Title: Status for teknologiutvikling CO2fangst fra kraftverk
1Status for teknologiutvikling CO2-fangst fra
- Olav Bolland
- Professor ved Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige
Universitet NTNU - Leder av Gassteknisk Senter NTNU SINTEF
- EnergiRikekonferansen 2008
- 5. august, 2008
- Haugesund
- Aktivitet siden 1986
- Årlig FoU-budsjett innen CCS på 11 million Euro
- Nasjonale prosjekter 60, EU-prosjekter 40
- Europas største FoU-prosjekt innen CCS BIGCO2
- NTNU SINTEF største aktør innen EUs
CCS-prosjektportefølje. - Omfattende nettverk med over 40 industrielle
partnere i samarbeidsprosjekter - Samarbeid med universiteter Tsinghua, MIT,
Regina, Austin, ETH, Stuttgart
3Emission of CO2
IEA, 2006, World Energy Outlook
IEA predicts CO2 emission growth rate
1.7/y Increase 2004-2030 26 ? 40 Gt CO2/yr ?
?550 Mt/yr of which the increase comes from
Power generation 50 7.1 Gt CO2/yr ? ?270
Mt/yr Transport 21 Industry 18
4Oljen tar snart slutt, vel..
Based on Brandt and Farrell, Scraping the bottom
of the barrel Greenhouse gas emission
consequences of a transition to low-quality and
synthetic petroleum resources, Climate Change,
5Oil sand Ft. McMurray, Canada
Foto Olav Bolland
6Hvordan forholde seg tilglobal oppvarming?
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8Uttynning av CO2 - Post-combustion
Pressure ? 1 atm
9Post-combustion suppliers - 1
- Fluor Econamine FG Plus Process
- 30wt MEA inhibitors for oxidative degradation
and corrosion - 23 commercial plants, of which 9 plants capture
more than 60 ton/day (22 kton/year), 7 are still
in operation - Lubbock, Texas, 1982-86, capture from gas
combustion, 400 kton/year for EOR purposes - Bellingham, MA-USA, capture from GT exhaust, 122
kton/year (shutdown in 2005)
10Post-combustion suppliers - 2
- Kerr-McGee/ABB Lummus
- 15-20wt MEA without inhibitors
- North American Chemical Company in Troy, Ca, coal
flue gas, 290 kton/year, operating since 1979 - 320 MW coal fired plant at Applied Energy System,
Oklahoma, USA , 73 kton/year, since 1991 - Soda Ash Botswana in Sue Pan, Botswana, 110
kton/year, since 1991 - 180 MW Warrior Run coal fired power plant in
Maryland, USA, 55 kton/year, since 1999
11Post-combustion suppliers - 3
- The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries KM-CDR Process
- KS-1, hindered amine with possibly a promotor
- Petronas plant, Malaysia, capture from steam
reformer syngas, 73 kton/year for fertilizer
production, operating since 1999 - Fukuoka, Japan, capture from natural gas/oil
fired boilers, 120 kton/year
12Post-combustion technology developers
- Cansolv
- Amine DC101, based on tertiary amines, and
probably includes a promoter to yield sufficient
absorption rates to be used for low pressure - Alstom
- Chilled ammonia process using aqueous NH3 in a
absorption/desorption process, NH3 mainly present
as ammonia carbonate and bicarbonate - Aker Clean Carbon Just Catch process
- Working with a number of other companies to get
in position as EPC contractor for post-combustion
plants claims to have a low cost concept - HTC Purenergy/Bechtel
- PSR solvent, process design
- Working on development of activated (Piperazine)
MDEA for CO2 capture from low-pressure gases
13Post-combustion trends
- Amine degradation, oxidation, corrosion (SOx,
COS, C2S, NOx, O2, fly ash) - Reduction of energy consumption, lt 4 MJ/kg CO2
- Process optimisation (split flow, absorber
intercooling) - New solvents or solvent mixtures
- Emission to air
- Membranes at high-pressure
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15Pre-combustion - principle
Split the CxHy-molecules into H2 and CO2 Transfer
heating value from CxHy to H2 Separate CO2 from H2
H2 CO2
Gasifier Reformer
CO2 capture
to combustion
Natural gas
Oxidizer H2O O2
16IGCC without CO2 captureIntegrated Gasification
Combined Cycle
17IGCC with CO2 captureIntegrated Gasification
Combined Cycle
18Co-generation of power and hydrogen with CO2
19Uttynning av CO2 - Pre-combustion
Pressure ? 15-60 atm
20Integrating pre-combustion steps
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23Oxy-combustion 30 MW thermal,
lignite/brown-coalVattenfall demo in Schwarze
Source Jordal et al. 2004
24Oxy-combustion - natural gas
25Oxy-combustion med høy-temperatur membran
Source Sven Gunnar Sundkvist, Oct. 2003
- High-temperature ceramic materials for gas
separation - Potential for high efficiency
- Durability must be better
26Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC)
27Uttynning av CO2 oxy-combustion
28Technology status
29Commercially available technology ?
- Commerical
- Capture of CO2 from natural gas and syngas
- Post-combustion capture from flue gas of natural
gas and coal fired systems with amine absorption - a number of plants exists
- suppliers able to give commercial guarantees
(though limited) - set-order-to-operation (power plants) 3 years
- Close-to-commercial
- Integrated Gasification Combined Cycles (IGCC)
- Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle (IRCC)
- Technology components mature/well-proven
- Gas turbines burning H2-rich fuel not quite ready
30Technology statusCO2 capture in power plants
Commercial readiness
Natural gas
Improvement potential
Post-combustion Pre-combustion
31Technology statusCO2 capture in power plants
Commercial readiness
Natural gas
Improvement potential
Post-combustion Pre-combustion
32Kostnader for gasskraftsom funksjon av gasspris
Driftstid 8000 timer per år, virkningsgrad 58,
CO2 kostnad 25 /tonn
33Kostnader for kullkraftsom funksjon av
kullprisDriftstid 8000 timer per år,
virkningsgrad 46, CO2 kostnad 25 /tonn
1 Euro 8 kr