Title: Johann Gutenberg 1456, Mainz,
1Johann Gutenberg1456, Mainz, Mazarin Bible
- William Caxton
- 1477, Westminster,
- Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres
2Elizabeth EisensteinThe Printing Press as an
Agent of Change(2 vols., 1979)The Printing
Revolution in Early Modern Europe (1983)
3(No Transcript)
4Booksellers in the Gross are taken for little
better that a pack of Knaves and Atheists.John
Dunton, London Bookseller, 1705.
5(No Transcript)
6Stationers CompanyLicensed 1577
- Register
- Court
- English Stock
- Book of Common Prayer
- almanacs
7The Royal Society
8John Flamsteed
- Royal Astronomer
- Historia Coelestis Britannica
9If thou dislikst the Piece thou lightst upon
firstThinke that of All, that I have writ, the
worstBut if thou readst my Booke unto the
end,And still dost this, and that verse,
reprehendO Perverse man! If All disgustfull
be,The Extreame Scabbe take thee, and thine, for
me.ROBERT HERRICK, Hesperides (London, 1648), 3
- How can you create a knowledge structure in a
society that has no fixed printed knowledge? - What is the role of technology in a societys
change? - When the Royal Society was formed to create some
fixed text, what was its relation to the
established order?