Title: Nueces Electric Coop Engaged in Competitive Activities
1Nueces Electric Co-op Engaged in Competitive
- Customer Choice Education Transition
Communications - 4-21-05
2Customer Choice Education
- Goals of Customer Education Program
- Promote that NEC members can now choose a CR
- Provide consumers with available competitive
retailer information (neutrally and in a
non-promotional manner) as quickly as possible,
to better serve the consumer. - SimplifY the NEC members customer choice
shopping experience so they can better exercise
their right to choose a supplier - Promote understanding of changes members can
expect in competitive market - Key Message Nueces Electric Co-op Members Have
the Power to Choose a Competitive Retail Electric
3Customer Choice Education
- Tools of Customer Education Program
- Welcome Kit
- Provider List
- Website Information
- In-office resources/services
4Customer Choice Education
- NEC direct mails Welcome Kits 30 days before
customer enters competitive market - In the NEC office in Robstown, TX (709 E. Main
Street) - NEC mails, or distributes in person, the current
list of NEC qualified CR options upon request - NEC provides a table display for Competitive
Retailers' enrollment information/kits for
walk-in customers. - CRs may inspect this table and/or deliver or
restock materials during normal business hours. - CRs may mail materials to NEC and NEC will
restock the table for a CR. However, the
monitoring of the need to restock materials is
the responsibility of the CR (e.g. CR may call
NEC and inquire about stocking level, but NEC
will not contact CR to report if materials are
low or depleted). - Due to space limitations, NEC reserves the right
to limit materials presented on this table, in a
neutral and non-promotional manner - CRs should send printed display materials to the
attention of CR Relations, Nueces Electric Co-op,
P.O. Box 1032 or 709 E. Main Street, Robstown, TX
78380. Direct questions or concerns to NEC CR
Relations. - Fax Service
- if a CR provides a printed enrollment form for
the NEC in-office display table, NEC will provide
fax service for new members if they choose
an eligible CR while in our office. This is
offered for member convenience - NEC will offer to fax the member's enrollment
application to a CR, then return the original
form to the member. - The members will then be instructed to contact
the CR once they return home to confirm receipt
of the fax and to obtain further sign-up
information and instructions
5Customer Choice Education
- Online
- Fact Sheets
- Eligible Provider List NEC will provide a list
of eligible provider options with sign-up phone
numbers and website/e-mail information - Online CR Documentation/Links
- NEC will promote and make online files available
containing the Electricity Facts Label, Terms of
Service Document and printable enrollment
application (optional) for any CR, or we will
provide hyperlinks to such information. - To participate, eligible CRs should send a
compact disk with the information files to the
attention of CR Relations at Nueces Electric
Cooperative, P.O. Box 1032, Robstown, TX 78380
(or call 1-361-387-2581 for electronic submission
instructions) - Welcome Kit
- Contact NEC for more information
6Customer Choice Education
- Education after transition is complete (based on
welcome kit messages) - publish in Texas Co-op Power magazine along with
the provider list (the provider list will be
published in the magazine EVERY month) - news releases (Welcome Kit wording)
- bill inserts (Welcome Kit wording)
- print ads in local newspapers
- radio and/or television
7Welcome Kit
- Welcomes member to the competitive environment
- Includes the following
- Cover letter
- Provider List
- Power Guide to Electric Choice
8Welcome Kit
9Welcome Kit
10Welcome Kit
11Welcome Kit
12Welcome Kit
13Welcome Kit
14Welcome Kit
15Welcome Kit
16Welcome Kit
17Transition Notification Letter Draft-Currently
w/ NEC
18Transition Notification Letter Draft-Currently
19NEC Welcome Kit Cover Letter AEP to NEC
20NEC Welcome Kit Cover Letter AEP to NEC
21NEC Welcome Kit Cover Letter Existing Members
22NEC Welcome Kit Cover Letter New Members
23Customer Education Web Pages
- NEC Member Choice Education
24Transition Communications Timeline