Title: Glaciers: The Meat and Potatoes
1Glaciers The Meat and Potatoes
2Glaciers Wolverine Glacier
Two Types Valley and Continental Continental
Glaciers that cover broad, continent sized areas
of land. Valley Glaciers that form in valleys in
high , mountainous areas
3Formation of a Glacier Regions of the world must
remain cold for long periods of time High
Latitudes High Elevations
4Formation of a Glacier
- Cold Temperatures keep fallen snow from melting
- This snow accumulates in the accumulation zone
- The weight of the top layers of snow put downward
pressure to turn the snow below into ice - Once the snow/ice becomes to heavy it begins to
move down the mountain side
5To give you an idea of the amount of pressure
found at the base of a glacier, notice the fault
in this bedrock created by downward pressure from
the glacier that was once on top of it
6- Movement of a glacier
- The speed of a glacier depends on three things
- Slope of the Valley
- Temperature and thickness of ice
- Shape of the valley walls
7Evidence That Glaciers Move
- Striations Scratches or parallel grooves in the
bedrock resulting from the movement of a glacier - Similar to sand paper
- Researchers use bolts and GPS to monitor
movements of glaciers
These striations can be found in Calumet
Michigannotice the gap between the grooves
8- Glacial Features
- Moraines Ridges consisting of till deposited by
glaciers - Till unsorted mixture of clay, sand, gravel, and
boulders. - Lateral Moraine Found along the sides of a
9- Terminal Moraine Found at foot of glacier
marking the glaciers furthest advance. - Medial Moraine Formed when two lateral moraines
10Outwash Plain The area at the leading edge of
the glacier, where the melt water streams flow
and deposit outwash
11U-shaped valleys are associated with
glaciers Valleys carved out by streams are