Title: Online Membership Module
1Online Membership Module
- Visitors can
- join or renew online
- Donations, sponsors and products can be purchased
online - Administrator can
- Interface readily with existing paper
applications and renewals - Process payments
- Search members to generate reports and mailing
lists - Generate mailing labels
- Send out e-mail notices
- Add/edit membership types, sponsorship categories
and products
2Unlimited Number of Membership Types are Available
Demo Online Membership Module
- For example
- Admin are allowed to administer site
- Members pay dues and receive mailngs
- Walkers people who made a donation to sponsor a
walker - Contacts Business contacts - these do not pay
dues but receive targeted communications
3To Generate Membership Renewal NoticesStep 1
- To generate a list of members who need to receive
renewal notices select the following criteria - Role member
- Status active
- Expiration date between
- 1st day of month and
- last day of month
4To Generate Membership Renewal NoticesStep 2
generate mailing labelsright click box, select
allimport into Word to format for labelsaffix
to envelopes
5To Generate Membership Renewal NoticesStep 3
e-listmail functions
- Select Drafts from top menu bar
- Select Renewal Notice
Edit Text as needed first will be replaced with
each members first name when email is sent You
must keep renewal somewhere in the text. This
will create the link to the renewal screen with
each members unique ID already embedded so they
are automatically logged in Click Save Public
Draft if you want these changes to be permanent
for future emails
6To Generate Membership Renewal NoticesStep 4
select recipients
- Compose is selected in top menu bar
- (Note AddressBook and Groups cannot be changed
from listmail. You must make all changes in your
membership admin panel
Check the group or groups who will receive this
mailing The selected members will be
highlighted Hit Send at bottom of page
7Online Membership Renewal ProcessStep 1 Member
receives notice and logs in
- Member receives an email renewal notice and
clicks on the Click HERE - Member is automatically logged in and brought to
their own membership record - OR
- Member receives a print renewal notice and goes
to www.ct-asrc.org and clicks on Membership - Member must type in their member id as found on
print renewal label
8Membership Renewal ProcessStep 2 Member selects
payment option
- Member reviews membership fee and selects Buy
9Membership Renewal ProcessStep 3 Shopping Cart
- Member can select My Account to update their
record - Member is asked to make an additional donation
- Member can pay by credit card or PayPal
10Membership Renewal ProcessPayPal Payment option
- If member selects to pay by PayPal, then they are
no longer on the membership tracking site - PayPal sends confirmation of payment via email
with members name and payment amount - Admin must process payment (see slide 36)
11Membership Renewal ProcessCredit Card Payment
- If member selects to pay by Credit Card, they
remain on membership tracking site and their
order is recorded - Member enters credit card information
- And receives a confirmation number
- If visitor selects Donation, they are shown a
description of the donation and are asked to fill
in the amount that they are donating - The donation is added to their shopping cart and
check out is the same as membership renewal
13New Member Joins Online
- Visitors may select Membership from the main
website - Or
- Join Us
- They complete the membership form
- Select their membership fee the same as Renewal
- Check out the same as Renewal
14Add/Renew a New Member from a Paper FormStep 1
- The top of the form has the same information as
the paper membership form. - For Renewals, the data from last year will be
automatically filled in - Enter/Edit all the data
15Process PaymentsStep 1 Online Credit Card Orders
- Select Process Payments from Administration
menu - New orders are displayed
- Click View order to obtain credit card
16Process Payments Step 2 Online Credit Card
- Call in credit card number to your merchant
account - If approved, hit Complete
- Credit card number will be deleted except for
last 4 digits - If not approved, hit Pending
- Print this page for your records
17To Add/Edit ProductsStep 1
- Select Edit Products from Administration menu
- Click on Product Name that you want to edit
- OR
- Click on New Product
18To Add/Edit ProductsStep 2
- Fill in product details
- To add/edit price, click on Edit Pricelist at
bottom of screen - Be sure to hit Save when you are finished with
your edits
19Search for membersStep 1 enter criteria
- You can enter as many search criteria as you
want. - The resulting list will contain database entries
that meet ALL the criteria
20Search for MembersStep 2 list of members
- A list of all matching members is displayed
- Default is Zip Code order
- Click on a column heading to change the sort
order by that column - (ie click on name to sort by name)
- To Delete a member, check the box under Delete
- and then hit Delete Selected Members