Title: The value of echocardiography in stroke management
1The value of echocardiography in stroke management
- Asjid Qureshi,
- Specialist registrar to Dr S Nussey
2Echocardiography at St Georges Hospital
- Each echocardiogram is estimated to cost 55
- 12,000 requests are received per year
- Total cost of 660,000
- 30-35 echocardiograms performed per day
- Average outpatient wait for routine echo is 6
weeks - Only urgent inpatient echos are done during
3Echocardiography in stroke management at St
Georges Hospital
- Already a filtering system in place
- Only those with a cardiac history (AF, previous
MI, murmur) are accepted - Those requests without this are filtered out,
unless you persist!
4To estimate the frequency of management altering
abnormal echocardiograms in stroke patients at St
Georges Hospital
Aim of this audit
- All admissions to Thomas Young Ward
- Between 1-1-01 and 1-6-01
- Details from ward register
- Search for echocardiogram results on all
- Review appropriate notes
6Patient details from ward register
Echocardiogram result from cardiology database
7Thomas Young ward register
- Name
- Hospital number
- Date of admission/discharge
- Consultant
- Diagnosis
- Follow up arrangements
8Echocardiogram search
- On the hospital number
- Name and/or DOB
- Number
- Total 103
- Male 56
- Female 47
- Mean no. admissions per month 20
- Mean age 72yrs
- Age range 35-98yrs
- Echocardiogram No echocardiogram
- Total 24(23.3) 79(76.7)
- Male 15(26.8) 41(73.2)
- Female 9(19.1) 38(80.9)
- Mean age 66yrs 74yrs
- Age range 35-90yrs 48-98yrs
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
- Echocardiogram
- Total 24
- Entirely normal 10
- Abnormal 14
15(No Transcript)
16Value of echocardiogram
- 1 in 24 significantly positive result
- Almost 4 yield
Have I just shot myself in the foot?
17Mr DT
- History49 year old AphasiaRight
hemiparesisFebrileFormer IV drug user
18Mr DT
- Examination
- Clubbed, splinter haemorrhagesTemp 39HR
100/minBP 110/58Pan systolic murmur No
splenomegaly - DiagnosisBacterial endocarditis and embolic
CVA - TreatmentIV cefotaxime, flucloxacillin and
- 103 stroke patients admitted to Thomas Young ward
- 24 had echocardiograms performed
- Far more requested though!
- 10 were entirely normal
- Only 1 had a results that would alter management
- Clinical features in that case completely
supported the request for an echocardiogram
20Low Yield of Transthoracic Echocardiography for
Cardiac Source of Embolism
- Vedat Sansoy et al
- American Journal of Cardiology
- 199575166-69
- University of Virginia Medical Centre
21Low Yield of Transthoracic Echocardiography for
Cardiac Source of Embloism
- 1,010 consecutive patients admitted with CVAs or
TIAs - 325 controls
- Exclusion criteria MI within the prior 6weeks,
orknown bacterial endocarditis
22Criteria used for determining cardiac source of
- Highly probable causes Definite left
ventricular Definite left atrial
thrombus Definite left atrial myxoma Definite
valvular vegetation - Possible causes Possible left ventricular Possib
le left atrial thrombus Possible valvular
vegetation Atrial septal defect - Doubtful causes Mitral valve prolapse
- Mitral annular calcification
- Cases (n1010) Controls (n325)
- Male 521 52 166 51
- Female 489 48 159 49
- Mean age 67yrs 65yrs
24Cases (n1010)
- Number (percentage)
- CVA 677 (67)
- TIA 313 (31)
- Unclear 20 (2)
- Cases Controls
- Definite left ventricular thrombus 2.8 5.2
- Definite left atrial thrombus 0.0 0.0
- Definite valvular vegetation 0.0 2.5
- Left atrial myxoma 0.0 0.0
- Possible left ventricular thrombus 2.0 3.0
- Possible left atrial thrombus 0.3 0.0
- Possible valvular vegetation 2.0 2.0
- Atrial septal defect 0.3 0.6
- Mitral valve prolapse 5.0 5.0
- Mitral annular calcification 31.0 26.0
- Cases Controls
- Atrial fibrillation 14 15
- Systemic hypertension 48 29
- Diabetes mellitus 25 25
- IHD 15 33
- CCF 6 36
27Percentage of patients with definite, probable
and doubtful cardiac source of embolus as
determined by Transthoracic two-dimensional
Echocardiography after adjustment for age and
various cardiovascular conditions
- Cases Controls
- Definite cardiac source 5 5
- Probable cardiac source 4 4
- Doubtful cardiac source 37 30
28Patients anticoagulated following a positive
echocardiograph result
- Cases
- Definite cardiac source 50
- Probable cardiac source 30
- Doubtful cardiac source 0
- The remainder were not treated with
anticoagulants because of - contraindications that were known before
29- Management was altered in only 22 of 1010
patients - (2) of whom 17 had pre-existing and known
clinical - and/or electrocardiographic abnormalities
30Other findings in cases of definite or possible
- Definite Possible
- Q waves on ECG 54 41
- LBBB 18 11
- CCF 43 26
- AF 25 30
- Only 23 had none of these abnormalities
- Limited resources in echocardiogram department
- Over 25 of patients with a CVA receive an
echocardiogram at St Georges Hospital - It is very unlikely to alter management
- Long outpatient waits for echocardiograms
- Only urgent echos performed as inpatient
- Echocardiography in CVA management is an area
were there is a need to rationalize our requests
32Take home message
- Low yield for transthoracic echocardiography in
stroke management - Most cases have other cardiological
features/abnormalities - Echocardiography is a valuable and over used
resource - We need to be far more selective in our use of
echocardiography in stroke management - Long waiting lists for routine echocardiography
could be improved as a result