Title: Did Jesus Christ Die In Vain
1DidJesus ChristDieInVain
2If the Law is Binding
Jesus Christ Died in Vain!
- Many have insisted that Christians are under the
law of Moses - Law of Moses was annulled by the death of Christ
- Colossians 214 2 Corinthians 37 Romans 76
- Truths regarding Christ and the law
- Christ came to fulfill it (Matt 517)
- Christ came to redeem those under the law (Gal
44-11) - Law was a tutor to bring us to Christ (Gal
320-27) - If righteousness is through the law Christ died
in vain! - Galatians 221
3If the Church is Non-Essential
Jesus Christ Died in Vain!
- Many deny the necessity of the church
- The church of Christ owes its very existence to
the death of Jesus Christ - Was purchased with His blood (Acts 2028)
- Was sanctified by His death (Eph 525-27)
- Was redeemed when He gave Himself (Titus 211-14)
- Truths regarding Christ and His church
- No one outside of the church will be saved
- Ephesians 523 Colossians 118, 24 1
Corinthians 110-13 Ephesians 44-6
4Eph 523 For the husband is head of the wife, as
also Christ is head of the church and He is the
Savior of the body. Col 118 And He is the head
of the body, the church, who is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead, that in all things
He may have the preeminence. Col 124 I now
rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in
my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of
Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the
5If the Church is Non-Essential
Jesus Christ Died in Vain!
- Many deny the necessity of the church
- The church of Christ owes its very existence to
the death of Jesus Christ - Was purchased with His blood (Acts 2028)
- Was sanctified by His death (Eph 525-27)
- Was redeemed when He gave Himself (Titus 211-14)
- Truths regarding Christ and His church
- No one outside of the church will be saved
- Ephesians 523 Colossians 118, 24 1
Corinthians 110-13 Ephesians 44-6
6If I Am Lost
Jesus Christ Died in Vain!
- Many will be eternally lost
- Punishment (Matt 812 Luke 1624)
- Eternal Punishment (Matt 2546 2 Thes 19)
- Not Gods will yet many will be (1 Tim 24)
- Christ died to save us from eternal punishment
- Died on the cross to draw sinners to Him (John
1232) - Died that we might live (1 Pet 224 Rom 58-10)
- Truths regarding the death of Christ and
salvation - Death was meaningful IF I accept its benefits
(Heb 59) - If I do not submit to His will I am lost! (Matt
7DidJesus ChristDieInVain
8(No Transcript)