Title: Whats New
1Whats New Whats Best _at_ Your Public Library
_at_ your library
2_at_ your library
Ann K. Symons Past President American Library
Association Librarian, Moscow and St.
Petersburg The Anglo-American School www.aas.ru
3Who am I?
60 years an avid public library user 36
years a librarian A library advocate, a wife,
a mother, a friend, a traveler, a hunter -- of
4Best Practices
Programs, initiatives or activities which are
considered leading edge, or exceptional models
for others to follow
5Best Practices
1 "customized" service 2 Reflecting
Community 3 Reaching Out to Teens
6Free Internet Access
Not Leading Edge Free public Internet
Access 99 of all public libraries in the United
States offer free internet access to users In
2006 61 of public libraries will offer wireless
internet access, up from 36.7 in 2004 Public
Libraries the Internet http//www.ii.fsu.edu/pli
71-Customized Service
Best practice - 1 - "customized" service
Meeting the needs of the patron in the way that
best suits each individual patron by both
promoting the library as place and at the same
time dramatically increasing remote services to
8Virtual Reference
Virtual reference is reference service initiated
electronically, often in real-time, where patrons
employ computers or other Internet technology to
communicate with reference staff, without being
physically present. Communication channels used
frequently in virtual reference include chat,
videoconferencing, Voice over IP, co-browsing,
e-mail, and instant messaging.
Guidelines for Implementing and Maintaining
Virtual Reference Services http//www.ala.org/ala/
9Ask - You Own Way
10Visual Clues
11My Account
- My Account allows you to manage your library card
online - Change your PIN
- Change your e-address.
- Check the status of your holds
- Pay Fines
- Renew items
- Save searches
- Put books in your basket
- Have books mailed to you if you qualify as
12Digital Library Services
ListenIllinois provides patrons from
participating libraries with a large collection
of digital audiobooks available for checkout, all
thanks to your local library!!
13Patron Initiated Interlibrary Loan
MeLCat is here! The Ann Arbor District Library
is pleased to announce the return of
patron-initiated interlibrary loan service
through the Michigan eLibrary Catalog (MeLCat), a
statewide-shared catalog.You may request
interlibrary loans directly by going to MeLCat.
There is also a link to MeLCat from the Request
ILL page on our website
14Library As Place
Seattle Public Library
15Do It Online
- Your library online
- Anything you can do in the library, provide a
way to do it online, 24/7 --- e-books, e-audio,
online reference, online full-text magazines,
newspapers, digital collections, online
discussions, blogs, wikis, book reviews, online
programs and displays, community services
database, online tours, podcasting of storytimes
and other programs, etc. - Sharon Morris, Colorado State
16Seattle Public Library
Big Bold Dynamic
172 - Reflecting Community
18Queens - A Leader in Diversity
19Interpreters to help you use the library
20Russian Home, Vietnamese Home, Spanish Home,
French Home, Chinese Home
21Leaders Serving Diverse Populations
Queens Borough Public Library www.queenslibrary.o
rg Toronto Public Library www.tpl.toronto.on.ca S
eattle Public Library www.spl.org
223 -Teen Services
- 3 - Services to Teens are hot, digital,
inclusive - in and out of the library - Library Web Pages with Information/Graphics for
Teens - Teen Advisory Boards
- Monies for Collection Development
- Newsletters
- Homework Centers
- Help with Childrens Programs
23Teen Central
24Think Creatively
- Encourage customer input
- find new ways to allow users to comment on books
they've read - hi tech or low tech - Engage with your users in new ways
- start a blog - see Santa Fe PL's blog
- http//santafelibrary.blogspot.com/
- Share pictures of your library's
- experiences - put up pictures on Flickr
- Open an instant messaging account
- and put the login name on your main library
25Banish No- Say Yes
- Banish no from your vocabulary
- Cast all rules/limitations in positives
- No cell phones
- Enjoy texting your friends but please mute your
phone while in the library
The drive-up window!!!!
28U.S. Public Libraries
- Take a virtual visit to some of Americas best
public libraries - Ohio
- Utah
- Oregon
- Indiana
- Washington
- Hennen's American Public Library Ratings
- http//www.haplr-index.com/HAPLR100.htm
29Technology Leaders
- Ann Arbor District Library
- www.aadl.org
- King County Public Library
- www.kcls.org
- Seattle Public Library
- www.spl.org
- Orange County Library System
- www.ocls.org
30Must See Public Library Websites
Ann Arbor District Library www.aadl.org Seattle
Public Library www.spl.org King County Public
Library www.kcls.org St. Joseph County Public
Library http//sjcpl.lib.in.us Denver Public
Library www.denver.lib.co.us/
31The Challenge
- Vision - Staying Ahead of the technology
curve - Librarians continuing as early adapters of
technology - Libraries staying relevant with new
technologies - Finding ways to stay relevant in the community
- Adequate funding
32Ann Arbor District Library
33AADL Values
Ann Arbor District Library Values Excellence in
customer service Providing, supporting, and
advocating access for all Acting with
initiative, creativity, and flexibility Working
together, with enthusiasm and optimism, to
reach goals Responsible stewardship of resources
34AADL Vision
Vision Statement The Ann Arbor District Library
provides collections, programs, and leadership to
promote the development of literate and informed
citizens through open and equal access to
cultural, intellectual, recreational, and
information resources.
37Useful Websites
American Library Association, its divisions and
conferences Urban Library Council OCLC
39The Future of the Internet II
40Pew Internet II Conclusions - 2020
- A global, low-cost network thrives
- English displaces other languages
- Autonomous technology is a problem
- Transparency builds a better world, even at the
expense of privacy - Virtual reality is a drain for some
- The internet opens worldwide access to success
- Some Luddites/Refuseniks will commit terror acts
- Half of the survey respondents disagreed with
each statement
41By 2020
The majority of respondents to Pews Future of
the Internet II survey say Building network
capacity and technological knowledge should be
top priority including passing along
technological knowledge to those not currently
43With thanks to.
Sally G. Reed, Executive Director, Friends of
Libraries USA FOLUSA Patricia Smith, Executive
Director, Texas Library Association Nancy Bolt,
Nancy Bolt Associates, former Colorado State
Librarian, consultant, and Past-President,
Public Library Association Jan Sanders,
Director, Pasadena Public Library,
President-Elect, Public Library
Association Deborah Jacobs, Director, Seattle
Public Library Karen Schneider, Director,
Librarians Index to the Internet Peggy Barber
Linda Wallace, Library Communication Strategies
Inc. Dr. Joseph Janes, Associate Professor, The
Information School, University of Washington