Higher Cost Services. . . . . Difficult to Disappoint
12 Emerging Markets
What is the worlds most exciting, fastest-growth new market?
Its where youd least expect it at the bottom of the pyramid.
Collectively, low income people have immense entrepreneurial capabilities and buying power.
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid by C.K. Prahalad
13 The Unbanked
Consumers without checking or savings
Estimated at 20 million HHs
Use check cashing stores and pay bills by money order or cash
Among U.S. born
14 non-Hispanic Whites
34 Hispanics
46 African Americans
Among Mexican immigrants
14 The Cost of Being Unbanked - Opportunity
Check cashers
Charge 8 Billion annually
Payday loans
Charge 4.3 Billion in fees at APRs of 400
Tax refund anticipation loans
Cost consumers 1 Billion in fees and interest
Fees consumed 10-20 of the 20 Billion sent to family members
16 Billion Annual Fees 15 No Credit/Credit Impaired
Economic struggles often the cause to overlook medical bills or to be late with a monthly payment
Some banks (CUs?) pre-qualify people for opening an account through ChexSystem or credit report
Are we forcing people to use AFS sector?
Why cant we give them a first or second chance?
16 Minorities in Colorado - 2006 17 Hispanic Median Age in Colorado is 26.7 18 Opportunity for 1st Time Homebuyers 19 Young Adults Gen Y 20 Young Adults
18 24 year olds represent only 5 of credit union membership 15 of US pop.
Generation Yers perceive no differences between banks and credit unions
Likely to use the internet to research financial products --
But often rely on family and friends for advice and recommendations
21 Think life events (and needs)
First job
First car
Move away from home
First credit need
Start career
Rent an apartment
Marriage? Kids?
Buy first home
22 REAL Solutions Tested Business Models
Families with Modest Incomes
Payday Lending Products
Check Cashing
Immigrants/New Americans
Safe Accounts
Young Adults
First Time Mortgages
Youth Credit Union Branches
Unbanked and Underbanked
Free Tax Preparation
Starter Accounts
23 R.E.A.L. Solutions
Meets 3 core credit union needs
1. Good Business Decision
Grow loyal membership
2. Philosophy
Improve the quality of life for members and other users
3. Political Goodwill
24 A National View
Serving low-wealth households is an increasing opportunity that credit unions should not miss!
25 A Credit Union Opportunity... Really? 26 R.E.A.L. Facts Who is Serving This Market?
Check Cashers
Payday Lenders
Title Lenders
Finance Companies
Buy Here Pay Here Auto Dealers
Convenience Stores
Grocery Stores
Tax Preparation Offices
Banks (very limited)
Credit Unions (very limited)
27 Check Cashing Industry
2000 6,000 check cashing outlets
2005 13,000 outlets
180 million checks worth more than 55 billion are processed annually by industry
Avg. check value is 500 to 600
28 Fees to Cash Checks 29 Auto Title Loans
Median charge of 25/mo or 300 APR 25/loan
LTV about 50 of cars value
Usually due in 30 days
30 Rent-to-Own
Weekly or monthly payment
Typically no down payment or credit check
Can return merchandise at any time without obligation
Or purchase usually over 12 to 24 months
31 R.E.A.L. Actions For R.E.A.L. People 32 Transactor Day-to-Day Living Bills Overdrafts Overdue 33 TRANSACTOR
Living paycheck to paycheck
Short financial time horizon
No savings no assets
Informal Economy
Non-Depository Service Providers
34 Safe Harbor Products
Liquidity/Payment Services
Check Cashing
Bill Payment
Money Orders
Stored Value Cards
Step Up Services
Fresh Start Accounts
Safe Accounts
Alternative to Payday Lending
35 Saver Seeing the Vision 36 SAVER
Decision to Engage
Goal Orientation
Pay yourself first
Build assets
Expand financial horizon
Know that you can progress
Savings accounts, CDs, IRA
Financial education
Strong correlation between having a formal banking relationship and the accumulation of assets
37 Beginning Savings Products
Regular Savings
Member Advantage Savings
Step Up CD/Goal CD
Individual Development Accounts
No Excuses Savings
The Savings Challenge
Fresh Start Checking
Safe Account
Prize-based Savings
Auto Savings
Envelope Savings
38 Borrower Double-Edged Sword 39 BORROWER
Build your credit score without borrowing your future
Productive Credit
Builds a platform for future borrowing
Increases income
Evens income inflows
Non Productive Credit
State of financial crisis
Chronic borrower
Unpaid bills or debt
Payday Loan Products
40 Small Loans
Payday Alternative Loan
Share Secured Loan
Citizenship Loan
First Last Rent
Refinance Credit Card
Credit Re-builder
Score Builder
2nd Chance Visa
Emergency Loan
Low Score Used Car Loans
Risk-Based Lending
Alternative Credit Report
Non-Score Based Lending
Alternative Student Loan
Youth VISA
Small Business Lending
41 Wealth Building Home Ownership Investments 42 OWNER
Build Equity
Home Ownership
Business Ownership
Stock Ownership
Diversify Income Stream
Financial Education
Personal Investing
Estate Planning
43 Innovative Mortgages
HLPR Mortgage
Rescue Refi
Timely Payment Reward
No PMI Mortgage
Low Downpayment
ITIN Mortgage
First Time Homebuyer
44 Education Education Keeps the Process Moving 45 Financial Education
Product awareness
Staff Training
Incentives for participation
Education without the right product menu has little chance of success
46 R.E.A.L. Relationships! Low Wealth Households Good CU Members
Lots of them!
Concentrate their business with their credit union
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