Title: Overview and Structure of World Bank Customs Projects
1Overview and Structure of World Bank Customs
2Customs-related projects 1981-2002 All projects
Total project costs Percent
Total number of projects 122
Customs- specific costs ( million) 1,517 10,308 15
3Types of operations
- Part of structural adjustment loans
- Specific investment loan
- Customs-specific TA project
- Customs-related cost from less than 1 million up
to 140 million
4Customs investment and TA projects
Total number of customs-related projects 36
Total customs-specific cost to WB ( million) - approved 211
Total customs-specific cost to WB ( million) - disbursed 63
5Major TA operations
- Completed
- Philippines, Albania
- Ongoing
- Turkey, Colombia, Tanzania, Guatemala, TTFSE
Bulgaria, Romania, FYRM, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia - Upcoming
- Russia, Pakistan (?)
6Performance of customs-related projects
FY 1981-2002 FY 1996-2002
No. of projects 83 24
Outcome satisfactory 82 83
Sustainability likely 66 71
Substantial institutional development impact 39 29
Bank performance satisfactory 46 83
Borrower performance satisfactory 46 88
7Key Project Components
- Customs control and clearance
- Trade facilitation
- Organizational structure and management
- HRM and training
- Improving the integrity of the customs service
- IT
- Legal and appeals
8Design of new performance management criteria
- Limited role of collection targets
- Trade facilitation benchmarks
- Efficiency/collection costs
9TTFSE Monthly maximum examinations( on
September 30)
2000 2001 2002
Bulgaria 12 10 8
Croatia 50 35 25
Romania 85 50 45
10Key challenges Risk analysis
- Reduction in the number of physical inspections
- Reduce discretion of customs inspectors
- Improve post-clearance audit capacity
11Addressing Integrity Issues
- Severe corruption problem in customs
administrations - Corruption risk maps
- Design of an anti-corruption strategy
- Strengthening the internal audit function
12Improving private-public interactions
- Improvement of service quality
- Develop consultative relationships with traders
- Interactive websites
- Regular business surveys as progress monitoring
- EU Phare/Tacis
- US