Title: STATE OF ILLINOIS Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities
1 STATE OF ILLINOISDepartment of Human
Services Developmental Disabilities
- September 2007
- Introductions
- Overview of Handouts
- Adult Renewal New Childrens Waivers
- Home-Based Support Services (HBS)
- FY08 Changes Related to the Waivers
- Other FY08 Changes
- General Waiver Updates
3 Waiver Training
4Adult Waiver Renewal and New Childrens Waivers
- Adult Waiver Renewal
- Childrens Residential Waiver (CRW)
- Childrens Support Waiver (CSW)
5Adult Waiver Renewal
- Adult Waiver renewed for five years
- Effective July 1, 2007 June 30, 2012
- Approved capacity is 14,000
- Changes in Covered Services
6Adult Waiver Existing Services
- Individual Service and Support Advocacy
- Residential Habilitation (CILA, CLF)
- Day Habilitation Programs (DT, SEP, regular
work/sheltered employment, adult day care, at
home day, other day) - Therapies (OT, PT, Speech)
- Behavior services
- Adaptive Equipment Home/Vehicle Modifications
7Adult Waiver - Existing Services (cont.)
- Continuing Home-Based Support (HBS) Services
- Service Facilitation
- Personal Support
- Non-Medical Transportation
- Emergency Home Response
- Nursing
8Adult Waiver - Existing Services (cont.)
- Discontinuing HBS Out-of-Home
- Respite (55V)
- Issues with provider standards and quality
assurance - Issues with statewide availability
- Very low utilization
9Adult Waiver New Services
- HBS Crisis Services (53C)
- HBS Training (55B) for Unpaid
- Caregivers
- HBS Counseling (55C) for Unpaid
- Caregivers
- Assistive Technology (53T)
10Adult HBS Crisis Services
- Crisis Services are available in the Adult HBS
Program - For emergencies due to the absence or incapacity
of the primary unpaid caregiver - Requires written prior approval
- Up to 2,000/mo. for up to 2 months for
additional Personal Support (53C)
11HBS Training/Counseling For Unpaid Caregivers
- Training (55B) and Counseling (55C) are aimed at
assisting unpaid caregiver to meet needs of the
participant - Within monthly allocation
- Available in adult HBS and childrens HBS (in
the Childrens Support Waiver)
12Assistive Technology (53T)
- Actually a service distinction, rather than a new
service - Requires written prior approval through the same
process as adaptive equipment - Limited to no more than 15,000 per participant
every five years (in combination with other
items/modifications) - Available to participants in all three DD Waivers
13Childrens Residential WaiverOverview
- New Waiver effective July 1, 2007 for three
years (through June 30, 2010) - Approved capacity is 175
- Eligibility criteria
- Covered Services
14Childrens Residential Waiver - Eligibility
- Individuals must
- Be between the ages of 3 and 21
- Live in Illinois and receive services in
Illinois - Be enrolled in Medicaid (special eligibility
criteria parents income not counted for
children) - Have a developmental disability (either mental
retardation or a related condition)
15Childrens Residential Waiver Eligibility
Criteria (cont.)
- Individuals must
- Must be assessed as eligible for ICF/MR level of
service (must need active treatment) - Must meet priority population criteria as defined
in Attachment A of the DHS contract - Children who are wards of the state (DCFS) are
not eligible
16Childrens Residential Waiver Covered Services
- Child Group Home
- Behavior Intervention and Treatment
- Adaptive Equipment
- Assistive Technology
- Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA)
17Childrens Support Waiver Overview
- Replaced Family Assistance and Support (72D)
effective July 1, 2007 for three years - Approved capacity 600
- Designed to be consistent with Adult Waiver,
especially adult Home-Based Support Services
18Childrens Support Waiver
- Transition into adult services, anytime between
18th and 22nd birthday - 100 of federal funds garnered will be spent on
program expansion - Expect to begin enrolling additional children
starting in January 2008
19Childrens Support Waiver Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility criteria are similar to those for
the Childrens Residential Waiver (age range,
level of service/need for active treatment,
urgency of need, Medicaid enrollment, etc.)
20Childrens Support Waiver Covered Services
- Services within the 1,246 monthly maximum
- Service Facilitation (55A)
- Personal Support (55D)
- Behavior Intervention and
- Treatment (56U)
- Training (55B) and Counseling
- (55C) for Unpaid Caregivers
21Childrens Support Waiver Covered Services (cont.)
- Services in addition to the monthly maximum -
prior approval required - Adaptive equipment (53E)
- Assistive technology (53T)
- Home accessibility modifications
- (53H)
- Vehicle modifications (53V)
22Childrens Support Waiver Covered Services (cont.)
- Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA)
- Covered outside the monthly allocation
- Provides quality assurance and other advocacy
assistance - 25 hours per state fiscal year maximum
23Home-Based Support Services (HBS)
- Overview
- Role of Service Facilitator
- Changes in Personal Support
- Role of ACES - fiscal/employer agent
24Home-Based Support Services (HBS) Overview
- HBS continues as an Adult Waiver option
- Childrens HBS (CHBS) is a new program
(Childrens Support Waiver) - Monthly HBS maximum for services
- 1,246 for all Childrens HBS participants and
for Adult HBS participants who are in special
education - 1,869 for all other Adult HBS participants
25HBS Overview (cont.)
- Self-Directed - Individuals and families
choose - How best to use the monthly budget to meet the
individuals needs - What services they want and need
- Which qualified providers they want
- Whether to choose agency-based staff or domestic
employees to provide services
26HBS Service Facilitation Responsibilities
- Develop and update Individual Service Plan
- Verify service provider qualifications
- Complete Service Agreements/Service
Authorizations - Note The total authorized may NOT exceed the
HBS monthly maximum
27HBS Service Facilitation Responsibilities (cont.)
- If family chooses to hire domestic employees,
refer employer of record and qualified domestic
employees to ACES for enrollment and background
checks - Ensure Medicaid Waiver provider enrollment with
DDD for other qualified providers
28HBS Service Facilitation Responsibilities (cont.)
- For domestic employees
- Sign and FAX Service Authorizations to ACES
- FAX employee timesheets to ACES if necessary
- Work with family and ACES to correct problems
29HBS Service Facilitation Responsibilities (cont.)
- Do not submit Service Authorization
to ACES if provider is not qualified -
- Do not submit Service Authorizations to ACES
if the total authorized (with the Service
Agreements) exceeds the monthly maximum
30 HBS Service Facilitation Guidance
- Minimum of 2 hours/month in Service Agreement,
instead of 3 hours/month - Within the monthly maximum
- No other maximum applies
- Can bill for services delivered and documented up
to the agreed amount in the Service Agreement.
31 HBS Personal Support
- Personal Support domestic employee provider
qualifications - Age 18 or older
- High school diploma or GED
- Background checks, if hired on or after
July 1, 2007 (These are done by ACES)
32 HBS Personal Support (cont.)
- Personal Support Domestic Employee Provider
Qualifications (cont.) - Spouses may not be paid to provide Personal
Support in adult HBS - Family members may not be paid to provide
Personal Support in the Childrens HBS program
33 HBS Personal Support (cont.)
- For Childrens HBS
- Family members who may not be paid for Personal
Support services are - Parents, guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles,
first cousins, and grandparents, whether related
by blood or marriage (in-laws) or through a
step relationship.
34Fiscal Employer/Agent Role of ACES
- For personal support workers hired by the
participant/family (domestic employees) - Conducts required background checks
- Completes provider waiver enrollment
- Handles employer and employee paperwork
- Calculates employer and employee taxes
35Fiscal Employer/Agent Role of ACES (cont.)
- Issues paychecks to domestic employees
- Files employer taxes
- Website acessfea.org
36Fiscal Employer/Agent Role of ACES (cont.)
- Most common problems
- Lacking or incorrect Service Authorization
- Time on the timesheet exceeds the amount
authorized in the Service Authorization - Both of these can be corrected by the Service
Facilitator working with the employer of record
and worker
37FY08 Changes Related to the Waivers
- Behavior Intervention and Treatment
- Provider Medicaid Enrollment
- Application Process for Children
- Waiver Appeal Rights now apply to
- participants in the Childrens Waivers
38Behavior Intervention and Treatment (56U) Changes
- Definition of Behavior Intervention and Treatment
- expanded to include services for both
children and adults and services specific to
autism - Rate changes
39 56U Provider Qualifications
- Level 1- 75.96/hour
- Clinical psychologist licensed by the Illinois
Department of Financial and Professional
Regulation - or
- Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
4056U Provider Qualifications (cont.)
- Level 2 - 60.76/hour
- Board-Certified Associate Behavior Analyst
4156U Provider Qualifications (cont.)
- Level 2 - 60.76/hour
- Professional with a bachelors degree in a human
service field who has completed at least 1,500
hours of training or supervised experience in the
application of behaviorally-based therapy models
consistent with best practice and research on
individuals with autism spectrum disorder
4256U Provider Qualifications (cont.)
- Level 2 - 60.76/hour
- Professional who is certified to provide
relationship development assessment Information
is at rdiconnect.com
4356U Provider Qualifications (cont.)
- Level 2 - 60.76/hour
- Early intervention specialist with a
developmental therapy credential or equivalent
experience and training - (Approved to serve participants in the
Childrens Waivers only)
4456U Service Maximum
- Included in the monthly cost limit for Adult HBS
and Childrens HBS - State fiscal year maximum of 66 hours for Adult
Waiver and Childrens Residential Waiver
participants - Increased from 48 hours in FY07
- 66 hour maximum does not apply in the Childrens
HBS program (Childrens Support Waiver)
45Behavior Intervention and Treatment - Guidance
- Each professional may bill for services he/she
personally provided to the Waiver participant
46 Provider Medicaid Enrollment
- All providers must enroll as Medicaid Waiver
providers in order to be paid for services
delivered - Provider Medicaid enrollments must be submitted
to DDD, except domestic employees which go to
47Provider Medicaid Enrollment Provider
- Adult DD Waiver - Provider Type 91
- Childrens Support Waiver (CSW) - Provider
Type 94 - Childrens Residential Waiver (CRW) - Provider
Type 97
48Provider Medicaid Enrollment Categories
of Service
- 95 Habilitation - Residential, DT, SEP, Personal
Support - 47 Service Facilitation
- 55 Non-Medical Transportation (adult HBS)
- 94 Adult Day Care (Adult Waiver)
- 10 Nursing (adult HBS)
- 97 Other professional services
- 32 Home/Vehicle Modifications
- 41 Adaptive Equipment/Assistive Technology
- 98 Emergency Home Response (adult HBS)
49Provider Medicaid Enrollment - If Already
Enrolled in Adult Waiver
- Submit
- An HFS-2243 form for each childrens waiver for
which you will be providing services. - Must include correct Provider Type
- Must include correct Categories of
- Service (COS)
50Provider Medicaid Enrollment For New
- Submit
- An HFS-2243 form for each waiver for which you
will be providing services - One Waiver Provider Agreement form (HFS-1413A) -
covers all 3 waivers - An IRS W-9 form, if being paid directly by the
State Comptroller
51Provider Medicaid Enrollment
Transportation (55T)
- Domestic employees who also provide
transportation (55T) must submit an IRS W-9 form
to DDD with a note that they want to enroll as a
transportation provider. - No change in billing process for 55T (submitted
through the Service Facilitation agency) and paid
directly by the State Comptroller
52Application Process For Children - Clinical
- Children seeking services must have an active
PUNS record - PAS determines waiver clinical eligibility and
submits packet to Network - DDD reviews and mails Award Letter, if authorized
for funding
53Application Process For Children - Financial
- PAS helps family with completion of Medicaid
financial application, collection of required
documentation and submits for review - Special Medicaid financial eligibility rules
Parents income information is collected but
waived for children up to age 19
54Waiver Appeal Rights
- Waiver participants have the right to appeal
adverse decisions under Medicaid, including - Determination of ineligibility, denial
- of services, and discharge/suspension/
- reduction of waiver services
55Waiver Appeal Rights (cont.)
- Waiver rule (59 Ill. Adm. Code 120) describes
requirements and process. Note address change - HFS Bureau of Administrative Hearings
- 401 South Clinton 6th Floor
- Chicago IL 60607
56Waiver Appeal Rights (cont.)
- Waiver participants have the right to a written
notice of any adverse action. - Notices must include
- Â 1)Â The action to be taken
- Â 2)Â The reason and policy basis for the action Â
- 3)Â A complete statement of the individual's
right - to appeal, including the provider's
grievance - process, Department review and Department
- of Healthcare and Family Services hearing.
57 Other FY08 Changes
- Temporary Intensive Staffing (in DT - 53D in
CILA - 53R) - FY08 Contract Attachment A Changes
58Other FY08 Changes Temporary Intensive Staffing
- Replaces Transitional Staffing (53S)
- Requires prior approval and written
award letter - For adults in HBS, 53D is within the monthly
59Temporary Intensive Staffing (cont.)
- Temporary Intensive Staffing in DT (31A/31U) must
be billed using 53D - Temporary Intensive Staffing in CILA (60D only)
must be billed using 53R
60FY08 Contract Attachment A Changes
- DHS contract required for agencies providing
Service Facilitation and/or Personal Support - Enhanced agency staff training requirements
- CANTS process required for agencies providing
waiver services to children
61Contract Attachment A Changes (cont.)
- All contracted agencies providing providing
waiver services must train staff on OIG
abuse/neglect rule (Rule 50) requirements at the
time of hire and every two years thereafter
62Contract Attachment A Changes (cont.)
- For agencies providing Waiver services to
individuals 17 or younger - DCFS CANTS process
- Staff training in DCFS abuse/neglect
- reporting
63DCFS CANTS Process
- CANTS - Department Of Children and Family
Services (DCFS) background check of the Child
Abuse and Neglect Tracking System - Agencies must conduct a CANTS check on all
employees providing waiver services to children
aged 17 and younger (no charge to provider)
64DCFS CANTS Process (cont.)
- DCFS licensed providers contact the regional DCFS
office that licenses their programs for
information on CANTS checks
65DCFS CANTS Process (cont.)
- Non-DCFS licensed providers can obtain the
required form by downloading (printing) the
background check form (CFS 689) from the DCFS
website at www.state.il.us/dcfs
66DCFS CANTS Process (cont.)
- All CANTS forms mailed to
- 406 E. Monroe, Station 30,
- Springfield, IL 62701
- Allow approximately two weeks for a reply
67Changes for Agencies Providing Waiver Services to
Children Staff Training
- Staff providing waiver services to individuals
aged 17 and younger must receive training in DCFS
reporting requirements for allegations of abuse,
neglect or exploitation at the time of hire and
every two years thereafter
68Contract Attachment A Changes for Personal
Support Child Group Home Agencies
- Requirements
- DSP training
- Background checks (criminal, Health
- Care Workers Registry, CANTS)
69DHS Contract Attachment A Website
- For details on DHS contract changes
- www.dhs.state.il.us/serviceProviders/
- grantsContracts/CSA08/attachments.asp
70General Waiver Updates
- Policy Updates
- Prior Approval Process
- Audit Trail/Documentation Requirements
- Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services
database (PUNS) - Application for Service Authorization
- STAR form
71Waiver Policy Updates
- Bedhold Policy
- Policy in Long Term Care or Hospital
- Policy on Day Program Transportation
- Day Program Payment Policy
72 Bedhold Policy
- A Bedhold day is a day when the individual is
absent from the CILA or other residential setting
from midnight to midnight - Residential providers must bill either present or
bedhold for every date
73Bedhold Policy (cont.)
- Bedhold Codes
- F-Family/Friends Visit
- H-Hospitalization general/psychiatric
- C-Convalescent Care
- S-Short-Term Admission (SODC)
- I- Incarceration
74Policy in a Long Term Care Facility (LTC) or
- Waiver is a community-based alternative to
institutional services - Therefore individuals may not receive waiver
services while in a hospital or long term care
facility (LTC) - LTC includes ICF/DD, nursing facility and
State-Operated Facilities
75Policy in Long Term Care (LTC) or Hospital
- Exception 1 to LTC/Hospital Policy
- Service Facilitation (55A)
- To notify other providers of LTC or
- hospital stay
- To assist with discharge and return
- home, if needed
76Policy in a Long Term Care (LTC) or Hospital
- Exception 2 to LTC/Hospital Policy
- Behavior Intervention (56U)
- To plan for behavioral interventions,
- if needed, so that the individual can
- return home
77Policy on Transportation to and from Day Programs
- Family fees and HBS Transportation (55T) billing
are not allowed. - Transportation is the responsibility of day
program provider and is included in the day
program rate -
78Day Program Payment Policy Update
- Day Programs
- 1,100 hours is the State Fiscal Year maximum
- 115 hours per month maximum for any combination
of Day Programs
79Day Program Payment Policy Update
- Day Programs
- Recommend 92 hours per month if the individual is
in adult Home-Based Support Services
80Prior Approval Required for
- Home/Vehicle Modifications, Adaptive
Equipment/Assistive Technology - Therapies (OT, PT, Speech)
- Adult HBS Crisis Services
- Supported Employment (SEP)
- Adult Day Care, At Home Day, and Other Day
- Temporary Intensive Staffing
81How to Request Prior Approval
- Submit request and any required attachments to
Network staff - If approved, DDD will mail an official award
letter or other written notice
82Audit Trail/Documentation Requirements
- Waiver providers must document
- Who provided service
- Who was served
- Type of service delivered
- Amount of service
- Date and time services began
- Date and time services ended
83Audit Trail/Documentation Requirements (cont.)
- DHS will continue to conduct documentation
reviews - DDD will recoup payment for bills that lack
adequate documentation of service delivery - Services must be included in the individuals
Service Plan
84 PUNS Update
- Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services
database (PUNS) identifies people who need
services - PUNS is maintained by PAS agencies
- PUNS has 15,441 individuals identified as of
7/23/07 - 11,041 with unmet needs
85Application for Service Authorization Update
- Application for Individual Service Authorization
revised to reflect FY08 waiver changes - New attachment Individual/Guardian Information
86STAR Form Update
- STAR Form - Service Termination Approval Request
- Revised to reflect FY08 changes
- Must be submitted to Network staff to
- terminate fee-for-service program
- authorizations
87Contact Information
- Chicago Network Direct Lines or (312) 814-2735
- Greater IL Network Direct Lines or (217)
524-2515 - OR
- www.dhs.state.il.us/mhdd/dd/ Click on Contacts
for Services for network staff telephone numbers
88Contact Information (cont.)
- Connie Sims - policy questions (217)
782-5883 - Marie Havens - policy questions (217)
782-9536 - Dave Adden policy questions (217)
524-0848 - Jan Thompson policy questions (217)
782-5918 - Rich Behl - 56U provider qualifications (217)
557-9112 - George Elder provider enrollment (217)