Title: Small Group Leadership Information Night
1Small Group Leadership Information Night
2Small Group Leadership Information Night Meeting
- 700 p.m. Arrival
- 705 p.m. Welcome / Prayer / Worship
- 720 p.m. Small Group Ministry
- The mandate for small group fellowship
- Vision for RCC small group ministry
- How does this ministry fit into RCC ministries
- How we will grow
- Leadership
- Next Steps
- 900 p.m. Meeting ends
3The mandate for small group fellowship
4We are called by the Word
- Heb 1025 Let us not give up meeting
together, as some are in the habit of doing, but
let us encourage one another and all the more
as you see the Day approaching.
5How will the church accomplish its mission?
- Purpose of the church
- Evangelize the world (Matt 2019)
- Become unified under Christ (Eph 110)
- Be sanctified (1 Thess. 43)
- People come to Jesus because they see a changed
life in us! - Changed lives happen through spiritual growth
- Spiritual growth happens through using our gifts
to serve the body - Serving the body is most intense and meaningful
in the context of a 11 relationship - We need to be in 11 relationships to grow!
6The model emerged from the beginning
- There were no fine buildings
- There was no hierarchy
- There were no theological seminaries
- There were no Sunday Schools
- There were no choirs or worship teams
- Only small fellowships of believersand they
changed the world!
7Vision for RCC small group ministry
- Contagious, infectious small group growth
8Small Group Objectives at RCC
- Every member of RCC experience Jesus in a life
changing way -- we believe that one of the best
ways to do this is in the context of a small
group setting - Bring small group dynamics to everything we do at
RCC and experience Jesus through this deepening
of relationships
9Small Groups has been an RCC Vision
John Strongs RCC Maturity Vision (Maturity
Pillars Class)
10Status Today
- 1300 people call RCC their church home
- 6-7 small groups, less that are open
- And
- 15 dinners for 8 going (3 weeks) gt heading for
NCOMM - 120 in NCOMM gt heading for small groups
- critical need for this ministry
11Change our thinking
To DO in order to be
OrganicIn responseLocal vs. GlobalOut of full
To BE in order to do
12Small Group Ministry Goals
- Grow a specific ministry dedicated to making
opportunities for people to be in relationships
within a small group (G.R.A.C.E.) - Grow leadership to practice and multiply small
group dynamics (variety of small groups) - Complement other ministries at RCC
13Small Group Functionsin the BodyMinistry
flows from spiritual growth
Small Groups
14Ministry Elements
- GRACE Group ministry small groups in homes
- Monthly small group leaders fellowship training
- Small group leader support and care (personal)
- New small group generation mechanisms
- Twice a year small group leader trainings
- Yearly small group leaders retreat
- Communication
- Multiplication
15How does this ministry fit with the other
ministries in RCC today?
16Small group fellowship is envisioned to be at the
heart of our church
Adult Education
New Comers
RCC Non- Members
Evangelism Outreach
Support Counseling
17 New Community Connection
nComm Alpha Life Worth Living Pillars of
Small Group Ministry
Foundational instruction experienced in small
Daily life experienced in small groups
Small Groups
- Christianity
- Christian Life
- Disciplines
- Working out Christian life
- Support
- Fellowship
18How we will grow
19It starts with the expectation of growth
- Passionate people who share the vision
- Viewing small groups as a growing, contagious
ministry - Viewing groups as beginning not an end
- Start groups, add partners, share vision, recruit
group members Start process over again
20G.R.A.C.E. Group Structure Lay Pastors
Basic Small Group
Zone 5-6 SGs
Covering, Support, Community
21Ideas for forming and reforming
- Dinners for 8, NCOMM gt SG
- Group multiplication
- Igniter Groups
- Leadership group meets 8-10 week
- Vision, modeling, training, prayer,
encouragement, relationships - Leaders recruit partners
- Leaders recruit group
- Process starts over
22It starts with leadership
23Potential Leaders
- A desire and passion for personal spiritual
growth - A desire and passion to see spiritual growth in
others - A holy heart sensitivity to sin and a heart
that walks in repentance - A heart of integrity trustworthy in the small
things - A heart of gratitude thinks in terms of moving
forward, not backward - A heart of humility comes as a servant not a
24Expectations we DONT have of Potential Leaders
- Bible giants (in the Word)
- Gifted speakers / Teachers (facilitators)
- Perfect (in process)
- Charismatic (caring)
- Have it all together (trusting in God)
- Plans / agendas (listening to the Holy Spirit)
- Igniter group modeling
- Formal small group leadership training early
2004 - Monthly leadership meeting training topics
- Apprenticeship
- Small group Lay Pastor Training manual
- Many great books on how to run a small group
(e.g. Making Small Groups Work by Cloud
Townsend) - Weekend messages John Strong notes and
questions - Group study books
- Serendipity or Small Group study bibles
- Cell Church Journal (on line and print)
- And much much more
27Feedback / Questions
28Next Steps
29Your commitment
- Not forever, but for now
- To a growing ministry
- A group may last 6 months or 2 years
- To recruiting leadership partners and group
members - To spiritual growth in you and in your group
- For couples must have support of spouse
30Next Steps
- Sign up tonight to be a small group leader John
or Dick will contact you for further discussion - Igniter group
- Pray about becoming a leader get in touch with
John or Dick in the near future - Not sure if you would like to set up a meeting
11 we would be happy to do that