Title: Resident Accommodations at St. Johns Hospital
1Resident Accommodations at St. Johns Hospital
- Resident lounge signage
- Coat rack and lockers
- Call rooms
- Resident lounge
- Mail boxes
- Program directors office
- Noon conference space
2The resident lounge is located on the 2nd floor,
just outside the Watson Education Center. The
door has a combination access lock.
3Residents have access to a coat rack and lockers
just inside the door to the resident lounge.
4There are two call rooms available to the two
residents on call. Call rooms include a bed,
desk, television, and private bath.
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7The call rooms private bathrooms include shower
8The resident lounge is used for morning report as
well as a base of operations for residents on
call or on the in-patient service.
9It is equipped with a refrigerator, microwave,
sink, television, and treadmill.
10Residents and faculty have mail slots in the
resident lounge to ensure efficient communication
and distribution of materials.
11The program director has an office within the
resident lounge.
12Daily noon conferences are held in the Watson
Education Center, a short walk from the cafeteria
in the attached Maplewood Professional Building.
The room is equipped with an LCD projector for
use by speakers.
13Thank you for your interest in the St. Johns
Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program.
Please contact us if you have further questions.