Title: Groundwater Recharge In Oklahoma
1Groundwater Recharge In Oklahoma
2Geology of Southwest Oklahoma
4Average Precipitation
5Reported Water Use
6Seasonal Water Level Changes
- Increase in water levels are greatest during fall
months - Decrease in water levels are greatest during
irrigation season
7Recharge Wells
- Approximately 50 recharge wells
- Wells located adjacent to streams
- Wells are concentrated in northern half of
8Schematic of Recharge Well
- Are cased or open hole
- Surface casing is typically 80 100 feet deep
- Intake structure is typically located in creek or
drainage way - Intake is usually less than 100 ft from well
- Recharge well is protected by berm
9Recharge Pond
- Storage capacities vary from 10 af to 1,000 af
- Water is recharged primarily to sinkholes
10Project Recharge Wells
11Project Recharge Wells Watersheds
- Watershed for recharge wells
- R01 369 ac
- R02 1,520 ac
- R03 7,294 ac
- R04 253 ac
- R05 - 13,995 ac
12Water Level Rainfall Response
13Runoff Recharge Volumes
14Estimated Recharge Over 5 Years
15Recharge Amounts by Month
16Dog Creek Shale Thickness
- Cavern development in the Blaine gypsum is best
where dog creek shale is less than 60 feet in
thickness - Cavern development is also best adjacent to
17Principle Irrigation Area
- Since the intent of the recharge wells is to
augment irrigation wells, then placement of
recharge wells should be in the area of
18Depth to Water
- Physical storage of water in the aquifer best
occurs where water levels are greater than 20 ft
below land surface
19Optimal Recharge Well Sites
20Historical Groundwater Quality
21Groundwater Quality Non Recharge
22Groundwater Quality - After Recharge
23Recharged Water Quality
24Comparison of GW Quality
25Summary of Water Quality Changes
- Increased Concentrations
- Total Suspended Solids at 2 sites
- Phosphorous at 4 sites
- Calcium at one site
- Potassium at one site
- Decreased Concentrations
- TDS at 4 sites
- Nitrate at 2 sites
- Fluoride at 2 sites
- Chloride at 2 sites
26Cost of Artificial Recharge
- Recharge wells (cased well) - 24,140 per well
- Recharge wells (open hole) - 15,000 per well
- Test holes - 7 - 10/ft
- Economic Benefits
- Average cost of recharge 0.13 per 1,000
gallons - Average value of recharge 0.53 per 1,000