Title: Katherine Causer The Mersey Life Project Manager
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2 Introduction
- Katherine Causer The Mersey Life Project
Manager -
- 01925 543315
- katherine.causer_at_environment-agency.gov.uk
- www.environment-agency.gov.uk/merseylife
325 years ago
4 25 years on
5 New challenges
6Mersey Life a major river restoration project
building on the benefits that improvements in
water quality have brought about
7 creating better fisheries
- removing barriers to fish migration
8 creating a better place for wildlife
- restoring and creating habitats
9creating a better place for people
- improving access and recreation
10 creating a portfolio of projects
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12Mersey Life Area 90,352 hectares Population 1.2
Mersey 48 km Goyt 31 km Bollin 42 km All
tributaries 486 km
13The Process
1. Data collation and interrogation
2. Data analysis, identification of opportunities
and constraints
3. Creating Options
14The Products
1. The Portfolio (with Technical Notes)
2. The Database
3. Ecological, Environmental and Socio-economic
data analysis on GIS
4. Reports GIS Summary and User Guide
15A River Journey
16The River Goyt
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18The Mersey
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21The Bollin
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23161 projects
8 million estimated project costs
Projects 116 river habitat 50 survey and
monitoring 69 fisheries 85 access and
recreation 81 protected species 12 educational 48
water quality 13 communications 41 flood risk
benefits 9 stakeholder engagement 46
24Enhancements floodplain enhanced/restored 408ha
wet grassland created/restored 82ha wet woodland
created 12.5ha reedbed created/restored 8ha str
ategic woodland management (Goyt) 869ha
restored channel habitat 35km fisheries
habitat enhanced 23km priority fisheries
access 60km in-channel enhancements
(Mersey) 19km riparian buffer strip
creation 61km improved riverside
access 13km
off-line channels created 8 on-line channels
created 9 ponds created 32 improved fishery
sites 14 RIGS designation 1
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