Title: CATS
2IMD Personal ID Nos / RecCost Ctrs / ABC
Codes(NOTE SIGMA CostCtrs are the same as
RecCost Ctrs)
3What to remember
- Change your Password the 1st time you get in
- Use Tab key not the Enter key to move around
- Network Activity
- Replaces Job Order Number (JON)
- Is needed for RG, RF, HG, CE, OS, OU
- Not needed for CT or Leave (LA, LS, LM, LN)
- BFM provides. Supervisor will help get them for
you - Need to keep track of hrs spent Funding
Expiration Date (FED). Supervisor will work with
you on that. - No CATS equivalent to the BLI in SLDCADA
- Use LS for Family Leave Act a new form is
needed - You can input TA up to 2 wks in advance
4What to remember
- Input data
- Complete by COB Thurs. of each wk until
further notice - You cannot make any changes after TA been
approved in CATS talk to your supervisor. - Error msg
- Red Circle with X bad data non-passable
- Yellow Circle with ! warning passable
- SAVE your work before exiting CATS or data will
be lost - Local Help Desk Pat Boettger, x5075
- National Help Desk 1-301-342-3104
5CATS Assistance
- Personnel from POC
- .. Rich Stolz x2471
- 722 .. Rich Stolz x2471
- 723 .. Beat Niederoest x7974
- 724 ... Lou DeRose x7115
- 725 (Transtecs) .... Eric Rohman x2782
6EXAMPLE Direct - Regular
6. Exit. Repeat a few times to exit SAP
5. Save
4. optional Check for errors
This line displays your work schedule
This line is the total hrs input for each day
2. RG for A/A
3. Put in hrs for each day
1. Network Activity (11-15 digits) goes here.
7EXAMPLE Direct - Overtime
2. Enter Network Activity
3. Enter OS, OU, or CE
1. For ActTyp (CE or OT), enter 7C, letter O,
P1 for GS1-8, P2 for GS9-11, P3 for GS12-13.
4. Enter your hrs
Note CE or OT requires the third digit of the
Activity Type to be the letter O.
8EXAMPLE FY02 Direct carry-in JON
7. Exit
6. Save
5. Check for errors
1. Enter JON. Network Activity not used.
3. Use the IMD ABC ID (6.1.5).
2. Put in A/A code
4. Put in your hrs