Title: The Medicare Drug Benefit: The Role of Specialty Societies
1- The Medicare Drug Benefit The Role of Specialty
Susan Nedza M.D., M.B.A., FACEP Chief Medical
Officer Chicago Regional Office Centers for
Medicare Medicaid Services 312-886-5341
2Perspectives on Medicare
- 2003
- Medicare paid 272.6 billion dollars
- 2004
- Nearly 42 million persons in Medicare
- 2030
- Projected 70.5 million persons over 65
- Almost doubled in only 30 years
3Medicine has changed and so must Medicare
- Move to cover preventive services
- Paying for medications that are critical to the
health of our patients
4What Does this Mean for Physicians?
- Medicare must reach physicians and the patients
that they care for about these important changes.
populations go for information? (12/04)
(04/05) 49
Your doctor
A Medicare office, website or phone number
Your pharmacist
A health insurance company
Friends or family members
A Social Security office, website or phone number
A local seniors group or community organization
An employer or union
Source Kaiser Family Foundation Health Poll
Report survey (conducted December 2-5, 2004)
6The Medicare Drug Benefit
- The benefit is available to all people with
Medicare - There is additional help for those with limited
resources and income - The benefit pays for brand name as well as
prescription drugs - Refer patients and their medical decision makers
to www.medicare.gov or 1- 800- MEDICARE.
7Eligibility and Enrollment Prescription Drug
- Must have Part A and/or Part B
- Enrollment in drug coverage is voluntary
- If do not enroll, subject to late enrollment
penalties - Enrollment begins 11/15/05, continues through
5/15/06 - Will NOT be enrolled automatically must make a
decision to sign up for drug plan
8Standard Prescription Drug Benefit
- 37 monthly premium (average)
- 250 beneficiary deductible
- Medicare will pay 75 of drug costs up to 2,250
- The beneficiary will pay 25 of these costs
- Beneficiary will pay 100 of drug costs between
2,250 and 5,100 - After 3,600 in out-of-pocket spending, Medicare
will pay approximately 95
9Summary of Choices
- A prescription drug-only plan (PDP) in addition
to traditional fee-for-service Medicare or
private fee-for-service Medicare - A Medicare Advantage plan either a regional
PPO, local PPO, HMO, or special needs MA plan - A qualified employer or union plan
- New enrollees will not be able to sign up for a
Medigap drug plan, but existing beneficiaries
will be able to renew Medigap H, I, or J plans
where they are available - A fallback drug-only plan, if an insufficient
number of PDPs or PPOs emerge in a particular
- 5/05 SSA sends out enrollment packages for
low-income - 9/14/05 CMS awards bids to PDPs, MA-PDs
- 10/05 CMS mails Medicare Handbook PDP Compare
- 11/15/05 Enrollment in Prescription Drug
Plan begins - 12/31/05 Medicaid Drug Coverage ends for
dual-eligible - 1/1/06 Medicare Drug Prescription Plan,
retiree options begin - 5/15/06 Last day to enroll before penalties
11What Is the Message to Your Members?
- Encourage patients to fill out low income subsidy
application. - Refer patients to 1-800 MEDICARE for information
or to the SHIP. - CMS will work through your society to provide
training, materials and information about the
drug benefit to your members and their staffs.
12The State Health Insurance Assistance Program
SHIP Program
- A national program that offers one-on-one
counseling and assistance to people with - Medicare and their families.
- SHIPs provide free counseling and assistance via
telephone and face-to-face interactive sessions,
public education presentations and programs, and
media activities
13The State Health Insurance Assistance Program
SHIP Program
- Beneficiary Contact
- Senior Health Insurance Information Program
(SHIIP)Illinois Department of Insurancehttp//ww
w.ins.state.il.us/Ship/ship_help.htm 800-548-9034
(In-State calls only) 217-785-9021
(Out-of-State calls)
- Physicians need to be engaged in efforts to meet
the challenges of transforming the healthcare
system. - Physicians must continue to be patient advocates
in these efforts.
15For More Information
- Visit www.medicare.gov
- Visit www.cms.hhs.gov
- Visit www.socialsecurity.gov
- Publications such as
- Medicare You handbook
- Facts About Medicare Prescription Drug Plans
- 1-800-MEDICARE
- Call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213
- SHIP 1- 800-548-9034
- Susan Nedza MD, MBA FACEP
- 1-312-886-5341
- Susan.nedza_at_cms.hhs.gov