Title: Ephesus
1? Spain
2Exhorted/encouraged pa?a?a??? parakaleo
3Exhorted/encouraged pa?a?a??? parakaleo
Along side
4Exhorted/encouraged pa?a?a??? parakaleo
Along side
To call
To call to or for, to exhort, to encourage, to
appeal, to beg, to comfort, to entreat, to plead,
to urge.
5? Sain
6What do you think Paul said to encourage/exhort
these disciples?
7Acts 1422-23 (NASB)
- strengthening the souls of the disciples,
encouraging them to continue in the faith, and
saying, Through many tribulations we must enter
the kingdom of God. When they had appointed
elders for them in every church, having prayed
with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in
whom they had believed.
8I Corinthians 168 9 (NASB)
- But I will remain in Ephesus until Pentecost
for a wide door for effective service has opened
to me, and there are many adversaries.
9I Corinthians 1610(NASB)
- Â Now if Timothy comes, see that he is with you
without cause to be afraid, for he is doing the
Lord's work, as I also am.
10IICorinthians 212-13 (NASB)
- Now when I came to Troas for the gospel of
Christ and when a door was opened for me in the
Lord, I had no rest for my spirit, not finding
my brother but taking my leave of them, I went
on to Macedonia. thoughts with spiritual words.
11I Corinthians 75-7 (NASB)
- For even when we came into Macedonia our flesh
had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side
conflicts without, fears within. - But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us
by the coming of Titus - and not only by his coming, but also by the
comfort with which he was comforted in you, as he
reported to us your longing, your mourning, your
zeal for me so that I rejoiced even more..
13Compassion is personally communicating your
concern to others.
14On a scale of 1 10 how do you rate yourself as
a concern communicator?
15Romans 111-13a (NASB)
- For I long to see you so that I may impart some
spiritual gift to you, that you may be
established that is, that I may be encouraged
together with you while among you, each of us by
the other's faith, both yours and mine. I do not
want you to be unaware, brethren, that often I
have planned to come to you (and have been
prevented so far)."
16Romans 115-17 (NASB)
- So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel
to you also who are in Rome. - For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the
power of God for salvation to everyone who
believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteousness of God is revealed
from faith to faith as it is written, "(BUT THE
17Romans 1520 (NASB)
- And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not
where Christ was already named, so that I would
not build on another man's foundation
18Romans 1522-24 (NASB)
- For this reason I have often been prevented from
coming to you but now, with no further place for
me in these regions, and since I have had for
many years a longing to come to you whenever I go
to Spain--for I hope to see you in passing, and
to be helped on my way there by you, when I have
first enjoyed your company for a while
19Romans 18-10a (NASB)
- First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for
you all, because your faith is being proclaimed
throughout the whole world. For God, whom I serve
in my spirit in the preaching of the gospel of
His Son, is my witness as to how unceasingly I
make mention of you, always in my prayers making
request, if perhaps now at last by the will of
God I may succeed in coming to you.
20Compassion is personally communicating your
prayer concern to others.
Safe, well
Best ruler
Second, 2
Rejoice, glad
Honor God
Nourishing, food
22Romans 1525-27 (NASB)
- but now, I am going to Jerusalem serving the
saints. For Macedonia and Achaia have been
pleased to make a contribution for the poor among
the saints in Jerusalem. Yes, they were pleased
to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if
the Gentiles have shared in their spiritual
things, they are indebted to minister to them
also in material things.
23Compassion is generously giving money/stuff to
help those in need.
24What has Wintonbury done like this?
25?p??? hupnos sleep
26- Widows son restored by Elijah (see 1 Kings
1722) - Shunammites son restored by Elisha (see 2 Kings
435) - Man restored by Elisha (see 2 Kings 1321)
- Widows son restored by Jesus (see Luke 71415)
- Jairuss daughter restored by Jesus (see Luke
85455) - Lazarus restored by Jesus (see John 1144)
- Dorcas restored by Peter (see 940)
- Eutychus restored by Paul (2012)
27 Talk?µ???? homileo
To consort with, hence to converse with
28Compassion is serving others in a time of crisis
or need.