Title: CECS 4100 Projects
1CECS 4100 Projects
- P1 Software Integration 10
- Lesson Plan (assigned)
- P2 Microworlds Instructional Unit 10
- Logo Program
- Lesson Plan
- P3 PowerPoint Presentation - 10
- The presentation (at least five slides)
- Lesson Plan
- P4 Multimedia Project - 15
- Resource Page (Repository)
- Lesson Plan
- P5 Webquest - 10
- Web page with linked Internet resources
- Lesson Plan
- P6 Unit Plan 5
- Overview of P1-P6 (assigned)
- P7 Portfolio 5
- Webpage that links P1-P6
- This will be presented. Each student will have
approximately 5 minutes.
5Projects P6
6Projects P7
CECS 4100.005 Electronic Portfolio About
Me Portfolio Overview P1- Software Integration P2
Microworlds Instructional Unit P3 PowerPoint
Presentation P4 Multimedia Resources P5
Webquest P6 Unit Plan
7P7 Example
CECS 4100.005 Electronic Portfolio About
Me Portfolio Overview P1- Software Integration
Pizza Chef P2 Microworlds Instructional Unit
Common Denominator Flashcards P3 PowerPoint
Presentation Equivalent fractions and Common
Denominators P4 Multimedia Resources Digital
images of objects that are composed of equal
parts P5 Webquest Recipe hunt P6 Unit Plan