlns
- append prefix to the name of imported attribute
- and element types
ltnamespace prefix"containers" namespace "urnx-c
ommerceonedocumentContainer.sox1.0"/gt ltelem
ent name"Can" type"AluminumCan
prefix"containers"/gt ltelement type"PaperCup"
prefix"containers"/gt ltotherAluminumCan
xmlnsother "urnx-commerceonedocumentContainer
.sox1.0"gt ltotherPaperCup/gt
- Element type inherits structure from another
type - can add new structures using append
- can add new attributes
- Sequence, element and empty models only
- Can extend types from other namespaces
- Uses keyword extend
ltelementtype name"Ticket"gt ltmodelgt ltsequencegt
ltelement name"Price" typefloat"/gt ltelemen
t name"Time" type"datetime"/gt lt/sequencegt lt/m
odelgt lt/elementtypegt ltnamespace
Ticket.sox1.0"/gt ltelementtype
name"MovieTicket"gt ltextends prefix"tick"
type"Ticket"gt ltappendgt ltelement
name"Title" type"string"/gt lt/appendgt ltattdef
name"PrePaid" datatype"boolean"gt ltrequired/gt
lt/attdefgt lt/extendsgt lt/elementtypegt
- An element type specifies a specific type in its
- content
- An subtype of this type is used instead
- ltelementtype namePackage"gt
- ltmodelgt
- ltelement name"BaseTicket" typeTicket
occ/gt - lt/modelgt
- lt/elementtypegt
- ltPackagegtltBaseTicket PrePaidfalsegt
- ltPricegt15lt/Pricegt ltTimegt1123lt/Timegt
ltTitlegtMatrixlt/Titlegt - lt/BaseTicket gtlt/Packagegt
22How does it work ?
- All SOX schemas conforms to the same DTD
- schema.dtd
- Everything is converted into Java Beans
- Reusing definitions is easy
- Enable robust distributed schema management