Title: Algorithm Analysis
1Algorithm Analysis
- An algorithm is a set of instructions to be
followed to solve a problem. - There can be more than one solution (more than
one algorithm) to solve a given problem. - An algorithm can be implemented using different
programming languages on different platforms. - An algorithm must be correct. It should correctly
solve the problem. - e.g. For sorting, this means even if (1) the
input is already sorted, or (2) it contains
repeated elements. - Once we have a correct algorithm for a problem,
we have to determine the efficiency of that
3Algorithmic Performance
- There are two aspects of algorithmic performance
- Time
- Instructions take time.
- How fast does the algorithm perform?
- What affects its runtime?
- Space
- Data structures take space
- What kind of data structures can be used?
- How does choice of data structure affect the
runtime? - We will focus on time
- How to estimate the time required for an
algorithm - How to reduce the time required
4Analysis of Algorithms
- Analysis of Algorithms is the area of computer
science that provides tools to analyze the
efficiency of different methods of solutions. - How do we compare the time efficiency of two
algorithms that solve the same problem? - Naïve Approach implement these algorithms in a
programming language (C), and run them to
compare their time requirements. Comparing the
programs (instead of algorithms) has
difficulties. - How are the algorithms coded?
- Comparing running times means comparing the
implementations. - We should not compare implementations, because
they are sensitive to programming style that may
cloud the issue of which algorithm is inherently
more efficient. - What computer should we use?
- We should compare the efficiency of the
algorithms independently of a particular
computer. - What data should the program use?
- Any analysis must be independent of specific data.
5Analysis of Algorithms
- When we analyze algorithms, we should employ
mathematical techniques that analyze algorithms
independently of specific implementations,
computers, or data. - To analyze algorithms
- First, we start to count the number of
significant operations in a particular solution
to assess its efficiency. - Then, we will express the efficiency of
algorithms using growth functions.
6The Execution Time of Algorithms
- Each operation in an algorithm (or a program) has
a cost. - ? Each operation takes a certain of time.
- count count 1 ? take a certain amount of
time, but it is constant - A sequence of operations
- count count 1 Cost c1
- sum sum count Cost c2
- ? Total Cost c1 c2
7The Execution Time of Algorithms (cont.)
- Example Simple If-Statement
- Cost Times
- if (n lt 0) c1 1
- absval -n c2 1
- else
- absval n c3 1
- Total Cost lt c1 max(c2,c3)
8The Execution Time of Algorithms (cont.)
- Example Simple Loop
- Cost Times
- i 1 c1 1
- sum 0 c2 1
- while (i lt n) c3 n1
- i i 1 c4 n
- sum sum i c5 n
- Total Cost c1 c2 (n1)c3 nc4 nc5
- ? The time required for this algorithm is
proportional to n
9The Execution Time of Algorithms (cont.)
- Example Nested Loop
- Cost Times
- i1 c1 1
- sum 0 c2 1
- while (i lt n) c3 n1
- j1 c4 n
- while (j lt n) c5 n(n1)
- sum sum i c6 nn
- j j 1 c7 nn
- i i 1 c8 n
- Total Cost c1 c2 (n1)c3 nc4
n(n1)c5nnc6nnc7nc8 - ? The time required for this algorithm is
proportional to n2
10General Rules for Estimation
- Loops The running time of a loop is at most the
running time of the statements inside of that
loop times the number of iterations. - Nested Loops Running time of a nested loop
containing a statement in the inner most loop is
the running time of statement multiplied by the
product of the sized of all loops. - Consecutive Statements Just add the running
times of those consecutive statements. - If/Else Never more than the running time of the
test plus the larger of running times of S1 and
11Algorithm Growth Rates
- We measure an algorithms time requirement as a
function of the problem size. - Problem size depends on the application e.g.
number of elements in a list for a sorting
algorithm, the number disks for towers of hanoi. - So, for instance, we say that (if the problem
size is n) - Algorithm A requires 5n2 time units to solve a
problem of size n. - Algorithm B requires 7n time units to solve a
problem of size n. - The most important thing to learn is how quickly
the algorithms time requirement grows as a
function of the problem size. - Algorithm A requires time proportional to n2.
- Algorithm B requires time proportional to n.
- An algorithms proportional time requirement is
known as growth rate. - We can compare the efficiency of two algorithms
by comparing their growth rates.
12Algorithm Growth Rates (cont.)
Time requirements as a function of the problem
size n
13Common Growth Rates
14Figure 6.1 Running times for small inputs
15Figure 6.2 Running times for moderate inputs
16Order-of-Magnitude Analysis and Big 0 Notation
- If Algorithm A requires time proportional to
f(n), Algorithm A is said to be order f(n), and
it is denoted as O(f(n)). - The function f(n) is called the algorithms
growth-rate function. - Since the capital O is used in the notation,
this notation is called the Big O notation. - If Algorithm A requires time proportional to n2,
it is O(n2). - If Algorithm A requires time proportional to n,
it is O(n).
17Definition of the Order of an Algorithm
- Definition
- Algorithm A is order f(n) denoted as
O(f(n)) - if constants k and n0 exist such that A
requires - no more than kf(n) time units to solve a
problem - of size n ? n0.
- The requirement of n ? n0 in the definition of
O(f(n)) formalizes the notion of sufficiently
large problems. - In general, many values of k and n can satisfy
this definition.
18Order of an Algorithm
- If an algorithm requires n23n10 seconds to
solve a problem size n. If constants k and n0
exist such that - kn2 gt n23n10 for all n ? n0 .
- the algorithm is order n2 (In fact, k is 3 and
n0 is 2) - 3n2 gt n23n10 for all n ? 2 .
- Thus, the algorithm requires no more than kn2
time units for n ? n0 , - So it is O(n2)
19Order of an Algorithm (cont.)
20A Comparison of Growth-Rate Functions
21A Comparison of Growth-Rate Functions (cont.)
22Growth-Rate Functions
- O(1) Time requirement is constant,
and it is independent of the problems size. - O(log2n) Time requirement for a logarithmic
algorithm increases increases slowly - as the problem size increases.
- O(n) Time requirement for a linear algorithm
increases directly with the size - of the problem.
- O(nlog2n) Time requirement for a nlog2n
algorithm increases more rapidly than - a linear algorithm.
- O(n2) Time requirement for a quadratic
algorithm increases rapidly with the - size of the problem.
- O(n3) Time requirement for a cubic
algorithm increases more rapidly with the - size of the problem than the time
requirement for a quadratic algorithm. - O(2n) As the size of the problem increases,
the time requirement for an - exponential algorithm increases too
rapidly to be practical.
23Growth-Rate Functions
- If an algorithm takes 1 second to run with the
problem size 8, what is the time requirement
(approximately) for that algorithm with the
problem size 16? - If its order is
- O(1) ? T(n) 1 second
- O(log2n) ? T(n) (1log216) / log28 4/3
seconds - O(n) ? T(n) (116) / 8 2 seconds
- O(nlog2n) ? T(n) (116log216) / 8log28
8/3 seconds - O(n2) ? T(n) (1162) / 82 4 seconds
- O(n3) ? T(n) (1163) / 83 8 seconds
- O(2n) ? T(n) (1216) / 28 28 seconds 256
24Properties of Growth-Rate Functions
- We can ignore low-order terms in an algorithms
growth-rate function. - If an algorithm is O(n34n23n), it is also
O(n3). - We only use the higher-order term as algorithms
growth-rate function. - We can ignore a multiplicative constant in the
higher-order term of an algorithms growth-rate
function. - If an algorithm is O(5n3), it is also O(n3).
- O(f(n)) O(g(n)) O(f(n)g(n))
- We can combine growth-rate functions.
- If an algorithm is O(n3) O(4n), it is also O(n3
4n2) ? So, it is O(n3). - Similar rules hold for multiplication.
25Some Mathematical Facts
- Some mathematical equalities are
26Growth-Rate Functions Example1
- Cost Times
- i 1 c1 1
- sum 0 c2 1
- while (i lt n) c3 n1
- i i 1 c4 n
- sum sum i c5 n
- T(n) c1 c2 (n1)c3 nc4 nc5
- (c3c4c5)n (c1c2c3)
- an b
- ? So, the growth-rate function for this
algorithm is O(n)
27Growth-Rate Functions Example2
- Cost Times
- i1 c1 1
- sum 0 c2 1
- while (i lt n) c3 n1
- j1 c4 n
- while (j lt n) c5 n(n1)
- sum sum i c6 nn
- j j 1 c7 nn
- i i 1 c8 n
- T(n) c1 c2 (n1)c3 nc4
n(n1)c5nnc6nnc7nc8 - (c5c6c7)n2 (c3c4c5c8)n (c1c2c3)
- an2 bn c
- ? So, the growth-rate function for this
algorithm is O(n2)
28Growth-Rate Functions Example3
- Cost Times
- for (i1 iltn i) c1 n1
- for (j1 jlti j) c2
- for (k1 kltj k) c3
- xx1 c4
- T(n) c1(n1) c2( )
c3 ( ) c4(
) - an3 bn2 cn d
- ? So, the growth-rate function for this
algorithm is O(n3)
29Growth-Rate Functions Recursive Algorithms
- void hanoi(int n, char source, char dest, char
spare) Cost - if (n gt 0) c1
- hanoi(n-1, source, spare, dest) c2
- cout ltlt "Move top disk from pole " ltlt source
c3 - ltlt " to pole " ltlt dest ltlt endl
- hanoi(n-1, spare, dest, source) c4
- The time-complexity function T(n) of a recursive
algorithm is defined in terms of itself, and this
is known as recurrence equation for T(n). - To find the growth-rate function for that
recursive algorithm, we have to solve that
recurrence relation.
30Growth-Rate Functions Hanoi Towers
- What is the cost of hanoi(n,A,B,C)?
- when n0
- T(0) c1
- when ngt0
- T(n) c1 c2 T(n-1) c3 c4 T(n-1)
- 2T(n-1) (c1c2c3c4)
- 2T(n-1) c ? recurrence equation for the
growth-rate function of
hanoi-towers algorithm - Now, we have to solve this recurrence equation to
find the growth-rate function of hanoi-towers
31Growth-Rate Functions Hanoi Towers (cont.)
- There are many methods to solve recurrence
equations, but we will use a simple method known
as repeated substitutions. - T(n) 2T(n-1) c
- 2 (2T(n-2)c) c
- 2 (2 (2T(n-3)c) c) c
- 23 T(n-3) (222120)c (assuming ngt2)
- when substitution repeated i-1th times
- 2i T(n-i) (2i-1 ... 2120)c
- when in
- 2n T(0) (2n-1 ... 2120)c
- 2n c1 ( )c
- 2n c1 ( 2n-1 )c 2n(c1c) c ?
So, the growth rate function is O(2n)
32What to Analyze
- An algorithm can require different times to solve
different problems of the same size. - Eg. Searching an item in a list of n elements
using sequential search. ? Cost 1,2,...,n - Worst-Case Analysis The maximum amount of time
that an algorithm require to solve a problem of
size n. - This gives an upper bound for the time complexity
of an algorithm. - Normally, we try to find worst-case behavior of
an algorithm. - Best-Case Analysis The minimum amount of time
that an algorithm require to solve a problem of
size n. - The best case behavior of an algorithm is NOT so
useful. - Average-Case Analysis The average amount of time
that an algorithm require to solve a problem of
size n. - Sometimes, it is difficult to find the
average-case behavior of an algorithm. - We have to look at all possible data
organizations of a given size n, and their
distribution probabilities of these
organizations. - Worst-case analysis is more common than
average-case analysis.
33What is Important?
- An array-based list retrieve operation is O(1), a
linked-list-based list retrieve operation is
O(n). - But insert and delete operations are much easier
on a linked-list-based list implementation. - ? When selecting the implementation of an
Abstract Data Type (ADT), we have to consider how
frequently particular ADT operations occur in a
given application. - If the problem size is always small, we can
probably ignore the algorithms efficiency. - In this case, we should choose the simplest
34What is Important? (cont.)
- We have to weigh the trade-offs between an
algorithms time requirement and its memory
requirements. - We have to compare algorithms for both style and
efficiency. - The analysis should focus on gross differences in
efficiency and not reward coding tricks that save
small amount of time. - That is, there is no need for coding tricks if
the gain is not too much. - Easily understandable program is also important.
- Order-of-magnitude analysis focuses on large
35Sequential Search
- int sequentialSearch(const int a, int item, int
n) - for (int i 0 i lt n ai! item i)
- if (i n)
- return 1
- return i
- Unsuccessful Search ? O(n)
- Successful Search
- Best-Case item is in the first location of the
array ?O(1) - Worst-Case item is in the last location of the
array ?O(n) - Average-Case The number of key comparisons 1,
2, ..., n -
- ? O(n)
36Binary Search
- int binarySearch(int a, int size, int x)
- int low 0
- int high size 1
- int mid // mid will be the index of
- // target when its found.
- while (low lt high)
- mid (low high)/2
- if (amid lt x)
- low mid 1
- else if (amid gt x)
- high mid 1
- else
- return mid
- return 1
37Binary Search Analysis
- For an unsuccessful search
- The number of iterations in the loop is ?log2n?
1 - ? O(log2n)
- For a successful search
- Best-Case The number of iterations is 1. ?
O(1) - Worst-Case The number of iterations is ?log2n?
1 ? O(log2n) - Average-Case The avg. of iterations lt log2n
? O(log2n) - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ? an array with size 8
- 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 ? of iterations
- The average of iterations 21/8 lt log28
38How much better is O(log2n)?
- n O(log2n)
- 16 4
- 64 6
- 256 8
- 1024 (1KB) 10
- 16,384 14
- 131,072 17
- 262,144 18
- 524,288 19
- 1,048,576 (1MB) 20
- 1,073,741,824 (1GB) 30
- Sorting is a process that organizes a collection
of data into either ascending or descending
order. - An internal sort requires that the collection of
data fit entirely in the computers main memory. - We can use an external sort when the collection
of data cannot fit in the computers main memory
all at once but must reside in secondary storage
such as on a disk. - We will analyze only internal sorting algorithms.
- Any significant amount of computer output is
generally arranged in some sorted order so that
it can be interpreted. - Sorting also has indirect uses. An initial sort
of the data can significantly enhance the
performance of an algorithm. - Majority of programming projects use a sort
somewhere, and in many cases, the sorting cost
determines the running time. - A comparison-based sorting algorithm makes
ordering decisions only on the basis of
40Sorting Algorithms
- There are many sorting algorithms, such as
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- The first three are the foundations for faster
and more efficient algorithms.
41Selection Sort
- The list is divided into two sublists, sorted and
unsorted, which are divided by an imaginary wall.
- We find the smallest element from the unsorted
sublist and swap it with the element at the
beginning of the unsorted data. - After each selection and swapping, the imaginary
wall between the two sublists move one element
ahead, increasing the number of sorted elements
and decreasing the number of unsorted ones. - Each time we move one element from the unsorted
sublist to the sorted sublist, we say that we
have completed a sort pass. - A list of n elements requires n-1 passes to
completely rearrange the data.
Original List
After pass 1
After pass 2
After pass 3
After pass 4
After pass 5
43Selection Sort (cont.)
- template ltclass Itemgt
- void selectionSort( Item a, int n)
- for (int i 0 i lt n-1 i)
- int min i
- for (int j i1 j lt n j)
- if (aj lt amin) min j
- swap(ai, amin)
- template lt class Objectgt
- void swap( Object lhs, Object rhs )
- Object tmp lhs
- lhs rhs
- rhs tmp
44Selection Sort -- Analysis
- In general, we compare keys and move items (or
exchange items) in a sorting algorithm (which
uses key comparisons). - ? So, to analyze a sorting algorithm we should
count the number of key comparisons and the
number of moves. - Ignoring other operations does not affect our
final result. - In selectionSort function, the outer for loop
executes n-1 times. - We invoke swap function once at each iteration.
- ? Total Swaps n-1
- ? Total Moves 3(n-1) (Each swap has three
45Selection Sort Analysis (cont.)
- The inner for loop executes the size of the
unsorted part minus 1 (from 1 to n-1), and in
each iteration we make one key comparison. - ? of key comparisons 12...n-1 n(n-1)/2
- ? So, Selection sort is O(n2)
- The best case, the worst case, and the average
case of the selection sort algorithm are same. ?
all of them are O(n2) - This means that the behavior of the selection
sort algorithm does not depend on the initial
organization of data. - Since O(n2) grows so rapidly, the selection sort
algorithm is appropriate only for small n. - Although the selection sort algorithm requires
O(n2) key comparisons, it only requires O(n)
moves. - A selection sort could be a good choice if data
moves are costly but key comparisons are not
costly (short keys, long records).
46Comparison of N, logN and N2
- N O(LogN) O(N2)
- 16 4 256
- 64 6 4K
- 256 8 64K
- 1,024 10 1M
- 16,384 14 256M
- 131,072 17 16G
- 262,144 18 6.87E10
- 524,288 19 2.74E11
- 1,048,576 20 1.09E12
- 1,073,741,824 30 1.15E18
47Insertion Sort
- Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that
is appropriate for small inputs. - Most common sorting technique used by card
players. - The list is divided into two parts sorted and
unsorted. - In each pass, the first element of the unsorted
part is picked up, transferred to the sorted
sublist, and inserted at the appropriate place. - A list of n elements will take at most n-1 passes
to sort the data.
Original List
After pass 1
After pass 2
After pass 3
After pass 4
After pass 5
49Insertion Sort Algorithm
- template ltclass Itemgt
- void insertionSort(Item a, int n)
- for (int i 1 i lt n i)
- Item tmp ai
- for (int ji jgt0 tmp lt aj-1 j--)
- aj aj-1
- aj tmp
50Insertion Sort Analysis
- Running time depends on not only the size of the
array but also the contents of the array. - Best-case ? O(n)
- Array is already sorted in ascending order.
- Inner loop will not be executed.
- The number of moves 2(n-1) ? O(n)
- The number of key comparisons (n-1) ? O(n)
- Worst-case ? O(n2)
- Array is in reverse order
- Inner loop is executed i-1 times, for i 2,3, ,
n - The number of moves 2(n-1)(12...n-1)
2(n-1) n(n-1)/2 ? O(n2) - The number of key comparisons (12...n-1)
n(n-1)/2 ? O(n2) - Average-case ? O(n2)
- We have to look at all possible initial data
organizations. - So, Insertion Sort is O(n2)
51Analysis of insertion sort
- Which running time will be used to characterize
this algorithm? - Best, worst or average?
- Worst
- Longest running time (this is the upper limit for
the algorithm) - It is guaranteed that the algorithm will not be
worst than this. - Sometimes we are interested in average case. But
there are some problems with the average case. - It is difficult to figure out the average case.
i.e. what is average input? - Are we going to assume all possible inputs are
equally likely? - In fact for most algorithms average case is same
as the worst case.
52Bubble Sort
- The list is divided into two sublists sorted and
unsorted. - The smallest element is bubbled from the unsorted
list and moved to the sorted sublist. - After that, the wall moves one element ahead,
increasing the number of sorted elements and
decreasing the number of unsorted ones. - Each time an element moves from the unsorted part
to the sorted part one sort pass is completed. - Given a list of n elements, bubble sort requires
up to n-1 passes to sort the data.
53Bubble Sort
Original List
After pass 1
After pass 2
After pass 3
After pass 4
54Bubble Sort Algorithm
- template ltclass Itemgt
- void bubleSort(Item a, int n)
- bool sorted false
- int last n-1
- for (int i 0 (i lt last) !sorted i)
- sorted true
- for (int jlast j gt i j--)
- if (aj-1 gt aj
- swap(aj,aj-1)
- sorted false // signal exchange
55Bubble Sort Analysis
- Best-case ? O(n)
- Array is already sorted in ascending order.
- The number of moves 0 ? O(1)
- The number of key comparisons (n-1) ? O(n)
- Worst-case ? O(n2)
- Array is in reverse order
- Inner loop is executed n-1 times,
- The number of moves 3(12...n-1) 3
n(n-1)/2 ? O(n2) - The number of key comparisons (12...n-1)
n(n-1)/2 ? O(n2) - Average-case ? O(n2)
- We have to look at all possible initial data
organizations. - So, Bubble Sort is O(n2)
- Mergesort algorithm is one of two important
divide-and-conquer sorting algorithms (the other
one is quicksort). - It is a recursive algorithm.
- Divides the list into halves,
- Sort each halve separately, and
- Then merge the sorted halves into one sorted
57Mergesort - Example
- const int MAX_SIZE maximum-number-of-items-in-ar
ray - void merge(DataType theArray, int first, int
mid, int last) - DataType tempArrayMAX_SIZE // temporary
array - int first1 first // beginning of first
subarray - int last1 mid // end of first subarray
- int first2 mid 1 // beginning of second
subarray - int last2 last // end of second subarray
- int index first1 // next available location
in tempArray - for ( (first1 lt last1) (first2 lt
last2) index) - if (theArrayfirst1 lt theArrayfirst2)
- tempArrayindex theArrayfirst1
- first1
- else
- tempArrayindex theArrayfirst2
- first2
59Merge (cont.)
- // finish off the first subarray, if necessary
- for ( first1 lt last1 first1, index)
- tempArrayindex theArrayfirst1
- // finish off the second subarray, if
necessary - for ( first2 lt last2 first2, index)
- tempArrayindex theArrayfirst2
- // copy the result back into the original
array - for (index first index lt last index)
- theArrayindex tempArrayindex
- // end merge
- void mergesort(DataType theArray, int first,
int last) - if (first lt last)
- int mid (first last)/2 // index of
midpoint - mergesort(theArray, first, mid)
- mergesort(theArray, mid1, last)
- // merge the two halves
- merge(theArray, first, mid, last)
- // end mergesort
61Mergesort - Example
62Mergesort Example2
63Mergesort Analysis of Merge
A worst-case instance of the merge step in
64Mergesort Analysis of Merge (cont.)
0 k-1
0 k-1
- Merging two sorted arrays of size k
- Best-case
- All the elements in the first array are smaller
(or larger) than all the elements in the second
array. - The number of moves 2k 2k
- The number of key comparisons k
- Worst-case
- The number of moves 2k 2k
- The number of key comparisons 2k-1
0 2k-1
65Mergesort - Analysis
Levels of recursive calls to mergesort, given an
array of eight items
66Mergesort - Analysis
level 0 1 merge (size 2m-1)
level 1 2 merges (size 2m-2)
level 2 4 merges (size 2m-3)
. . .
. . .
level m-1 2m-1 merges (size 20)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
level m
67Mergesort - Analysis
- Worst-case
- The number of key comparisons
- 20(22m-1-1) 21(22m-2-1) ...
2m-1(220-1) - (2m - 1) (2m - 2) ... (2m 2m-1) ( m
terms ) - m2m
- m2m 2m 1
- n log2n n 1
- ? O (n log2n )
68Mergesort Analysis
- Mergesort is extremely efficient algorithm with
respect to time. - Both worst case and average cases are O (n
log2n ) - But, mergesort requires an extra array whose size
equals to the size of the original array. - If we use a linked list, we do not need an extra
array - But, we need space for the links
- And, it will be difficult to divide the list into
half ( O(n) )
- Like mergesort, Quicksort is also based on
- the divide-and-conquer paradigm.
- But it uses this technique in a somewhat opposite
manner, - as all the hard work is done before the
recursive calls. - It works as follows
- First, it partitions an array into two parts,
- Then, it sorts the parts independently,
- Finally, it combines the sorted subsequences by
- a simple concatenation.
70Quicksort (cont.)
- The quick-sort algorithm consists of the
following three steps - 1. Divide Partition the list.
- To partition the list, we first choose some
element from the list for which we hope about
half the elements will come before and half
after. Call this element the pivot. - Then we partition the elements so that all those
with values less than the pivot come in one
sublist and all those with greater values come in
another. - 2. Recursion Recursively sort the sublists
separately. - 3. Conquer Put the sorted sublists together.
- Partitioning places the pivot in its correct
place position within the array. - Arranging the array elements around the pivot p
generates two smaller sorting problems. - sort the left section of the array, and sort the
right section of the array. - when these two smaller sorting problems are
solved recursively, our bigger sorting problem is
72Partition Choosing the pivot
- First, we have to select a pivot element among
the elements of the given array, and we put this
pivot into the first location of the array before
partitioning. - Which array item should be selected as pivot?
- Somehow we have to select a pivot, and we hope
that we will get a good partitioning. - If the items in the array arranged randomly, we
choose a pivot randomly. - We can choose the first or last element as a
pivot (it may not give a good partitioning). - We can use different techniques to select the
73Partition Function
- template ltclass DataTypegt
- void partition(DataType theArray, int first,
int last, - int pivotIndex)
- // Partitions an array for quicksort.
- // Precondition first lt last.
- // Postcondition Partitions theArrayfirst..last
such that - // S1 theArrayfirst..pivotIndex-1 lt pivot
- // theArraypivotIndex pivot
- // S2 theArraypivotIndex1..last gt pivot
- // Calls choosePivot and swap.
- // place pivot in theArrayfirst
- choosePivot(theArray, first, last)
- DataType pivot theArrayfirst // copy pivot
74Partition Function (cont.)
- // initially, everything but pivot is in
unknown - int lastS1 first // index of last
item in S1 - int firstUnknown first 1 //index of 1st
item in unknown - // move one item at a time until unknown
region is empty - for ( firstUnknown lt last firstUnknown)
- // Invariant theArrayfirst1..lastS1 lt
pivot - // theArraylastS11..firstUnknow
n-1 gt pivot - // move item from unknown to proper region
- if (theArrayfirstUnknown lt pivot) //
belongs to S1 - lastS1
- swap(theArrayfirstUnknown,
theArraylastS1) - // else belongs to S2
- // place pivot in proper position and mark its
location - swap(theArrayfirst, theArraylastS1)
- pivotIndex lastS1
- // end partition
75Partition Function (cont.)
Invariant for the partition algorithm
76Partition Function (cont.)
Initial state of the array
77Partition Function (cont.)
Moving theArrayfirstUnknown into S1 by swapping
it with theArraylastS11 and by incrementing
both lastS1 and firstUnknown.
78Partition Function (cont.)
Moving theArrayfirstUnknown into S2 by
incrementing firstUnknown.
79Partition Function (cont.)
Developing the first partition of an array when
the pivot is the first item
80Quicksort Function
- void quicksort(DataType theArray, int first,
int last) - // Sorts the items in an array into ascending
order. - // Precondition theArrayfirst..last is an
array. - // Postcondition theArrayfirst..last is
sorted. - // Calls partition.
- int pivotIndex
- if (first lt last)
- // create the partition S1, pivot, S2
- partition(theArray, first, last,
pivotIndex) - // sort regions S1 and S2
- quicksort(theArray, first, pivotIndex-1)
- quicksort(theArray, pivotIndex1, last)
81Quicksort Analysis
- Worst Case (assume that we are selecting the
first element as pivot) - The pivot divides the list of size n into two
sublists of sizes 0 and n-1. - The number of key comparisons
- n-1 n-2 ... 1
- n2/2 n/2 ? O(n2)
- The number of swaps
- n-1 n-1 n-2 ... 1
- swaps outside of the for loop swaps inside of
the for loop - n2/2 n/2 - 1 ? O(n2)
- So, Quicksort is O(n2) in worst case
82Quicksort Analysis
- Quicksort is O(nlog2n) in the best case and
average case. - Quicksort is slow when the array is sorted and we
choose the first element as the pivot. - Although the worst case behavior is not so good,
its average case behavior is much better than its
worst case. - So, Quicksort is one of best sorting algorithms
using key comparisons.
83Quicksort Analysis
A worst-case partitioning with quicksort
84Quicksort Analysis
An average-case partitioning with quicksort