Title: Ch 8 Recursion
1Ch 8 Recursion
Recursion occurs when a method (or function)
calls itself
2Indefinite Repetition
- In programs where a count of repetitions is not
known (indefinite), we can use one of two
repetition control mechanisms - Recursion
- While statement
- Many of the pieces we use to create a program are
identified by using special words. For example, - Do in order
- Do together
- If/Else
- Loop
- Recursion is not a program statement with a
special word that identifies it as part of the
programming language. - Recursion means that a method (or a function)
calls itself. -
3Examples of recursion
- The natural numbers
- 1 is in N
- if n is in N, then n 1 is in N
- For example, the following is a recursive
definition of a person's ancestors - One's parents are one's ancestors
- The parents of any ancestor are also
ancestors of the person under consideration
(recursion step).
5Fibonacci number sequence
- Fibonacci number sequence
- F(n) F(n - 1) F(n - 2).
- Base cases
- F(0) 0
- F(1) 1.
- Factorials
- n! n (n - 1)!
- 3!32!
- 4!43!
- 2!21!
- Base cases
- 0! 1
- 1! 1
- Recursive humor
- A common geeky joke is the following "definition"
of recursion. - recursion
- see recursion
- In the index of a book, on page 189
- recursion 22, 45, 80, 189
8Example shark/goldfish again
Previously we had a loop which executed until the
shark was close enough to the goldfish that it
could eat it.
CHASER If the distance between the shark and the
goldfish gt 0.5 Do together shark swims toward
goldfish goldfish flees call CHASER Shark eats
Recursive call
Shark swims
Goldfish flees
Shark eats
9Example shark/goldfish again
This is an example of tail recursion. In tail
recursion the last statement in the recursive
method is the recursive call. The method begins
with an if statement to determine if a base
condition is met. If the base condition is met
the method terminates if it is not then we
invoke the method again on a smaller
problem. The general form of the algorithm we
have just used is MethodX if base condition
is satisfied exit else do something call
10Example shark/goldfish again
- tail recursion
- To formulate a solution this way we need
- To understand some base conditions where the
problem has a known answer or solution - To be able to express a solution in terms of
smaller problems. As the problems get smaller
and smaller, we eventually converge to one of the
base conditions.
11Example shark/goldfish again
Shark/goldfish chase The problem is contrived
so the shark is gaining on the goldfish and so we
know the problem is getting smaller with each
swim action (the gap between the two is getting
smaller). We have decided that the chase ends
when the gap between the two is less than 0.5
metres. This is the base condition when it is
true we stop, the method does not call itself
12Example horse race
A carnival style horse race. In repeated moves,
one horse is randomly selected to move forward.
The selected horse runs straight ahead towards
the finish line. Each time we select a horse
that horse moves closer to the finish. A horse
is the winner if it gets to the finish line
before any other horse. When one horse wins, the
game ends.
We know the race will end. The unknown is which
horse gets to the finish first.
race if one of the horses has won
the winner says, I won!!! else
randomly choose one horse and move it forward a
small amount race again
When this is true, the method ends
Each time we move a little closer to an ending
Recursive call to do this all again
A couple of solutions First HorseRaceV1.a2w Seco
nd HorseRaceV2.a2w
14More general forms of recursion
- Suppose there is something to do both before and
after the recursive call - if a base condition is satisfied the method
teminates - else
- do something A
- recursive call
- do something B
15More general forms of recursion
- Suppose there is more than one recursive call
- if a base condition is satisfied the method
teminates - else
- recursive call
- do something
- recursive call
See mischief.a2w
16A Towers Problem
Source Spare
Target (coneFrom) (coneSpare) (coneTo)
- The challenge is to move all the disks from the
source cone to the target cone. - Move 1 disk at a time
- A larger disk may never be on top of a smaller
Run the solution to observe the process
17Initial world
- The disks are instances of the Torus class. (A
torus is a doughnut shaped object.) - Each cone is positioned exactly 1 meter from its
nearest neighbor. - Other than the bottom disk, each disk is
positioned exactly 0.1 meter above the disk below.
18Identifying the disks
- To make it easier to describe our solution, we
give each disk an id number and a name.
id number name 1 disk1
2 disk2 3 disk3 4
19Solving the problem
- Our solution will use the
- Principle of wishful thinking
- assume we could solve a smaller version of the
same problem - if we could solve the smaller version, it would
make it easier to solve this problem. - Base case the simplest possible
version of this problem, one that can obviously
be solved.
20Wishful thinking in practice
Assume I could move 3 of the disks to the spare
Then I could move the 4th disk (base case) to the
target cone.
- To solve the towers problem, we need to know how
many disks we have and which cone is the source,
the target, and the spare
towers Parameters howmany, source, target,
spare If howmany is equal to 1 move it (the
smallest disk) from the source to the
target Else Do in order call towers to
move howmany-1 disks from source to spare
(using target as spare) move it (disk
howmany) from the source to the target
call towers to move howmany-1 disks
from the spare to the target (using
the source as the spare)
base case move 1 disk
a smaller problem -- recursively move the rest of
the disks
Two recursive calls are used in this method.