Title: Improving Math Scores Pilot Study Results
1Improving Math ScoresPilot Study Results
- Bonnie Nizamis
- Tool Factory
- Each child, regardless of race, ethnicity,
socio-economic status or gender, will meet the
rigorous performance standards that have been
established. - All diploma bound students will perform on or
above grade level in all measured content areas.
3Closing the Achievement Gap
- A look at the process at
- Wilde Lake Middle School
4The Pilot
- The story of
- Wilde Lake Middle School
5Teacher Initiative
- How do we Teach?
- vs
- How do we Test?
- vs
- How do Kids Learn?
6Seeing the disconnect!
- Trends in International Mathematics and Science
9Countries Participating 2003
10TIMMS 20034th grade
11TIMMS 20038th grade
12Comparisons Grade 4
13Teacher Initiative
- Saw a need
- Asked the right questions to the right people
14Developed a Team
- Teachers
- Consultants
- Technology Partners
- After School Programming
15Literature Review
- Educational Research in
- Change
- Technology Learning
- After School Programming
- Acceleration
16Factors for Managing Change
- Vision
- Skills
- Incentives
- Resources
- Action Plan
T. Knosters (1991) Presentation at the TASH
Conference in Washington D.C.
17Using Technology in Learning
- Improved student achievement
- Standardized Tests
- Higher-order Thinking Skills
- Improved student attitudes toward learning
- Improved student self-concept
Milken Exchange on education technology summary
over 700 studies
18After School Programming
- Higher grades and test scores
- Especially for low-income students
- Improved attitudes toward school
- Higher expectations for school achievement
- Better work habits
- Higher attendance
- Multi-sensory
- Brain-compatible
- Packaging of information
- Conditioning learners
- Focus on the Learner!
- Comfortable setting
- Appealing activities
- Address learning styles
20Study Facts
- Grade 7 students 66
- Treatment group 43 students
- Non - Treatment group 23 students
- 2 teachers
- Treatment 650 minutes
- 13 days x 50 minutes/day
21Actions and Involvement
- Content
- Numeracy software
- Test Factory online test tool
- Process
- 7th grade students
- 50 minutes - 13 classes
- Context
- Computer Assisted Instruction lab
22Student Records
- Cognitive Standardized test record
- Track student progress
- Psychomotor
- Test Factory - tests / results by domaine and
objective - Attitudes
- Pre and Post student self-perceptions by domaines
23A look at the Technology Component
24Ten Minute Numeracy 7-9
25Ten minute Numeracy 9-11
26Numeracy Bank 3
27Numeracy Bank 6
28Teacher Controls
31Pick a Channel
32(No Transcript)
33Number relationships
34Count Money
35Count Money quiz 1
36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
38Test Results
39Review Test
40Test score
41Score Report for Class
42The Results are In!!!
43Improved scores
6 months of part-time math instruction in
Academic Enrichment classes in addition to their
full time mathematics class
44Treatment vs Non-treatment
52 fail, 48 pass
25.6 fail, 74.4 pass
45Numeracy Usage Finding
46Statements of Fact
- Seventh grade has achieved a 90 pass rate over
the entire grade level. This is the highest
passing percentage at this grade at this time of
the school year in the recent history of Wilde
Lake Middle School. - Average number of Test Factory practice tests
completed in the treatment group 6 tests - Of 15 students who completed 10 or more Test
Factory practice tests, 14 passed the MFMT, a
rate of 94.
47Annual Site Licenses
- Elementary School 999
- Middle School 1,499
- High School 2,999
- Available from home or school
- Site license per building
48Whats Next?